时间 | 事务T1 | 事务T2 |
1 | begin; select * from actor where actor_id=1 for update; | |
2 | begin; select * from actor where actor_id=2 for update; | |
3 | select * from actor where actor_id=2 for update; 被阻塞 | |
4 | select * from actor where actor_id=1 for update; ERROR 1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction 回滚掉 | |
5 |
通过 show engine innodb status; 查看
2021-11-14 19:14:42 0x7f9f9b651700
#死锁的发生时间2021-11-14 19:14:42
TRANSACTION 3957, ACTIVE 39 sec starting index read
#死锁发生时的第一个事务,事务id3957,活跃39秒,正在执行starting index read,此事务id比下一个事务id小,说明该事务是T1
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 2 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 1038, OS thread handle 140323910289152, query id 10706 localhost root statistics
select * from actor where actor_id=2 for update
RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 3 n bits 272 index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3957 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
#前面说过,lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting Record lock 表示X型的record锁
0: len 2; hex 0002; asc ;;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;;
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b011a; asc + ;;
3: len 4; hex 4e49434b; asc NICK;;
4: len 8; hex 5741484c42455247; asc WAHLBERG;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
TRANSACTION 3958, ACTIVE 31 sec starting index read
#死锁发生时第二个事务信息,该事务id3958,此ID比上一个小,也能得知该事务是T2,活跃31秒,正在执行starting index read操作
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 2 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 1039, OS thread handle 140323483621120, query id 10708 localhost root statistics
select * from actor where actor_id=1 for update
*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 3 n bits 272 index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3958 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
#已获取的锁lock_mode X locks rec but not gap Record lock 记录锁
0: len 2; hex 0002; asc ;;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;;
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b011a; asc + ;;
3: len 4; hex 4e49434b; asc NICK;;
4: len 8; hex 5741484c42455247; asc WAHLBERG;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 3 n bits 272 index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3958 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 2; hex 0001; asc ;;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;;
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b0110; asc + ;;
3: len 8; hex 50454e454c4f5045; asc PENELOPE;;
4: len 7; hex 4755494e455353; asc GUINESS;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
Trx id counter 3959
Purge done for trx's n:o < 3930 undo n:o < 0 state: running but idle
History list length 0
---TRANSACTION 421799341400576, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421799341399664, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421799341398752, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 3957, ACTIVE 273 sec
3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 2 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 1038, OS thread handle 140323910289152, query id 10706 localhost root
TABLE LOCK table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3957 lock mode IX
RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 3 n bits 272 index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3957 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 2; hex 0001; asc ;;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;;
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b0110; asc + ;;
3: len 8; hex 50454e454c4f5045; asc PENELOPE;;
4: len 7; hex 4755494e455353; asc GUINESS;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
RECORD LOCKS space id 45 page no 3 n bits 272 index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3957 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 2; hex 0002; asc ;;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;;
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b011a; asc + ;;
3: len 4; hex 4e49434b; asc NICK;;
4: len 8; hex 5741484c42455247; asc WAHLBERG;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
(1) TRANSACTION,是第一个事务的信息;
(2) TRANSACTION,是第二个事务的信息;
(3)WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (2),是最终的处理结果,表示回滚了第二个事务。
第一个事务的信息中:WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED,表示的是这个事务在等待的锁信息;
index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor`,说明在等的是表actor上的主键上的记录锁;
lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting Record lock 表示这个语句要自己加一个X性的record锁,当前状态是等待中;
n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 2; hex 0002; asc ;;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;;
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b011a; asc + ;;
3: len 4; hex 4e49434b; asc NICK;;
4: len 8; hex 5741484c42455247; asc WAHLBERG;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
n_fields 6 表示这个记录是六列
0: len 2; hex 0002; asc ;; 是第一个字段,也就是 actor_id。值是十六进制0002,也就是 2;
1: len 6; hex 000000000ef8; asc ;; 计算得出是 3832
2: len 7; hex cf0000032b011a; asc + ;;
3: len 4; hex 4e49434b; asc NICK;;
4: len 8; hex 5741484c42455247; asc WAHLBERG;;
5: len 4; hex 43f23ed9; asc C > ;;
mysql> select * from actor where actor_id=2 for update;
| actor_id | first_name | last_name | last_update |
| 2 | NICK | WAHLBERG | 2006-02-15 04:34:33 |
这两行里面的 asc 表示的是,接下来要打印出值里面的“可打印字符”。
第一个事务信息就只显示出了等锁的状态,在等待 (主键值等于2) 这一行的锁。
“ HOLDS THE LOCK(S)”用来显示这个事务持有哪些锁;
index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3958 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock 表示锁是在表actor主键索引 actor_id上;
0: len 2; hex 0002; asc ;; 表示这个事务持有主键=2的记录锁;
WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED,表示在等 (actor_id=1) 这个记录锁。
index PRIMARY of table `sakila`.`actor` trx id 3958 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting Record lock
表示锁是在表actor主键索引 actor_id上;
0: len 2; hex 0001; asc ;;
由此可以得出在等 (actor_id=1) 这个记录锁。