

原创 chirpyli 2023-09-27





WAL日志,在数据库实例的pg_wal文件目录中,默认文件大小为16MB,文件名有其命名规则,文件名长度24个字符(TimeLine + 逻辑ID + 段号),每个字符以十六进制表示,前8个字符是事务日志的时间线(TimeLine),中间8位是逻辑ID,最后8位是段号。 具体的WAL日志存在WAL日志文件中,WAL的日志以LSN进行标识,由日志的逻辑ID、段号以及段内偏移量构成LSN。LSN可以用形如0/1696FD0的字符串表示,其中斜线前面的0代表日志的逻辑ID,斜线后的1表示段ID,这里比较特殊,因为斜线后面是7位字符,后6位数是代表这个LSN在段内的偏移量,前面2位,这里0被省略了,前面的1表示段ID。当前时间线为1,所以,上面就表示0/1696FD0对于的日志文件是000000010000000000000001,在文件中的偏移量是6909904(将696FD0由16进制转为10进制)

postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata/pg_wal$ ls -lh total 17M -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16M 9月 26 14:48 000000010000000000000001 drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4.0K 9月 23 10:41 archive_status

我们看一下LSN对于的日志文件, :

postgres=# show wal_segment_size; wal_segment_size ------------------ 16MB (1 row) postgres=# select pg_current_wal_insert_lsn(); pg_current_wal_insert_lsn --------------------------- 0/1696FD0 (1 row) postgres=# select pg_walfile_name(pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()); pg_walfile_name -------------------------- 000000010000000000000001 (1 row)


PG提供了查看事务日志的方法,方便开发者进行调试,编译时可打开WAL_DEBUG编译开关,例如:./configure --prefix=/home/postgres/pgsql --enable-debug --enable-cassert --enable-depend CFLAGS="-O0" CPPFLAGS='-DWAL_DEBUG'进行编译,设置set wal_debug = on即可。

postgres=# begin; BEGIN postgres=*# select pg_current_wal_insert_lsn(); pg_current_wal_insert_lsn --------------------------- 0/1696FD0 (1 row) postgres=*# insert into t1 values(3),(4),(5); LOG: INSERT @ 0/1697090: - Heap/INSERT: off 3 flags 0x00 LOG: INSERT @ 0/16970D0: - Heap/INSERT: off 4 flags 0x00 LOG: INSERT @ 0/1697110: - Heap/INSERT: off 5 flags 0x00 INSERT 0 3 postgres=*# select pg_current_wal_insert_lsn(); pg_current_wal_insert_lsn --------------------------- 0/1697148 (1 row) postgres=*# select txid_current(); txid_current -------------- 737 (1 row) postgres=*# commit; LOG: INSERT @ 0/1697170: - Transaction/COMMIT: 2023-09-26 16:53:37.499218+08 LOG: xlog flush request 0/1697170; write 0/1696FD0; flush 0/1696FD0 COMMIT

更详细的,除了查看日志信息,还可以通过pg_waldump工具解析日志文件。例如,在插入前,事务日志的插入点是0/1696FD0,我们查看这个位置之后的WAL日志,我们看到有3条insert日志,事务ID是737, 开启了full page write。

postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata$ pg_waldump -s 0/1696FD0 pg_wal/000000010000000000000001 rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 54/ 186, tx: 737, lsn: 0/01696FD0, prev 0/01696F98, desc: INSERT off 3 flags 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/13010/16384 blk 0 FPW rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 59/ 59, tx: 737, lsn: 0/01697090, prev 0/01696FD0, desc: INSERT off 4 flags 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/13010/16384 blk 0 rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 59/ 59, tx: 737, lsn: 0/016970D0, prev 0/01697090, desc: INSERT off 5 flags 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/13010/16384 blk 0 rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 54/ 54, tx: 0, lsn: 0/01697110, prev 0/016970D0, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 738 latestCompletedXid 736 oldestRunningXid 737; 1 xacts: 737 pg_waldump: fatal: error in WAL record at 0/1697110: invalid record length at 0/1697148: wanted 24, got 0



日志文件(段)--> 页 --> (页头 + 日志记录...)



// 非日志段第一个页面的页Header typedef struct XLogPageHeaderData { uint16 xlp_magic; /* magic value for correctness checks */ uint16 xlp_info; /* flag bits, see below */ TimeLineID xlp_tli; /* TimeLineID of first record on page */ // 当前日志页面敌营的日志文件中的开始位置 XLogRecPtr xlp_pageaddr; /* XLOG address of this page */ // 日志记录跨页面保存时,当前页面续接上一个页面的部分日志的长度 uint32 xlp_rem_len; /* total len of remaining data for record */ } XLogPageHeaderData; // 日志段第一个页面的页Header typedef struct XLogLongPageHeaderData { XLogPageHeaderData std; /* standard header fields */ uint64 xlp_sysid; /* system identifier from pg_control */ uint32 xlp_seg_size; /* just as a cross-check */ uint32 xlp_xlog_blcksz; /* just as a cross-check */ } XLogLongPageHeaderData;


// 日志段1 /* 第1个页面 第2个页面 页面n ... | XLogLongPageHeaderData | XLogPageHeaderData | | XLogRecord1 | XLogRecord3的后半部分| | XLogRecord2 | XLogRecord4 | | XLogRecord3 前半部分 | XLogRecord5 | // 日志段2 // ... // 日志段n */


typedef struct XLogRecord { uint32 xl_tot_len; /* total len of entire record */ // 日志记录的长度 TransactionId xl_xid; /* xact id */ // 事务ID XLogRecPtr xl_prev; /* ptr to previous record in log */ // 上一条日志记录的LSN uint8 xl_info; /* flag bits, see below */ // 产生这个记录的动作 RmgrId xl_rmid; /* resource manager for this record */ /* 2 bytes of padding here, initialize to zero */ pg_crc32c xl_crc; /* CRC for this record */ /* XLogRecordBlockHeaders and XLogRecordDataHeader follow, no padding */ // 日志记录的数据信息 } XLogRecord;


/* * The overall layout of an XLOG record is: * Fixed-size header (XLogRecord struct) // 每个日志记录固定的头部信息 * XLogRecordBlockHeader struct // 每个日志记录可以有0~N个Block头部信息,与下面的BlockData对应 * XLogRecordBlockHeader struct * ... * XLogRecordDataHeader[Short|Long] struct // 日志记录的实际数据信息 * block data * block data * ... * main data * * There can be zero or more XLogRecordBlockHeaders, and 0 or more bytes of * rmgr-specific data not associated with a block. XLogRecord structs * always start on MAXALIGN boundaries in the WAL files, but the rest of * the fields are not aligned. * * The XLogRecordBlockHeader, XLogRecordDataHeaderShort and * XLogRecordDataHeaderLong structs all begin with a single 'id' byte. It's * used to distinguish between block references, and the main data structs. */


// Header info for block data appended to an XLOG record. typedef struct XLogRecordBlockHeader { uint8 id; /* block reference ID */ uint8 fork_flags; /* fork within the relation, and flags */ uint16 data_length; /* number of payload bytes (not including page image) */ } XLogRecordBlockHeader; typedef struct XLogRecordDataHeaderShort { uint8 id; /* XLR_BLOCK_ID_DATA_SHORT */ uint8 data_length; /* number of payload bytes */ // 数据长度 } XLogRecordDataHeaderShort; typedef struct XLogRecordDataHeaderLong { uint8 id; /* XLR_BLOCK_ID_DATA_LONG */ /* followed by uint32 data_length, unaligned */ } XLogRecordDataHeaderLong;


在事务提交时,需要将事务日志落盘。也就是说在事务运行过程中,事务日志并非实时刷入磁盘。PG在共享内存中分配了XLog Buffer来缓存WAL日志页面,当需要写入新的日志记录时,这些日志记录会被写入XLog Buffer的页面中,当有事务提交时,会将XLog Buffer中的缓存页面落盘,保证数据不丢失。


/* Total shared-memory state for XLOG.*/ typedef struct XLogCtlData { XLogCtlInsert Insert; // 控制日志插入的结构体 XLogwrtRqst LogwrtRqst; // 日志需要写入和刷入的LSN XLogRecPtr RedoRecPtr; /* a recent copy of Insert->RedoRecPtr */ FullTransactionId ckptFullXid; // 最近一次Checkpoint时对应的下一个事务ID XLogRecPtr asyncXactLSN; /* 最新更新的异步提交LSNt */ // 日志复制时每个备机会占用一个槽位slot,这里记录所有备机中最小的刷入LSN XLogRecPtr replicationSlotMinLSN; /* oldest LSN needed by any slot */ // 最近一次删除的日志段ID XLogSegNo lastRemovedSegNo; /* latest removed/recycled XLOG segment */ /* Fake LSN counter, for unlogged relations. Protected by ulsn_lck. */ XLogRecPtr unloggedLSN; slock_t ulsn_lck; /* Time and LSN of last xlog segment switch. Protected by WALWriteLock. */ pg_time_t lastSegSwitchTime; // WAL切换到不同的段时,记录当前的时间和刷入的日志的LSN XLogRecPtr lastSegSwitchLSN; XLogwrtResult LogwrtResult; // 日志已经写入和刷入的LSN XLogRecPtr InitializedUpTo; // 当前XLog Buffer分配的页面中的最后一个页面的LSN // XLog Buffer中的页面以及页面的编号 char *pages; /* buffers for unwritten XLOG pages */ XLogRecPtr *xlblocks; /* 1st byte ptr-s + XLOG_BLCKSZ */ int XLogCacheBlck; /* highest allocated xlog buffer index */ // 当前的时间线信息 TimeLineID ThisTimeLineID; TimeLineID PrevTimeLineID; /* SharedRecoveryState indicates if we're still in crash or archive recovery. Protected by info_lck.*/ RecoveryState SharedRecoveryState; /* SharedHotStandbyActive indicates if we allow hot standby queries to be run. Protected by info_lck.*/ bool SharedHotStandbyActive; /*SharedPromoteIsTriggered indicates if a standby promotion has beentriggered.*/ bool SharedPromoteIsTriggered; /* WalWriterSleeping indicates whether the WAL writer is currently in low-power mode */ bool WalWriterSleeping; /* recoveryWakeupLatch is used to wake up the startup process to continue * WAL replay, if it is waiting for WAL to arrive or failover trigger file to appear. */ Latch recoveryWakeupLatch; /* During recovery, we keep a copy of the latest checkpoint record here. * lastCheckPointRecPtr points to start of checkpoint record and * lastCheckPointEndPtr points to end+1 of checkpoint record. Used by the * checkpointer when it wants to create a restartpoint. * * Protected by info_lck. */ XLogRecPtr lastCheckPointRecPtr; XLogRecPtr lastCheckPointEndPtr; CheckPoint lastCheckPoint; /* lastReplayedEndRecPtr points to end+1 of the last record successfully * replayed. When we're currently replaying a record, ie. in a redo * function, replayEndRecPtr points to the end+1 of the record being * replayed, otherwise it's equal to lastReplayedEndRecPtr.*/ XLogRecPtr lastReplayedEndRecPtr; TimeLineID lastReplayedTLI; XLogRecPtr replayEndRecPtr; TimeLineID replayEndTLI; /* timestamp of last COMMIT/ABORT record replayed (or being replayed) */ TimestampTz recoveryLastXTime; /* timestamp of when we started replaying the current chunk of WAL data, only relevant for replication or archive recovery */ TimestampTz currentChunkStartTime; /* Recovery pause state */ RecoveryPauseState recoveryPauseState; ConditionVariable recoveryNotPausedCV; /* lastFpwDisableRecPtr points to the start of the last replayed * XLOG_FPW_CHANGE record that instructs full_page_writes is disabled.*/ XLogRecPtr lastFpwDisableRecPtr; slock_t info_lck; /* locks shared variables shown above */ } XLogCtlData; static XLogCtlData *XLogCtl = NULL; // 定义了静态全局变量XLogCtl


/* Shared state data for WAL insertion. */ typedef struct XLogCtlInsert { slock_t insertpos_lck; /* protects CurrBytePos and PrevBytePos */ /* * CurrBytePos is the end of reserved WAL. The next record will be * inserted at that position. PrevBytePos is the start position of the * previously inserted (or rather, reserved) record - it is copied to the * prev-link of the next record. These are stored as "usable byte * positions" rather than XLogRecPtrs (see XLogBytePosToRecPtr()). */ uint64 CurrBytePos; // 新日志写入的位置 uint64 PrevBytePos; // 新日志需要记录前一条日志的LSN /* * Make sure the above heavily-contended spinlock and byte positions are * on their own cache line. In particular, the RedoRecPtr and full page * write variables below should be on a different cache line. They are * read on every WAL insertion, but updated rarely, and we don't want * those reads to steal the cache line containing Curr/PrevBytePos. */ char pad[PG_CACHE_LINE_SIZE]; // FPW相关变量 XLogRecPtr RedoRecPtr; /* current redo point for insertions */ bool forcePageWrites; /* forcing full-page writes for PITR? */ bool fullPageWrites; // pg_start_backup/pg_stop_backup设置 // 在线备份 ExclusiveBackupState exclusiveBackupState; int nonExclusiveBackups; XLogRecPtr lastBackupStart; // lastBackupStart is the latest checkpoint redo location used as a starting point for an online backup. WALInsertLockPadded *WALInsertLocks; // WAL日志插入时的锁 } XLogCtlInsert;



/* An array of XLogRecData structs, to hold registered data. */ static XLogRecData *rdatas; // 长度为XLR_NORMAL_RDATAS的数组,用来保存日志数据信息 static int num_rdatas; /* entries currently used */ static int max_rdatas; /* allocated size */ /* A chain of XLogRecDatas to hold the "main data" of a WAL record, registered with XLogRegisterData(...).*/ static XLogRecData *mainrdata_head; // 指针变量,日志数据信息,XLogRegisterData函数注册数据时,从rdatas数组中获取槽位,并通过mainrdata系列变量串联起来 static XLogRecData *mainrdata_last = (XLogRecData *) &mainrdata_head; static uint32 mainrdata_len; /* total # of bytes in chain */ #define XLR_NORMAL_MAX_BLOCK_ID 4 #define XLR_NORMAL_RDATAS 20 typedef struct { bool in_use; /* 槽位是否在使用中*/ uint8 flags; /* REGBUF_* flags */ /* 页面对于的物理信息 */ RelFileNode rnode; ForkNumber forkno; BlockNumber block; Page page; /* 页面内容指针 */ // XLogRegisterBufData会注册进来的长度 uint32 rdata_len; /* total length of data in rdata chain */ // XLogRegisterBufData会注册数据到这个链表 XLogRecData *rdata_head; /* head of the chain of data registered with this block */ XLogRecData *rdata_tail; /* last entry in the chain, or &rdata_head if empty */ XLogRecData bkp_rdatas[2]; /* temporary rdatas used to hold references to backup block data in XLogRecordAssemble() */ /* buffer to store a compressed version of backup block image */ char compressed_page[PGLZ_MAX_BLCKSZ]; // 压缩页面所使用的临时空间 } registered_buffer; // 页面占用registered_buffers中的槽位序号由手工指定。也就是说当需要注册两个页面时,就为两个页面设置编号0和1,分别会占用数组中的0号和1号槽位 static registered_buffer *registered_buffers; // 长度为XLR_NORMAL_MAX_BLOCK_ID+1的数组,用于注册被修改的页面信息,由XLogRegisterBuffer注册页面时,会在其中占用一个槽位 static int max_registered_buffers; /* allocated size */ static int max_registered_block_id = 0; /* highest block_id + 1 currently registered */ #define HEADER_SCRATCH_SIZE \ (SizeOfXLogRecord + \ MaxSizeOfXLogRecordBlockHeader * (XLR_MAX_BLOCK_ID + 1) + \ SizeOfXLogRecordDataHeaderLong + SizeOfXlogOrigin + \ SizeOfXLogTransactionId) static char *hdr_scratch = NULL; // 在组装日志时使用的临时内存,长度为HEADER_SCRATCH_SIZ,保存日志记录的Header部分


/* Allocate working buffers needed for WAL record construction. */ void InitXLogInsert(void) { /* Initialize the working areas */ if (xloginsert_cxt == NULL) { xloginsert_cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext, "WAL record construction", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); } if (registered_buffers == NULL) { registered_buffers = (registered_buffer *) MemoryContextAllocZero(xloginsert_cxt, sizeof(registered_buffer) * (XLR_NORMAL_MAX_BLOCK_ID + 1)); max_registered_buffers = XLR_NORMAL_MAX_BLOCK_ID + 1; } if (rdatas == NULL) { rdatas = MemoryContextAlloc(xloginsert_cxt, sizeof(XLogRecData) * XLR_NORMAL_RDATAS); max_rdatas = XLR_NORMAL_RDATAS; } /* Allocate a buffer to hold the header information for a WAL record. */ if (hdr_scratch == NULL) hdr_scratch = MemoryContextAllocZero(xloginsert_cxt, HEADER_SCRATCH_SIZE); }

PG中提供了一套写入日志的“标准接口”,包括注册数据、组装数据及写入数据等。事务日志不直接写入WAL Buffer,而是先组成XLogRecData链表,然后将这个链表转化为一条事务日志。

/* The functions in xloginsert.c construct a chain of XLogRecData structs to represent the final WAL record.*/ typedef struct XLogRecData { struct XLogRecData *next; /* next struct in chain, or NULL */ char *data; /* start of rmgr data to include */ uint32 len; /* length of rmgr data to include */ } XLogRecData;


/* 0. 初始化用来临时保存日志的中间状态的几个变量 InitXLogInsert 1. 设置begininsert_called标识防止递归调用日志生成函数,以及代码安全检查工作 XLogBeginInsert 2. 注册一切所需信息,为组成日志记录做准备 XLogRegisterData 注册生成日志记录的数据,每调用一次就会在rdatas数组中占用一个槽位 XLogRegisterBlock // Like XLogRegisterBuffer, but for registering a block that's not in the shared buffer pool XLogRegisterBuffer // Register a reference to a buffer with the WAL record being constructed. XLogRegisterBufData // Add buffer-specific data to the WAL record that's being constructed. 3. 根据注册的信息,组装日志记录、写入日志记录 XLogInsert XLogRecordAssemble // 组装日志记录 XLogInsertRecord // 将日志记录写入日志缓存 XLogResetInsertion // 重置写入日志需要的各种变量 */


// 堆表中插入一条元组, 插入过程中会执行向WAL日志中插入一条日志记录 void heap_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup, CommandId cid, int options, BulkInsertState bistate) { TransactionId xid = GetCurrentTransactionId(); // 获取事务XID HeapTuple heaptup; Buffer buffer; Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer; bool all_visible_cleared = false; // ... // 构造HeapTuple, 添加事务等信息 heaptup = heap_prepare_insert(relation, tup, xid, cid, options); // Buffer中获取足够插入tuple大小的页, 要大于heaptup->t_len buffer = RelationGetBufferForTuple(relation, heaptup->t_len, InvalidBuffer, options, bistate, &vmbuffer, NULL); // ... // 向页中插入tuple RelationPutHeapTuple(relation, buffer, heaptup, (options & HEAP_INSERT_SPECULATIVE) != 0); // ... // 页插入tuple后,标识为脏页 MarkBufferDirty(buffer); // 向WAL日志中插入日志记录 /* XLOG stuff */ if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation)) { xl_heap_insert xlrec; xl_heap_header xlhdr; XLogRecPtr recptr; Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); uint8 info = XLOG_HEAP_INSERT; int bufflags = 0; /* If this is a catalog, we need to transmit combo CIDs to properly decode, so log that as well. */ if (RelationIsAccessibleInLogicalDecoding(relation)) log_heap_new_cid(relation, heaptup); /* If this is the single and first tuple on page, we can reinit the page instead of restoring the whole thing. Set flag, and hide buffer references from XLogInsert. */ if (ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&(heaptup->t_self)) == FirstOffsetNumber && PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) == FirstOffsetNumber) { info |= XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE; bufflags |= REGBUF_WILL_INIT; } xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&heaptup->t_self); xlrec.flags = 0; if (all_visible_cleared) xlrec.flags |= XLH_INSERT_ALL_VISIBLE_CLEARED; if (options & HEAP_INSERT_SPECULATIVE) xlrec.flags |= XLH_INSERT_IS_SPECULATIVE; Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&heaptup->t_self) == BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer)); /* For logical decoding, we need the tuple even if we're doing a full page write, so make sure it's included even if we take a full-page image. */ if (RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation) && !(options & HEAP_INSERT_NO_LOGICAL)) { xlrec.flags |= XLH_INSERT_CONTAINS_NEW_TUPLE; bufflags |= REGBUF_KEEP_DATA; if (IsToastRelation(relation)) xlrec.flags |= XLH_INSERT_ON_TOAST_RELATION; } XLogBeginInsert(); XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapInsert); // 在这里数据是tuple的数据 xlhdr.t_infomask2 = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask2; xlhdr.t_infomask = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask; xlhdr.t_hoff = heaptup->t_data->t_hoff; /* note we mark xlhdr as belonging to buffer; if XLogInsert decides to write the whole page to the xlog, we don't need to store xl_heap_header in the xlog. */ // INSERT操作只注册了一个页面,它占用的是0号槽位 XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD | bufflags); // 数据页Buffer // 0号槽位已经注册了Buffer数据,向0号页面注册元组相关的数据 XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &xlhdr, SizeOfHeapHeader); /* PG73FORMAT: write bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */ XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) heaptup->t_data + SizeofHeapTupleHeader, heaptup->t_len - SizeofHeapTupleHeader); /* filtering by origin on a row level is much more efficient */ XLogSetRecordFlags(XLOG_INCLUDE_ORIGIN); recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, info); // 把数据写入WAL Buffer PageSetLSN(page, recptr); } // ... }


29.5. WAL内部

