
PG 16.1 standby logical decoding


大家好,今天我们聊一聊PG16的新特性: logical decoding on standby server.



业界著名厂商crunchydata 早在今年6月份的blog中也公布这个PG16的新特性:

1.可以在只读的standby server上进行逻辑解码了
2.减少了primary server的压力




Server IP port PG version DB role 6100 16.1 Primary 6100 16.1 Standby (streaming replication) 6100 16.1 Primary (logical replication from standby)

我们选用2节点170和171作为1主1从的stream replication: wal_level是logical

postgres=# select version(); version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 16.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5), 64-bit (1 row) postgres=# show wal_level; wal_level ----------- logical (1 row) postgres=# select * from pg_stat_replication; pid | usesysid | usename | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | backen d_start | backend_xmin | state | sent_lsn | write_lsn | flush_lsn | replay_lsn | write_lag | flush_lag | replay_lag | sync_priority | sync_state | reply_time -------+----------+---------+------------------+--------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------- ----------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+----------------- +-----------------+-----------------+---------------+------------+------------------------------- 56985 | 16384 | repmgr | pref171 | | | 47208 | 2023-12-10 17: 17:43.222998+08 | | streaming | 0/E004B38 | 0/E004B38 | 0/E004B38 | 0/E004B38 | 00:00:00.000321 | 00:00:00.000743 | 00:00:00.000809 | 0 | async | 2023-12-10 17:18:17.885619+08 (1 row)

我们先登录主库: 创建一个全新的数据库,同步的表,以及同步的账户

postgres=# create database db_pg16_local_decode template template0 encoding UTF8 lc_collate 'C' lc_ctype 'C.UTF-8'; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c db_pg16_local_decode You are now connected to database "db_pg16_local_decode" as user "postgres". postgres=# create user logical_user replication login connection limit 10 encrypted password 'logical_user'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# create table t_order(id int not null primary key , good_name varchar(200), location varchar(20)); CREATE TABLE postgres=# grant select on t_order to logical_user; GRANT

我们继续在主库创建一个发布者 publication:

db_pg16_local_decode=# CREATE PUBLICATION pg16_pub FOR TABLE t_order; CREATE PUBLICATION db_pg16_local_decode=# select * from pg_publication; oid | pubname | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate | pubviaroot -------+----------+----------+--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+------------ 16627 | pg16_pub | 10 | f | t | t | t | t | f (1 row)

我们登陆streaming replication的从库,设置一下 hot_standby_feedback = on
(这个参数的打开,会产生一些负面的影响,比如影响主库的vacuum , 可以参考 https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/what-hot_standby_feedback-in-postgresql-really-does/ )

postgres=# alter system set hot_standby_feedback = 'on'; ALTER SYSTEM postgres=# select pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# show hot_standby_feedback; hot_standby_feedback ---------------------- on (1 row)


postgres=# create database pg16_target_report_db template template0 encoding UTF8 LC_Collate 'C' LC_CTYPE 'C.UTF-8'; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c pg16_target_report_db You are now connected to database "pg16_target_report_db" as user "postgres". pg16_target_report_db=# create table t_order(id int not null primary key , good_name varchar(200), location varchar(20)); CREATE TABLE

接下来,我们创建一个订阅者: 这里我们指定的host的地址是standby server

pg16_target_report_db=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION pg16_sub CONNECTION 'host= port=6100 dbname=db_pg16_local_decode application_name=logical_replication user=logical_user password=logical_user' publication pg16_pub; ...


db_pg16_local_decode=# SELECT pg_log_standby_snapshot(); pg_log_standby_snapshot ------------------------- 0/10AF1340 (1 row)


NOTICE: created replication slot "pg16_sub" on publisher CREATE SUBSCRIPTION

这个时候,我们登陆standby database , 查看复制流的信息:

postgres=# SELECT pid, application_name, state, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication; pid | application_name | state | sync_state -------+---------------------+-----------+------------ 27777 | logical_replication | streaming | async (1 row)

查看standby database上的逻辑复制槽的信息

postgres=# select slot_name,slot_type,database ,confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | slot_type | database | confirmed_flush_lsn -----------+-----------+----------------------+--------------------- pg16_sub | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/10B1A950 (1 row)



db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (1,'豆腐脑','TJ'); INSERT 0 1 db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (2,'煎饼果子','TJ'); INSERT 0 1 db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (3,'卤煮','BJ'); INSERT 0 1 db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (4,'小笼包','SH'); INSERT 0 1

登陆reporting 的PG: 我们发现数据已经同步到位

pg16_target_report_db=# select * from t_order; id | good_name | location ----+-----------+---------- 1 | 豆腐脑 | TJ 2 | 煎饼果子 | TJ 3 | 卤煮 | BJ 4 | 小笼包 | SH (4 rows)




下面我们测试一下,数据库一旦发生主从切换,standby database promote成为主库之后,逻辑复制槽依然正常工作的场景。

我们手动进行一个switchover: 这里我们采用repmgr的swithover的命令

INFRA [postgres@ljzdccapp007 repmgr]# /opt/pgsql-16/bin/repmgr standby switchover -f /data/prod6100/repmgr/repmgr.conf --siblings-follow NOTICE: executing switchover on node "pref171" (ID: 2) WARNING: option "--sibling-nodes" specified, but no sibling nodes exist NOTICE: attempting to pause repmgrd on 2 nodes NOTICE: local node "pref171" (ID: 2) will be promoted to primary; current primary "pref170" (ID: 1) will be demoted to standby NOTICE: stopping current primary node "pref170" (ID: 1) NOTICE: issuing CHECKPOINT on node "pref170" (ID: 1) DETAIL: executing server command "/opt/pgsql-16/bin/pg_ctl -D '/data/prod6100/data' -W -m fast stop" INFO: checking for primary shutdown; 1 of 60 attempts ("shutdown_check_timeout") INFO: checking for primary shutdown; 2 of 60 attempts ("shutdown_check_timeout") NOTICE: current primary has been cleanly shut down at location 0/11000028 NOTICE: promoting standby to primary DETAIL: promoting server "pref171" (ID: 2) using pg_promote() NOTICE: waiting up to 60 seconds (parameter "promote_check_timeout") for promotion to complete NOTICE: STANDBY PROMOTE successful DETAIL: server "pref171" (ID: 2) was successfully promoted to primary NOTICE: node "pref171" (ID: 2) promoted to primary, node "pref170" (ID: 1) demoted to standby NOTICE: switchover was successful DETAIL: node "pref171" is now primary and node "pref170" is attached as standby NOTICE: STANDBY SWITCHOVER has completed successfully


INFRA [postgres@ljzdccapp007 repmgr]# /opt/pgsql-16/bin/repmgr -f /data/prod6100/repmgr/repmgr.conf cluster show ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string ----+---------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | pref170 | standby | running | pref171 | default | 100 | 3 | host= port=6100 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2 2 | pref171 | primary | * running | | default | 100 | 4 | host= port=6100 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2

我们去新的主库观察逻辑复制槽:confirmed_flush_lsn 一直在不停的变化说明同步一直在进行

postgres=# select slot_name,slot_type,database ,confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | slot_type | database | confirmed_flush_lsn -----------+-----------+----------------------+--------------------- pg16_sub | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/1100A3D8 (1 row) postgres=# select slot_name,slot_type,database ,confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | slot_type | database | confirmed_flush_lsn -----------+-----------+----------------------+--------------------- pg16_sub | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/1100AE58 (1 row)


postgres=# \c db_pg16_local_decode You are now connected to database "db_pg16_local_decode" as user "postgres". db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (5,'车仔面','HK'); INSERT 0 1 db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (6,'蚵仔煎','TW'); INSERT 0 1

我们查看目标reporting的PG实例,车仔面和蚵仔煎已经同步到位 🙂

pg16_target_report_db=# select * from t_order; id | good_name | location ----+-----------+---------- 1 | 豆腐脑 | TJ 2 | 煎饼果子 | TJ 3 | 卤煮 | BJ 4 | 小笼包 | SH 5 | 车仔面 | HK 6 | 蚵仔煎 | TW (6 rows)

这个时候可能有的同学会问,同步的架构又变成了 主库 logical decoding 到 reporting 数据库:

那么想要继续恢复 standby logical decoding 到 reporting 数据库的架构该如何做呢?


1.我们创建一下disable状态的订阅者指向new standby WITH (enabled=false,copy_data=false)

pg16_target_report_db=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION pg16_sub_new CONNECTION 'host= port=6100 dbname=db_pg16_local_decode application_name=logical_replication user=logical_user password=logical_user' publication pg16_pub WITH (enabled=false,copy_data=false); NOTICE: created replication slot "pg16_sub_new" on publisher CREATE SUBSCRIPTION
  1. 我们暂停指向主库的订阅者
pg16_target_report_db=# alter SUBSCRIPTION pg16_sub disable; ALTER SUBSCRIPTION

3.查看同步的LSN的位置: 记录下LSN = 0/113449D8


db_pg16_local_decode=# select slot_name,slot_type,database ,confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | slot_type | database | confirmed_flush_lsn -----------+-----------+----------------------+--------------------- pg16_sub | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/113449D8 (1 row)


db_pg16_local_decode=# insert into t_order (id, good_name,location) values (8,'叉烧饭','GZ'); INSERT 0 1

4.我们设置新的订阅者的 original LSN的位置是 0/113449D8

pg16_target_report_db=# select roident, subname, roname from pg_subscription sub, pg_replication_origin ro where 'pg_' || sub.oid = ro.roname; roident | subname | roname ---------+--------------+---------- 1 | pg16_sub | pg_24744 2 | pg16_sub_new | pg_24746 (2 rows) pg16_target_report_db=# select pg_replication_origin_advance('pg_24750', '0/113449D8'::pg_lsn); pg_replication_origin_advance ------------------------------- (1 row)


pg16_target_report_db=# alter SUBSCRIPTION pg16_sub_new enable; ALTER SUBSCRIPTION

6.查看数据同步: 我们发现叉烧饭已经同步过来

pg16_target_report_db=# select * from t_order; id | good_name | location ----+-----------+---------- 1 | 豆腐脑 | TJ 2 | 煎饼果子 | TJ 3 | 卤煮 | BJ 4 | 小笼包 | SH 5 | 车仔面 | HK 6 | 蚵仔煎 | TW 8 | 叉烧饭 | GZ (7 rows)

7.观察new standby 上的逻辑槽的运行状态正常

db_pg16_local_decode=# select slot_name,slot_type,database ,confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | slot_type | database | confirmed_flush_lsn --------------+-----------+----------------------+--------------------- pg16_sub_new | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/113748A8 (1 row) db_pg16_local_decode=# select slot_name,slot_type,database ,confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | slot_type | database | confirmed_flush_lsn --------------+-----------+----------------------+--------------------- pg16_sub_new | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/11374A78 (1 row)


pg16_target_report_db=# drop SUBSCRIPTION pg16_sub; NOTICE: dropped replication slot "pg16_sub" on publisher DROP SUBSCRIPTION


在实际工作中,逻辑槽的消费订阅者有可能是不同版本的PG数据库,也有可能是flink CDC 这种程序来消费。


replication_lag 查询 from主库:pg_current_wal_lsn() - confirmed_flush_lsn
replication_lag 查询 from从库:pg_last_wal_replay_lsn() - confirmed_flush_lsn

db_pg16_local_decode=# select slot_name,slot_type,database,pg_last_wal_replay_lsn(),confirmed_flush_lsn, pg_last_wal_replay_lsn() - confirmed_flush_lsn AS replication_lag FROM pg_replication_slots; slot_name | slot_type | database | pg_last_wal_replay_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn | replication_lag --------------+-----------+----------------------+------------------------+---------------------+----------------- pg16_sub_new | logical | db_pg16_local_decode | 0/113F6890 | 0/113F6890 | 0 (1 row)

我们也可以监控一下复制集中wal 的 replay time:

db_pg16_local_decode=# select usename,application_name ,now() - reply_time as replay_lag from pg_stat_replication; usename | application_name | replay_lag --------------+---------------------+----------------- logical_user | logical_replication | 00:00:01.475631 (1 row)


1)PG 16版本开始支持 standby logical decoding, 当 standby promote 成主库的时候,逻辑复制一般情况下不受影响(我们测试了switchover的情况)。

2)逻辑复制如果想要从primary上迁移到standby 上的步骤:
a.创建一个新的standby 的订阅者,初始状态是disable的,并且设置copy_data=false
b.停止原先指向主库的订阅者,并记录下之前同步截止的LSN (confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots)
c.通过函数pg_replication_origin_advance 设置 standby 订阅者同步起点LSN的位置。(pg_replication_origin_advance 这个函数还可以解决逻辑同步冲突的问题)
d.激活standby 订阅者

3)从LSN 和 replay_time 2个维度,减少了逻辑复制的延时lag的监控。

Have a fun 🙂 !

本文配图来自于 PG 业界著名厂商 Crunchy data。
参考文档 References:


最后修改时间:2023-12-13 09:21:33
