

原创 szrsu 2024-11-12



以下操作环境是在Centos7.9 x64系统上进行的


yum install mt-st -y
yum install mtx sg3_utils-libs -y
yum install sg3_utils-libs -y
yum install sg3_utils -y
yum install sg3_utils-devel -y
yum install lsscsi -y
yum install iscsi-initiator-utils -y
yum install  kernel -y
yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r) -y
yum install  kernel-headers -y
yum install lzo-devel -y
yum install zlib-devel -y


useradd vtl
mkdir /opt/mhvtl
mkdir /etc/mhvtl
chown -R vtl:vtl /opt/mhvtl/
chown -R vtl:vtl /etc/mhvtl/



[root@ora19c:~]# tar -xf mhvtl-2023-03-10.tgz -C /usr/local/
[root@ora19c:~]# cd /usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/

[root@ora19c:~]# cd /usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel/
[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel]# export KDIR=/usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64/
###3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 为 uname -r的结果

[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel]# make -j 4 && make install
make -C /lib/modules/3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64/build M=/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64'
  CC [M]  /usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel/mhvtl.o
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 1 modules
  CC      /usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel/mhvtl.mod.o
  LD [M]  /usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel/mhvtl.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64'
install -o root -g root -m 644 mhvtl.ko /lib/modules/3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/; \
depmod -a; \
if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules" ]; then \
	sed -i 's/^allow_unsupported_modules 0/allow_unsupported_modules 1/' /etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules; \

[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel]# modprobe mhvtl
[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel]# lsmod |grep  mhvtl
mhvtl                  37949  0 


[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel]# cd ..
[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# make -j 4 && make install
make -C usr
make -C etc
make -C scripts
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/etc'
sed -e s'/@CONF_PATH@/\/etc\/mhvtl/' \
    -e s'/@HOME_PATH@/\/opt\/mhvtl/' mhvtl.conf.in > mhvtl.conf
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/scripts'
sed -e s'/@CONF_PATH@/\/etc\/mhvtl/' update_device.conf.in > update_device.conf
sed -e s'/@CONF_PATH@/\/etc\/mhvtl/' \
    -e s'/@HOME_PATH@/\/opt\/mhvtl/' vtltape@.service.in > vtltape@.service
sed -e s'/@CONF_PATH@/\/etc\/mhvtl/' \
    -e s'/@HOME_PATH@/\/opt\/mhvtl/' vtllibrary@.service.in > vtllibrary@.service
===> Creating entry: /opt/mhvtl/G03039TA ...
Creating tape data ...
Creating new media directory: /opt/mhvtl/G03039TA
Creating new media data file: /opt/mhvtl/G03039TA/data
Creating new media index file: /opt/mhvtl/G03039TA/indx
Creating new media meta file: /opt/mhvtl/G03039TA/meta
mktape: create_tape(): /opt/mhvtl/G03039TA files created


# make -j 4 && make install
make -C /usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64/ M=/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7/kernel modules
make: *** /usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64/: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** [default] Error 2


  • 先看一下自己机器的内核版本 uname -r (因为mhvtl的Makefile文件是获取系统的参数再去找的)
  • rpm -qa|grep kernel-devel查看安装的版本是不是跟uname -r结果的版本相匹配,如果不匹配,先手动卸载该kernel-devel,执行 yum remove kernel-devel-*** 命令
  • 安装跟uname -r相匹配的kernel-devel:yum install kernel-devel-(unamer)kernelheaders(uname -r) kernel-headers-(uname -r) -y
  • 安装好了之后再/usr/src/kernels下就有了和uname -r查出来的相匹配的文件了




[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# ls /etc/mhvtl/
device.conf  library_contents.10  library_contents.30  mhvtl.conf
[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# ls /opt/mhvtl/
CLN101L8  E01004L8  E01010L8  E01016L8  F01031L6  F01037L6  G03004TA  G03010TA  G03016TA  G03022TA  G03028TA  G03034TA
CLN102L6  E01005L8  E01011L8  E01017L8  F01032L6  F01038L6  G03005TA  G03011TA  G03017TA  G03023TA  G03029TA  G03035TA
CLN303TA  E01006L8  E01012L8  E01018L8  F01033L6  F01039L6  G03006TA  G03012TA  G03018TA  G03024TA  G03030TA  G03036TA
E01001L8  E01007L8  E01013L8  E01019L8  F01034L6  G03001TA  G03007TA  G03013TA  G03019TA  G03025TA  G03031TA  G03037TA
E01002L8  E01008L8  E01014L8  E01020L8  F01035L6  G03002TA  G03008TA  G03014TA  G03020TA  G03026TA  G03032TA  G03038TA
E01003L8  E01009L8  E01015L8  F01030L6  F01036L6  G03003TA  G03009TA  G03015TA  G03021TA  G03027TA  G03033TA  G03039TA


# cd /opt/mhvtl/CLN101L8/
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl/CLN101L8]# ls
data  indx  meta


data 指数据文件
meta 指设备描述文件
indx 指索引文件


[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# cat /etc/mhvtl/mhvtl.conf 
# mhvtl.conf

# Home directory for tape emulation files

# Default media capacity (500 M)

# Set default verbosity [0|1|2|3]

# Set kernel module debugging [0|1]

# vtltape and vtllibrary debugging [Blank or -d]



[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# systemctl enable mhvtl.target
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mhvtl.target to /usr/lib/systemd/system/mhvtl.target.
[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# systemctl start mhvtl.target

systemctl stop mhvtl.target


[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]#  ps -ef|grep vtl 
root      60783      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtllibrary -F -q10 -v1
root      60784      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q32 -v1
root      60785      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q11 -v1
root      60786      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtllibrary -F -q30 -v1
root      60787      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q13 -v1
root      60789      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q12 -v1
root      60790      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q34 -v1
root      60792      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q33 -v1
root      60794      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q31 -v1
root      60795      1  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/vtltape -F -q14 -v1

默认有10个相关的守护进程:2个 vtllibrary 和 8个 vtltape



lsscsi - 查看SCSI设备信息

mtx - 操作带库机械臂,Media Changer Tools, 介质切换工具,常用于scsi设备的备份控制,目前支持磁带库和DVD/CD库,mtx --help

mt -st - 操作带库的驱动,是一个包含了mt和stinit的磁带管理程序集合。Mt(Magnetic Tape)磁带程序, 能模拟控制磁带的rewinding(倒带), ejecting(弹出), skipping file and stock(跳过文件或块设备).

[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# lsscsi -g
[0:0:0:0]    disk    VMware,  VMware Virtual S 1.0   /dev/sda   /dev/sg0 
[0:0:1:0]    disk    VMware,  VMware Virtual S 1.0   /dev/sdb   /dev/sg1 
[2:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  NECVMWar VMware IDE CDR10 1.00  /dev/sr0   /dev/sg2 
[3:0:0:0]    mediumx STK      L700             0107  /dev/sch0  /dev/sg3 
[3:0:1:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD8      0107  /dev/st0   /dev/sg4 
[3:0:2:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD8      0107  /dev/st3   /dev/sg8 
[3:0:3:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD6      0107  /dev/st7   /dev/sg12
[3:0:4:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD6      0107  /dev/st6   /dev/sg11
[3:0:8:0]    mediumx STK      L80              0107  /dev/sch1  /dev/sg7 
[3:0:9:0]    tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st4   /dev/sg9 
[3:0:10:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st1   /dev/sg5 
[3:0:11:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st2   /dev/sg6 
[3:0:12:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st5   /dev/sg10



其中:mediumx 为机械臂,tape 为磁带。


/dev/st0 /dev/st3 /dev/st7 /dev/st6 代表了4个通道,也有人称为driver。

[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]# lsscsi -l
[0:0:0:0]    disk    VMware,  VMware Virtual S 1.0   /dev/sda 
  state=running queue_depth=32 scsi_level=3 type=0 device_blocked=0 timeout=180
[0:0:1:0]    disk    VMware,  VMware Virtual S 1.0   /dev/sdb 
  state=running queue_depth=32 scsi_level=3 type=0 device_blocked=0 timeout=180
[2:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  NECVMWar VMware IDE CDR10 1.00  /dev/sr0 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=5 device_blocked=0 timeout=30
[3:0:0:0]    mediumx STK      L700             0107  /dev/sch0
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=8 device_blocked=0 timeout=0
[3:0:1:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD8      0107  /dev/st0 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:2:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD8      0107  /dev/st3 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:3:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD6      0107  /dev/st7 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:4:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD6      0107  /dev/st6 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:8:0]    mediumx STK      L80              0107  /dev/sch1
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=8 device_blocked=0 timeout=0
[3:0:9:0]    tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st4 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:10:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st1 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:11:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st2 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900
[3:0:12:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st5 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=1 device_blocked=0 timeout=900


[root@ora19c:/usr/local/mhvtl-1.7]#  mtx -f /dev/sg3 status
  Storage Changer /dev/sg3:4 Drives, 43 Slots ( 4 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty    ###4个磁带机
      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=E01001L8  ###多个存储磁带                            
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=E01002L8                            
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=E01003L8                            
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=E01004L8                            
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=E01005L8                            
      Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=E01006L8                            
      Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=E01007L8                            
      Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=E01008L8                            
      Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=E01009L8                            
      Storage Element 10:Full :VolumeTag=E01010L8                            
      Storage Element 11:Full :VolumeTag=E01011L8                            
      Storage Element 12:Full :VolumeTag=E01012L8                            
      Storage Element 13:Full :VolumeTag=E01013L8                            
      Storage Element 14:Full :VolumeTag=E01014L8                            
      Storage Element 15:Full :VolumeTag=E01015L8                            
      Storage Element 16:Full :VolumeTag=E01016L8                            
      Storage Element 17:Full :VolumeTag=E01017L8                            
      Storage Element 18:Full :VolumeTag=E01018L8                            
      Storage Element 19:Full :VolumeTag=E01019L8                            
      Storage Element 20:Full :VolumeTag=E01020L8                            
      Storage Element 21:Empty
      Storage Element 22:Full :VolumeTag=CLN101L8                            
      Storage Element 23:Full :VolumeTag=CLN102L6                            
      Storage Element 24:Empty
      Storage Element 25:Empty
      Storage Element 26:Empty
      Storage Element 27:Empty
      Storage Element 28:Empty
      Storage Element 29:Empty
      Storage Element 30:Full :VolumeTag=F01030L6                            
      Storage Element 31:Full :VolumeTag=F01031L6                            
      Storage Element 32:Full :VolumeTag=F01032L6                            
      Storage Element 33:Full :VolumeTag=F01033L6                            
      Storage Element 34:Full :VolumeTag=F01034L6                            
      Storage Element 35:Full :VolumeTag=F01035L6                            
      Storage Element 36:Full :VolumeTag=F01036L6                            
      Storage Element 37:Full :VolumeTag=F01037L6                            
      Storage Element 38:Full :VolumeTag=F01038L6                            
      Storage Element 39:Full :VolumeTag=F01039L6                            
      Storage Element 40 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty
      Storage Element 41 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty
      Storage Element 42 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty
      Storage Element 43 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty


4个Data Transfer Element,就对应着4个通道。



将StorageElement x 位置上的磁带设备放置到Data Transfer Element x 的磁带机中

如:将StorageElement 1 位置上的磁带设备放置到Data Transfer Element 0 的磁带机中(将磁带从1号槽位装入驱动器0或者叫通道0)

[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# mtx -f /dev/sg3 load 1 0
Loading media from Storage Element 1 into drive 0...done
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]#  mtx -f /dev/sg3 status|head
  Storage Changer /dev/sg3:4 Drives, 43 Slots ( 4 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loaded):VolumeTag = E01001L8  
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Empty                    ##注意这个地方的变化,由Full变成Empty
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=E01002L8                            
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=E01003L8                            
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=E01004L8                            
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=E01005L8  



[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl/E01001L8]# mtx -f /dev/sg3 load 2 0
Drive 0 Full (Storage Element 1 loaded)


# mt -f /dev/st0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=-1, block number=-1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (50000):

移出磁带:将磁带从driver 0(通道0)卸载回1号槽位

[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# mtx -f /dev/sg3 unload 1 0
Unloading drive 0 into Storage Element 1...done
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]#  mtx -f /dev/sg3 status|head
  Storage Changer /dev/sg3:4 Drives, 43 Slots ( 4 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=E01001L8                            
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=E01002L8                            
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=E01003L8                            
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=E01004L8                            
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=E01005L8            


##将StorageElement 2 位置上的磁带设备放置到Data Transfer Element  1 的磁带机中
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]#mtx -f /dev/sg3 load 2 1
Loading media from Storage Element 2 into drive 1...done
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]#  mtx -f /dev/sg3 status|more
  Storage Changer /dev/sg3:4 Drives, 43 Slots ( 4 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
Data Transfer Element 1:Full (Storage Element 2 Loaded):VolumeTag = E01002L8                            
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=E01001L8                            
      Storage Element 2:Empty
##将磁带从 DataTransfer Element  的磁带机中的移出
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]#mtx -f /dev/sg3 unload 2 1
Unloading drive 1 into Storage Element 2...done


[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# mtx -f /dev/sg3 load 1 0
Loading media from Storage Element 1 into drive 0...done
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# mtx -f /dev/sg3 status| head
  Storage Changer /dev/sg3:4 Drives, 43 Slots ( 4 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loaded):VolumeTag = E01001L8                            
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Empty
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=E01002L8                            
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=E01003L8                            
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=E01004L8                            
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=E01005L8                

[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# lsscsi -g 
[0:0:0:0]    disk    VMware,  VMware Virtual S 1.0   /dev/sda   /dev/sg0 
[0:0:1:0]    disk    VMware,  VMware Virtual S 1.0   /dev/sdb   /dev/sg1 
[2:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  NECVMWar VMware IDE CDR10 1.00  /dev/sr0   /dev/sg2 
[3:0:0:0]    mediumx STK      L700             0107  /dev/sch0  /dev/sg3 
[3:0:1:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD8      0107  /dev/st0   /dev/sg4 
[3:0:2:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD8      0107  /dev/st3   /dev/sg8 
[3:0:3:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD6      0107  /dev/st7   /dev/sg12
[3:0:4:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD6      0107  /dev/st6   /dev/sg11
[3:0:8:0]    mediumx STK      L80              0107  /dev/sch1  /dev/sg7 
[3:0:9:0]    tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st4   /dev/sg9 
[3:0:10:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st1   /dev/sg5 
[3:0:11:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st2   /dev/sg6 
[3:0:12:0]   tape    STK      T10000B          0107  /dev/st5   /dev/sg10

[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# tar -cvf /dev/st0 /etc/hosts
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names


[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl/E01001L8]#  tar -tvf /dev/st0
-rw-r--r-- root/root       297 2024-02-20 13:07 etc/hosts



[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# mtx -f /dev/sg3 status| head
  Storage Changer /dev/sg3:4 Drives, 43 Slots ( 4 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loaded):VolumeTag = E01001L8                            
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Empty
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=E01002L8                            
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=E01003L8                            
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=E01004L8                            
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=E01005L8      
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl]# cd E01001L8
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl/E01001L8]# ls
data  indx  meta
[root@ora19c:/opt/mhvtl/E01001L8]# cat data 
etc/hosts 9000064000045114565031606011420 0 9H(d	ustar  root(T0$>|0 D127.0.0.1   localhost(%.domain(U4)(*4


openGauss 一主一备 从5.0 LTS 版本升级至 6.0 LTS 版本实战
openGauss 6.0 主备切换 switchover和failover 实操

最后修改时间:2024-11-13 12:25:05
