cat opt_params.sh #!/bin/bash
source ~/.bashrc
memory=`free|awk '{print $2}' |sed -n 2p` if [[ $memory -lt 10*1024*1024 ]] then max_process_memory=2GB shared_buffers=128MB max_connections=500 work_mem=4MB maintenance_work_mem=256MB echo "If the database fails to start, lower the parameters max_process_memory and shared_buffers" elif [[ $memory -gt 4*1024*1024 ]] && [[ $memory -lt 8*1024*1024 ]] then max_process_memory=5GB shared_buffers=1GB max_connections=1000 work_mem=16MB maintenance_work_mem=1GB else max_process_memory=$((memory*6/10/1024/1024)) shared_buffers=$((memory*3/10/1024/1024)) max_connections=3000 work_mem=64MB maintenance_work_mem=2GB fi
##内存相关参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_process_memory=${max_process_memory}" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "shared_buffers=${shared_buffers}" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "work_mem=${work_mem}" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "maintenance_work_mem=${maintenance_work_mem}" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "cstore_buffers=16MB" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_buffers=1GB" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "local_syscache_threshold=32MB" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "standby_shared_buffers_fraction=1"
##连接访问相关参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_connections=${max_connections}" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_prepared_transactions=${max_connections}" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "listen_addresses = '*'" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "remote_read_mode=non_authentication" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_encryption_type=1" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_reuse_time=0" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_lock_time=0" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_effect_time=0" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "session_timeout=0"
##wal相关参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_level=logical" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "full_page_writes=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_log_hints=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "xloginsert_locks=48" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "advance_xlog_file_num=10"
##复制相关参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "synchronous_commit=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_keep_segments=1024" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_wal_senders=16" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "recovery_max_workers=4" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "most_available_sync=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_size_for_xlog_prune=104857600" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "catchup2normal_wait_time=0" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_slot_log=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_replication_slots=32" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_receiver_timeout=60s" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "sync_config_strategy=none_node"
##日志相关参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "logging_collector=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "log_duration=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "log_line_prefix='%m %u %d %r %p %S'" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "log_checkpoints=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "plog_merge_age=0" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "archive_dest='/ogarchive'"
##性能统计相关参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "vacuum_cost_limit=1000" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_max_workers=10" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_naptime=20s" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=10" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.05" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.02" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=200" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_analyze_threshold=200" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_io_limits=104857600" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "instr_unique_sql_count=20000" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_save_datachanged_timestamp=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "track_sql_count=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_instr_rt_percentile=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_instance_metric_persistent=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_logical_io_statistics=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_user_metric_persistent=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_mergejoin=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_nestloop=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_pbe_optimization=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_resource_track=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_wdr_snapshot=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "instr_unique_sql_count=5000"
##客户端白名单 gs_guc set -I all -N all -h "host all all md5"
##其他参数 gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "checkpoint_segments=1024" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "checkpoint_completion_target=0.8" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "pagewriter_sleep=200"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_alarm=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_codegen=off" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "audit_enabled=on" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_asp=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_messages='en_US.UTF-8'" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_monetary='en_US.UTF-8'" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_numeric='en_US.UTF-8'" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_time='en_US.UTF-8'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "update_lockwait_timeout=1min" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lockwait_timeout=1min"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_files_per_process=100000" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "behavior_compat_options='display_leading_zero'" gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_thread_pool=off"
gs_om -t stop && gs_om -t start |
最后修改时间:2022-01-04 14:07:22