


MogDB 数据库支持设置以下策略,来确保数据库用户密码的安全。



  • 0表示采用md5方式对密码加密。
  • 1表示采用sha256和md5两种方式分别对密码加密。
  • 2表示采用sha256方式对密码加密。
postgres=# show password_encryption_type; password_encryption_type -------------------------- 2 (1 row) postgres=# create user test password 'abcd@1234'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# select rolname,rolpassword from pg_authid where rolname='test'; rolname | rolpassword ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- test | sha2568ec7ac7ada43d12a226934c43c5f83f04985898fba7e77bbee948ae3454fe4fecb3fed3f1a84834685cc25cdecc67882c83e43c8a5629f1c17236e54cfe05d511374b5d5b6da2cd98cade9cdab91278c81f12dc0b3c74446 69ae001e9e6366a0md5bccdc05f6a9330c757e9b62f84d17dececdfecefade (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_encryption_type =0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# create user test1 password 'abcd@1234'; NOTICE: The encrypted password contains MD5 ciphertext, which is not secure. CREATE ROLE postgres=# select rolname,rolpassword from pg_authid where rolname in('test','test1'); rolname | rolpassword ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- test | sha2568ec7ac7ada43d12a226934c43c5f83f04985898fba7e77bbee948ae3454fe4fecb3fed3f1a84834685cc25cdecc67882c83e43c8a5629f1c17236e54cfe05d511374b5d5b6da2cd98cade9cdab91278c81f12dc0b3c74446 69ae001e9e6366a0md5bccdc05f6a9330c757e9b62f84d17dececdfecefade test1 | md59efcd3fbdabe02575e16ed61e9c0b198 (2 rows)



  • 0表示不采用任何密码复杂度策略。
  • 1表示采用默认密码复杂度校验策略。
postgres=# show password_policy; password_policy ----------------- 1 (1 row) postgres=# alter user test password 'abcd@12'; ERROR: Password must contain at least 8 characters. postgres=# alter system set password_policy =0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'abcd@12'; ALTER ROLE


  • 包含大写字母(A-Z)的最少个数(password_min_uppercase)
  • 包含小写字母(a-z)的最少个数(password_min_lowercase)
  • 包含数字(0-9)的最少个数(password_min_digital)
  • 包含特殊字符的最少个数(password_min_special)
  • 密码的最小长度(password_min_length)
  • 密码的最大长度(password_max_length)
  • 至少包含上述四类字符中的三类。
  • 不能和用户名、用户名倒写相同,本要求为非大小写敏感。
  • 不能和当前密码、当前密码的倒写相同。
  • 不能是弱口令。



postgres=# show password_min_length; password_min_length --------------------- 8 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'abcd@12'; ERROR: Password must contain at least 8 characters.


postgres=# show password_max_length; password_max_length --------------------- 32 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'abcd@12345679012345678901234567890'; ERROR: Password can't contain more than 32 characters. postgres=#


postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'ABaaaaaa'; ERROR: Password must contain at least three kinds of characters.


postgres=# show password_min_uppercase; password_min_uppercase ------------------------ 0 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_uppercase=1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'abcd@1232'; ERROR: Password must contain at least 1 upper characters. postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCd@789'; ALTER ROLE


postgres=# show password_min_lowercase; password_min_lowercase ------------------------ 0 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_lowercase=1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCD@789'; ERROR: Password must contain at least 1 lower characters. postgres=# alter user test password 'abcd@123'; ALTER ROLE


postgres=# show password_min_digital; password_min_digital ---------------------- 0 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_digital=1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCd@dsc'; ERROR: Password must contain at least 1 digital characters. postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCd@321'; ALTER ROLE


postgres=# show password_min_special; password_min_special ---------------------- 0 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_special=1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCd1dsc'; ERROR: Password must contain at least 1 special characters. postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCd@3214'; ALTER ROLE



postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_lowercase=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_uppercase=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_digital=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_min_special=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# create user test1234 password 'tesT1234'; ERROR: Password should not equal to the rolname. postgres=# create user test1234 password '4321Tset'; ERROR: Password should not equal to the reverse of rolname.


postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password 'ABCd@3214'; ERROR: New password should not equal to the old ones. postgres=# alter user test password '4123@dCBA'; ERROR: New password should not equal to the reverse of old ones. postgres=# alter user test password '4123@dCBa'; ALTER ROLE


使用CREATE WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY命令可以向弱口令字典中添加弱口令,默认未设置任何弱口令。

#向数据库弱口令字典中,添加弱口令 postgres=# CREATE WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY ('abcd@1234'); CREATE WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY postgres=# alter system set password_policy =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# create user test2 password 'abcd@1234'; ERROR: Password should not be weak password. postgres=# CREATE WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY ('abcd@123'); CREATE WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY #查看数据库弱口令字典中,弱口令设置 postgres=# SELECT * FROM gs_global_config WHERE NAME LIKE 'weak_password'; name | value ---------------+----------- weak_password | abcd@1234 weak_password | abcd@123 (2 rows) #删除数据库弱口令字典中,记录的所有弱口令,不支持只删除指定的弱口令。 postgres=# DROP WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY; DROP WEAK PASSWORD DICTIONARY postgres=# SELECT * FROM gs_global_config WHERE NAME LIKE 'weak_password'; name | value ------+------- (0 rows)



postgres=# show password_reuse_time; password_reuse_time --------------------- 60 (1 row) postgres=# show password_reuse_max; password_reuse_max -------------------- 0 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password '4123@dCBa'; ERROR: The password cannot be reused.


postgres=# show password_reuse_max; password_reuse_max -------------------- 0 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_policy =0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_reuse_time =0; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter system set password_reuse_max =1; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# alter user test password '4123@dCBa'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# alter user test password '4123@dCBa'; ERROR: The password cannot be reused.




postgres=# show failed_login_attempts; failed_login_attempts ----------------------- 10 (1 row) $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test: gsql: FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied. $ gsql -U test Password for user test:(输入正确的密码或错误的密码都会报错,因为账户已经锁定) gsql: FATAL: The account has been locked. $ date Fri Dec 31 15:01:01 CST 2021



postgres=# show password_lock_time; password_lock_time -------------------- 1d (1 row)




postgres=# show password_effect_time; password_effect_time ---------------------- 90 (1 row) postgres=# show password_notify_time; password_notify_time ---------------------- 7 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set password_effect_time =6; ALTER SYSTEM SET postgres=# \q $ gsql -r -U test1 Password for user test1: gsql ((MogDB 2.0.1 build f892ccb7) compiled at 2021-07-09 16:12:59 commit 0 last mr ) NOTICE : 6 days left before password expired, please change the password. Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=>



postgres=# select sysdate; sysdate --------------------- 2021-12-31 22:51:19 (1 row) postgres=# CREATE USER test3 WITH PASSWORD 'test@123' VALID BEGIN '2021-12-31 08:00:00' VALID UNTIL '2021-12-31 23:00:00'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# \du test3 List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+-----------------------------------------+----------- test3 | Role valid begin 2021-12-31 08:00:00+08+| {} | Role valid until 2021-12-31 23:00:00+08 | postgres=# \c - test3 Password for user test3: Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "test3". postgres=> \c - omm1 Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "omm1". postgres=#\q $ date Fri Dec 31 23:02:13 CST 2021 $ gsql -r -U test3 Password for user test3: gsql: FATAL: The account is not within the period of validity.
最后修改时间:2022-01-04 10:58:06
