

原创 赵勇 2022-05-17

作者:Maria Colgan 曾担任Oracle优化器的产品经理 发表时间: April 9, 2012

去年,OOW大会(译者注:Oracle Open World, 甲骨文全球业务及技术大会,每年一届)的管理优化器统计信息专场引起了人们的巨大兴趣。似乎统计信息及其管理依然困扰着人们。为了帮助人们驱散围绕在统计信息管理周围的迷雾,我们在优化器统计信息上编写了两本白皮书。


使用Oracle Database 12c Release 2收集优化器统计信息的最佳实践
理解Oracle Database 12c Release 2的优化器统计信息




  • 如何收集统计信息
  • 何时收集统计信息
  • 改善统计信息收集的效率
  • 何时不应收集统计信息
  • 其它类型统计信息的收集





Lies, damned lies, and statistics Part 2
Maria Colgan | April 9, 2012 | 2 minute read
Distinguished Product Manager

There was huge interest in our OOW session last year on Managing Optimizer Statistics. It seems statistics and the maintenance of them continues to baffle people. In order to help dispel the mysteries surround statistics management we have created a two part white paper series on Optimizer statistics.

Part one of this series was released in November last years and describes in detail, with worked examples, the different concepts of Optimizer statistics. Today we have published part two of the series, which focuses on the best practices for gathering statistics, and examines specific use cases including, the fears that surround histograms and statistics management of volatile tables like Global Temporary Tables.

Here is a quick look at the Introduction and the start of the paper. You can find the full paper here. Happy Reading!


The Oracle Optimizer examines all of the possible plans for a SQL statement and picks the one with the lowest cost, where cost represents the estimated resource usage for a given plan. In order for the Optimizer to accurately determine the cost for an execution plan it must have information about all of the objects (table and indexes) accessed in the SQL statement as well as information about the system on which the SQL statement will be run.

This necessary information is commonly referred to as Optimizer statistics. Understanding and managing Optimizer statistics is key to optimal SQL execution. Knowing when and how to gather statistics in a timely manner is critical to maintaining acceptable performance. This whitepaper is the second of a two part series on Optimizer statistics. The first part of this series, Understanding Optimizer Statistics, focuses on the concepts of statistics and will be referenced several times in this paper as a source of additional information. This paper will discuss in detail, when and how to gather statistics for the most common scenarios seen in an Oracle Database. The topics are

· How to gather statistics

· When to gather statistics

· Improving the efficiency of gathering statistics

· When not to gather statistics

· Gathering other types of statistics
How to gather statistics

The preferred method for gathering statistics in Oracle is to use the supplied automatic statistics-gathering job.
Automatic statistics gathering job

The job collects statistics for all database objects, which are missing statistics or have stale statistics by running an Oracle AutoTask task during a predefined maintenance window. Oracle internally prioritizes the database objects that require statistics, so that those objects, which most need updated statistics, are processed first.
The automatic statistics-gathering job uses the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS_JOB_PROC procedure, which uses the same default parameter values as the other DBMS_STATS.GATHER_STATS procedures. The defaults are sufficient in most cases. However, it is occasionally necessary to change the default value of one of the statistics gathering parameters, which can be accomplished by using the DBMS_STATS.SET_PREF procedures. Parameter values should be changed at the smallest scope possible, ideally on a per-object bases.

You can find the full paper here. Happy Reading!

