基本语法:create database database_name 选项;
create database dbtest;
create database dbtest1 encoding 'utf-8' template template0 owner test;
encoding 指定数据库的编码格式
template 指定从哪个标准数据库复制
owner 指定数据库的拥有者
openGauss=> \l
select datname from pg_database;
alter database dbtest rename to dbtest2;
alter database dbtest2 owner to test1;
alter database dbtest1 connection limit 10;
drop database dbtest1;
drop database dbtest2;
基本语法:create table 表名(字段名 字段类型 字段约束,…)
create table student(id int, name varchar(20));
create table test.student1 (like student);
\d+ student
select pg_get_tabledef('student2');
select * from pg_tables where tablename='student2';
alter table student rename to student2;
alter table student2 add age int;
alter table student2 alter column name type varchar(10);
alter table student2 modify (name varchar(15));
alter table student2 drop column age;
insert into student2 values (1,'张三');
insert into student2 values (2,'李四'),(3,'王五');
insert into student1 select * from student2;
delete from student1 where name = '张三';
delete from student1;
truncate table student2;(推荐使用,对于大表速度明显快)
delete:会进行表扫描,每删除一行,就会在事务日志中添加一条记录,删除内容,不删除定义,不释放空间,所以当表执行了大量的delete操作之后,记得执行vacuum进行垃圾回收(vacuum 表名)。
update student2 set name = '张三1' where name = '张三';
drop table student1;
create index stu_idx1 on student2(id);
create unique index stu_unq_indx1 on student2(name);
select * from pg_indexes where indexname='stu_idx1';
alter index stu_unq_indx1 rename to stu_unq;
alter index stu_unq unusable;
alter index stu_unq rebuild;
drop index stu_unq;
create view stu_view as select * from student2 where id <= 2;
select * from stu_view;
select * from pg_views where viewname='stu_view';
drop view stu_view;
alter table student2 add age int default 18;
insert into student2 values(4,'小明',20);
reate or replace procedure get_age(i in out int)
select age into i from student2 where id = i;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "test"."get_age"(INOUT "i" int4)
RETURNS "pg_catalog"."int4" AS $BODY$ DECLARE
select age into i from student2 where id = i;
end $BODY$
COST 100
select * from pg_proc where proname='get_age';
call get_age(4);
select * from get_age(4);
drop procedure get_age;
create user u1 password 'u1@12345';
create user u2 sysadmin identified by 'u2@12345';
create user u3 password 'u3@12345' expired;
select * from pg_user where usename='test';
alter user u1 identified by 'u1@23456' replace 'u1@12345';
alter user u1 createrole;
alter user u1 account lock;
alter user u2 account unlock;
drop user u1;
drop user u2;
drop user u3;
create tablespace test_nsp relative location 'test';
create tablespace test_nsp1 location '/mogdb/data/pg_test';
select * from pg_tablespace a,pg_user b where a.spcowner = b.usesysid and a.spcname = 'test_nsp';
alter tablespace test_nsp owner to test1;
alter tablespace test_nsp rename to test_nsp_new;
drop tablespace test_nsp1;
drop tablespace test_nsp_new;
create user jack password 'jack@123';
grant usage on schema test to jack;
grant insert,select on table test.student2 to jack;
grant update(age) on table test.student2 to jack;
openGauss=> grant all privileges to jack;
//发现授权之后的结果是alter role,说明对于系统权限的授予我们可以使用alter //user进行。
alter user jack createrole;
select * from pg_roles where rolname = 'jack';
select * from information_schema.table_privileges where grantee = 'jack';
select * from information_schema.usage_privileges where grantee = 'jack';
select * from information_schema.column_privileges where grantee = 'jack';
revoke select,insert on table test.student2 from jack;
revoke update(age) on table test.student2 from jack;
revoke all privileges from jack;
revoke usage on schema test from jack;
create schema test_sch1;
create role test2 identified by 'test@123';
create schema authorization test2 create table student3(id int,name varchar(15));
select * from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='test_sch1';
alter schema test_sch1 rename to test_sch2;
alter schema test2 owner to test;
drop schema test_sch2;
drop schema test2 cascade;
最后修改时间:2022-08-15 15:01:12