1 4G基站协议栈回顾
1.1 空口侧
1.1.1 User-plane
Thefigure below shows the protocol stack for the user-plane, where PDCP, RLC and MACsublayers (terminated in eNB on the network side) perform the functions listedfor the user plane in subclause 6, e.g. header compression, ciphering,scheduling, ARQ and HARQ.
User-planeprotocol stack
ForNB-IoT, the user plane is not used when transfering data over NAS.
NOTE 1: The NAS control protocol is not covered bythe scope of this TS and is only mentioned for information.
1.1.2 Control-plane
Control-planeprotocol stack
1.2 核心侧
1.2.1 User-plane
1.2.2 Control-plane
2 5G接入概览
5GSystem architecture
3 NG-RAN架构(5G基站实现)
gNB Central Unit(gNB-CU): a logicalnode hosting RRC, SDAP and PDCP protocols of the gNB or RRC and PDCP protocolsof the en-gNB that controls the operation of one or more gNB-DUs.The gNB-CUterminates the F1 interface connected with the gNB-DU.
gNB Distributed Unit(gNB-DU):a logical node hosting RLC, MAC andPHY layers of the gNB or en-gNB, and its operation is partly controlled bygNB-CU. One gNB-DU supports one or multiple cells. One cell is supported byonly one gNB-DU. The gNB-DU terminates the F1 interface connected with thegNB-CU.
gNB-CU-Control Plane(gNB-CU-CP): alogical node hosting the RRC and the control plane part of the PDCP protocol ofthe gNB-CU for an en-gNB or a gNB. The gNB-CU-CP terminates the E1 interfaceconnected with the gNB-CU-UP and the F1-C interface connected with the gNB-DU.
gNB-CU-User Plane(gNB-CU-UP): alogical node hosting the user plane part of the PDCP protocol of the gNB-CU foran en-gNB, and the user plane part of the PDCP protocol and the SDAP protocolof the gNB-CU for a gNB. The gNB-CU-UP terminates the E1 interface connectedwith the gNB-CU-CP and the F1-U interface connected with the gNB-DU.
3.1 协议规范
3.1.1 User-plane 协议
Note 1: The radio interfaceprotocols are defined in 3GPP TS 38.2xx and TS 38.3xx.
Note 2: The NG interfaceprotocols are defined in 3GPP TS 38.41x.
3.1.2 Control plane协议
Note 1: The radio interfaceprotocols are defined in 3GPP TS 38.2xx and TS 38.3xx.
Note 2: The protocol is definedin 3GPP TS 38.41x. (Description of NG interface).
Note 3: CM, SM: This exemplifiesa set of NAS control protocols between UE and 5GC. The evolution of theprotocol architecture for these protocols is outside the scope of the presentdocument.
3.2.1 User-plane
User Plane Protocol Stack
3.2.2 Control-plane
Control Plane Protocol Stack
3.2.3 核心侧协议栈(同样是CP UP)
3.3 gNB-CU和 gNB-DU分离架构
Overall architecture
3.1 gNB内部逻辑网元图
The overall architecture for separation ofgNB-CU-CP and gNB-CU-UP is depicted in Figure
Overall architecture for separation ofgNB-CU-CP and gNB-CU-UP
3.4 数据流总结: