

原创 lqkitten 2022-08-23

自openGauss 开源后,一直关注相关产品。云和恩墨的商业版是比较成功的产品之一,在openGauss发布3.0后发布了mogdb3.0.1,并升级了一键安装工具ptk。几位老师做了centos 7.6下的安装测试,决定试试国产操作系统银河麒麟V10的安装。



[root@node1 ~]# cat /etc/os-release

NAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server"  
VERSION="V10 (Sword)"  
PRETTY_NAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server V10 (Sword)"  


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/install.sh | sh


 cat .bash_profile
 # .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export PATH=/root/.ptk/bin:$PATH

重新登录或source ~/.bash_profile生效。
source .bash_profile

[root@node1 ~]# ptk candidate os
  software |            version              
  OS       | UOS 20 (arm64)                  
           | UOS 20 (x86_64)                 
           | CentOS 8 (arm64)                
           | CentOS 7 (x86_64)               
           | CentOS 8 (x86_64)               
           | EulerOS 2 (arm64)               
           | EulerOS 2 (x86_64)                            
           | Kylin V10 (arm64)               
           | Kylin V10 (x86_64)              
           | Oracle Linux Server 7 (x86_64)  
           | Oracle Linux Server 8 (x86_64)  
           | openEuler 20 (arm64)            
           | openEuler 22 (arm64)            
           | openEuler 20 (x86_64)           
           | openEuler 22 (x86_64)           
           | RedHat 7 (x86_64)               
           | Rocky Linux 7 (x86_64)          
           | Rocky Linux 8 (x86_64)          
           | SLES 12 (arm64)                 
           | Ubuntu 18 (x86_64)     


[root@node2 ~]# ptk template create
Please enter cluster name you want: (default: cluster_unphares) mogdb
Please enter system username: (default: omm)
Please enter group of user: (default: omm)
Please enter an initial db password (8 to 16 characters):
Please retype db password to confirm:
Please enter db port, range [1024~65535]: (default: 26000)
Please enter cm server port, range [1024~65535]: (default: 15300)
Please enter mogdb base dir (which should be empty): (default: /opt/mogdb)
And then, let's add some db servers
================db server 1================
Please enter server ip (IPv4 only):
Please choose db role:
  1: primary
  2: standby
  3: cascade_standby
Enter your choice:  1
Please enter available zone name: (default: AZ1)
================ end ================
Do you want to add another db server?[Y|Yes](default=N) Y
================db server 2================
Please enter server ip (IPv4 only):
Please choose db role:
  1: primary
  2: standby
  3: cascade_standby
Enter your choice:  2
Please enter available zone name: (default: AZ1)
[SSH] Please enter ssh user: (default: root)
[SSH] Please enter ssh port: (default: 22)
[SSH] Please choice an auth method:
  1: Password
  2: KeyFile
Enter your choice:  1
[SSH] Please enter ssh password:
================ end ================
Do you want to add another db server?[Y|Yes](default=N) Y
================db server 3================
Please enter server ip (IPv4 only):
Please choose db role:
  1: primary
  2: standby
  3: cascade_standby
Enter your choice:  2
Please enter available zone name: (default: AZ1)
[SSH] Please enter ssh user: (default: root)
[SSH] Please enter ssh port: (default: 22)
[SSH] Please choice an auth method:
  1: Password
  2: KeyFile
Enter your choice:  1
[SSH] Please enter ssh password:
================ end ================
Do you want to add another db server?[Y|Yes](default=N) n
Generate /root/config.yaml successfully


[root@node2 bin]# ptk checkos 
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:01.861] prechecking dependent tools...
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:01.868] platform: openEuler_22.03_64bit               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:01.870] kernel version: 5.10.0-  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:01.970] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8                      host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:01.973] timezone: +0800                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:01.975] swap memory 4194300kB, total memory 9668244kB  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:02.044] check kernel.core_pattern                     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:02.048] check removeIPC value                         host=
WARN[2022-08-20T09:45:02.450] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T09:45:02.450] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T09:45:02.450] device(sda) 'IO Request'=254, expect 256      host=
WARN[2022-08-20T09:45:02.450] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=2, expect 256        host=
[host]: not found package: numactl
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:03.788] check port 26000                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:03.886] port 26000 is free                            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:03.886] write fix os script to root_fix_os.2022.0820.094503.sh successfully
INFO[2022-08-20T09:45:03.886] all checkers finished
# Check Results
                Item                |  Level
  A1.Check_OS_Version               | OK
  A2.Check_Kernel_Version           | OK
  A3.Check_Unicode                  | OK
  A4.Check_TimeZone                 | OK
  A5.Check_Swap_Memory_Configure    | OK
  A6.Check_SysCtl_Parameter         | OK
  A7.Check_FileSystem_Configure     | OK
  A8.Check_Disk_Configure           | OK
  A9.Check_BlockDev_Configure       | OK
  A9.Check_Logical_Block            | OK
  A10.Check_IO_Request              | Warning
  A10.Check_Asynchronous_IO_Request | OK
  A10.Check_IO_Configure            | OK
  A11.Check_Network_Configure       | OK
  A12.Check_Time_Consistency        | OK
  A13.Check_Firewall_Service        | OK
  A14.Check_THP_Service             | OK
  A15.Check_Dependent_Package       | Abnormal
  A16.Check_CPU_Instruction_Set     | OK
  A17.Check_Port                    | OK
Total count 20, abnormal count 1, warning count 1

Failed to check os, can’t perform installation unless fix all the abnormal items
You can use 'ptk checkos -i ITEM --detail' to see detail message
Please check root_fix_os.[TIMESTAMP].sh for commands to resolve.


[root@node2 bin]# sh root_fix_os.2022.0820.094503.sh
OS                                               27 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00
everything                                       27 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00
EPOL                                             19 kB/s | 3.0 kB     00:00
debuginfo                                        28 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00
source                                           26 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00
update                                           25 kB/s | 3.5 kB     00:00
update                                          4.2 MB/s |  16 MB     00:03
Dependencies resolved.
 Package          Architecture    Version                     Repository   Size
 numactl          x86_64          2.0.14-2.oe2203             OS           61 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 61 k
Installed size: 163 k
Downloading Packages:
numactl-2.0.14-2.oe2203.x86_64.rpm              234 kB/s |  61 kB     00:00
Total                                           233 kB/s |  61 kB     00:00
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1
  Installing       : numactl-2.0.14-2.oe2203.x86_64                         1/1
  Running scriptlet: numactl-2.0.14-2.oe2203.x86_64                         1/1
  Verifying        : numactl-2.0.14-2.oe2203.x86_64                         1/1


[root@node1 ~]# ptk install -f config.yaml --install-cm
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.013] no package specified, use online package: https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/mogdb-media/3.0.1/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.013] start check operating system
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.304] prechecking dependent tools...
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.547] platform: kylin_V10_64bit                     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.547] platform: kylin_V10_64bit                     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.547] platform: kylin_V10_64bit                     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.549] kernel version: 4.19.90-24.4.v2101.ky10.x86_64  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.594] kernel version: 4.19.90-24.4.v2101.ky10.x86_64  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.598] kernel version: 4.19.90-24.4.v2101.ky10.x86_64  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.692] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8                      host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.718] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8                      host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.723] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8                      host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.726] timezone: +0800                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.770] timezone: +0800                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.772] timezone: +0800                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.775] swap memory 5181436kB, total memory 8913004kB  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.820] swap memory 5181436kB, total memory 8913000kB  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.820] swap memory 5181436kB, total memory 8913004kB  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.828] net.core.wmem_default=212992, expect 21299200  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.830] net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=2, expect 1             host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.838] net.core.wmem_max=212992, expect 21299200     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.843] net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1000, expect 65535  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.849] vm.min_free_kbytes=67584, expect 445650       host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.851] kernel.sem=32000  1024000000      500     32000, expect 250 6400000 1000 25600  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.853] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=7200, expect 30   host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.855] net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=15, expect 12           host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.857] net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096    131072  6291456, expect 8192 250000 16777216  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.860] net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096    16384   4194304, expect 8192 250000 16777216  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.863] net.core.rmem_max=212992, expect 21299200     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.867] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=75, expect 30    host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.871] net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=512, expect 65535  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.874] net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=6, expect 5          host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.874] net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1000, expect 65535  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.878] net.core.rmem_default=212992, expect 21299200  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.883] net.ipv4.tcp_retries1=3, expect 5             host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:48.888] net.core.somaxconn=128, expect 65535          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.892] check kernel.core_pattern                     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:48.897] check removeIPC value                         host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.020] net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096    131072  6291456, expect 8192 250000 16777216  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.067] net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=15, expect 12           host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.115] net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=512, expect 65535  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.210] net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=6, expect 5          host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.211] net.core.somaxconn=128, expect 65535          host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.258] net.core.rmem_max=212992, expect 21299200     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.359] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=7200, expect 30   host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.360] net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=512, expect 65535  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.410] net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=6, expect 5          host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.462] net.core.wmem_default=212992, expect 21299200  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.464] kernel.sem=32000  1024000000      500     32000, expect 250 6400000 1000 25600  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.559] net.core.rmem_default=212992, expect 21299200  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.563] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=75, expect 30    host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.612] net.core.rmem_default=212992, expect 21299200  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.657] net.core.rmem_max=212992, expect 21299200     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.718] net.core.wmem_default=212992, expect 21299200  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.800] net.ipv4.tcp_retries1=3, expect 5             host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.815] vm.min_free_kbytes=67584, expect 445650       host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.850] net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096    131072  6291456, expect 8192 250000 16777216  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.914] net.core.wmem_max=212992, expect 21299200     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.946] net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1000, expect 65535  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:49.993] net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=2, expect 1             host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.008] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=7200, expect 30   host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.041] net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096    16384   4194304, expect 8192 250000 16777216  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.057] net.ipv4.tcp_retries1=3, expect 5             host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.088] net.core.wmem_max=212992, expect 21299200     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.104] net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=15, expect 12           host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.136] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=75, expect 30    host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.151] net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096    16384   4194304, expect 8192 250000 16777216  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.232] vm.min_free_kbytes=67584, expect 445650       host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.250] net.core.somaxconn=128, expect 65535          host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.289] kernel.sem=32000  1024000000      500     32000, expect 250 6400000 1000 25600  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:50.289] check kernel.core_pattern                     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.304] net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=2, expect 1             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:50.304] check kernel.core_pattern                     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:50.385] check removeIPC value                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:50.396] check removeIPC value                         host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.866] device(/dev/sda) readahead value=8192, expect 16384.  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.882] device(/dev/sda) readahead value=8192, expect 16384.  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:50.914] device(/dev/sda) readahead value=8192, expect 16384.  host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.195] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=2, expect 256        host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.195] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.195] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.195] device(dm-2) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.195] device(sda) 'IO Request'=64, expect 256       host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.239] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.239] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.239] device(dm-2) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.239] device(sda) 'IO Request'=64, expect 256       host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.239] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=2, expect 256        host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.241] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.241] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.241] device(dm-2) 'IO Request'=128, expect 256     host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.241] device(sda) 'IO Request'=64, expect 256       host=
WARN[2022-08-20T14:37:51.241] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=2, expect 256        host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:53.747] check port 26000                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:53.747] check port 26000                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:53.747] check port 26000                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:53.777] port 26000 is free                            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:53.845] port 26000 is free                            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:37:53.856] port 26000 is free                            host=
  cluster_name: mogdb
  user: omm
  group: omm
  app_dir: /opt/mogdb/app
  data_dir: /opt/mogdb/data
  log_dir: /opt/mogdb/log
  tool_dir: /opt/mogdb/tool
  tmp_dir: /opt/mogdb/tmp
  cm_server_port: 15300
- host:
  db_port: 26000
  role: primary
  az_name: AZ1
  az_priority: 1
- host:
  db_port: 26000
  role: standby
  az_name: AZ1
  az_priority: 1
- host:
  db_port: 26000
  role: standby
  az_name: AZ1
  az_priority: 1

Is cluster topo correct?[Y|Yes](default=N) y
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:09.949] use cache /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:10.827] validation: installation package is safe
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:10.827] parse version.cfg from MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.476] detected db version: MogDB-3.0.1, number: 92.605, commit_id: 1a363ea9
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.479] [stage=precheck]: start                       host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.479] check user 'omm'                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.479] [stage=precheck]: start                       host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.479] check user 'omm'                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.479] [stage=precheck]: start                       host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.479] check user 'omm'                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.483] [stage=precheck]: successful                  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.528] [stage=precheck]: successful                  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.531] [stage=precheck]: successful                  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.531] scp file from /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.531] scp file from /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:12.531] scp file from /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to  host=
> upload MogDB-3.0.1-openEule...: 134.31 MiB / 134.31 MiB [-------------] 100.00% 77.08 MiB p/s 1.9s
> upload MogDB-3.0.1-openEule...: 134.31 MiB / 134.31 MiB [-------------] 100.00% 77.08 MiB p/s 1.9s
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.503] [stage=initial]: start                        host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.503] [stage=initial]: start                        host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.503] [stage=initial]: start                        host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.506] create os user omm, group omm                 host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.533] set ulimits                                   host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.535] set user omm profiles                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.556] create os user omm, group omm                 host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.558] create os user omm, group omm                 host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.577] add c library /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.580] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tool                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.629] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.630] set ulimits                                   host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.631] set ulimits                                   host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.679] set user omm profiles                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.680] set user omm profiles                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.791] add c library /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.793] add c library /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.839] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tool                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:14.843] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tool                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.025] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.041] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.329] remove files /tmp/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.337] decompress *-om.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.590] fix psutil lib                                host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.599] change /opt/mogdb/tool owner to omm           host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.604] mkdir /opt/mogdb/app                          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.684] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.802] remove files /tmp/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.829] remove files /tmp/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.855] decompress *-om.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:15.884] decompress *-om.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.146] fix psutil lib                                host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.179] fix psutil lib                                host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.300] change /opt/mogdb/tool owner to omm           host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.339] change /opt/mogdb/tool owner to omm           host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.351] mkdir /opt/mogdb/app                          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.395] mkdir /opt/mogdb/app                          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.567] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:16.617] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:17.434] fix dynamic library for gs_initdb             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:17.476] fix dynamic library for mogdb                 host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:17.521] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:17.527] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/gs_profile,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit,/opt/mogdb/log/bin,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6003,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6003  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.435] fix dynamic library for gs_initdb             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.468] fix dynamic library for gs_initdb             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.579] fix dynamic library for mogdb                 host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.612] fix dynamic library for mogdb                 host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.722] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.754] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.776] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/gs_profile,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit,/opt/mogdb/log/bin,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6003,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6003  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.807] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/gs_profile,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit,/opt/mogdb/log/bin,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6003,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6003  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.899] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tmp                          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:18.985] save version to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/upgrade_version  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:19.028] create cluster_manual_start file              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:19.068] generate static config to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:19.074] change /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config owner to omm  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:19.076] mkdir /opt/mogdb/data                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:19.160] change /opt/mogdb/data owner to omm           host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:19.162] initial database                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.416] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tmp                          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.486] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tmp                          host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.638] save version to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/upgrade_version  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.708] save version to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/upgrade_version  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.752] create cluster_manual_start file              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.822] create cluster_manual_start file              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.840] generate static config to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.906] generate static config to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config  host=
⣾ executing...INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.916] change /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config owner to omm  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.963] mkdir /opt/mogdb/data                         host=
⣾ executing...INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:22.989] change /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config owner to omm  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:23.037] mkdir /opt/mogdb/data                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:23.178] change /opt/mogdb/data owner to omm           host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:23.229] initial database                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:23.262] change /opt/mogdb/data owner to omm           host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:23.311] initial database                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:28.780] set postgresql.conf             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:28.844] set hba config                  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:28.892] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/cm/om_monitor,/opt/mogdb/cm,/opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server,/opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.357] decompress *-cm.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.452] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.458] copy /opt/mogdb/app/share/config/cm_server.conf.sample to /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server/cm_server.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.501] copy /opt/mogdb/app/share/config/cm_agent.conf.sample to /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent/cm_agent.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.539] update config file /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent/cm_agent.conf: set unix_socket_directory to '/opt/mogdb/tmp'  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.543] add user omm to cron.allow                    host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.547] set corntab: */1 * * * * [ -f ~/.profile ] && source ~/.profile; [ -f ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc; source ~/.ptk_mogdb_env; nohup /opt/mogdb/app/bin/om_monitor -L /opt/mogdb/log/cm/om_monitor >/dev/null 2>&1 &  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.594] create CA files                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.945] move CA files to server                       host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.950] download ca files from host     host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:29.987] [stage=initial]: successful                   host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:32.307] set postgresql.conf             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:32.391] set postgresql.conf             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:32.406] set hba config                  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:32.499] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/cm/om_monitor,/opt/mogdb/cm,/opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server,/opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:32.504] set hba config                  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:32.596] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/cm/om_monitor,/opt/mogdb/cm,/opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server,/opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.641] decompress *-cm.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.767] decompress *-cm.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.779] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.832] copy /opt/mogdb/app/share/config/cm_server.conf.sample to /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server/cm_server.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.905] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm            host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.911] copy /opt/mogdb/app/share/config/cm_agent.conf.sample to /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent/cm_agent.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.960] copy /opt/mogdb/app/share/config/cm_server.conf.sample to /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server/cm_server.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:33.991] update config file /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent/cm_agent.conf: set unix_socket_directory to '/opt/mogdb/tmp'  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.040] add user omm to cron.allow                    host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.046] copy /opt/mogdb/app/share/config/cm_agent.conf.sample to /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent/cm_agent.conf  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.089] set corntab: */1 * * * * [ -f ~/.profile ] && source ~/.profile; [ -f ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc; source ~/.ptk_mogdb_env; nohup /opt/mogdb/app/bin/om_monitor -L /opt/mogdb/log/cm/om_monitor >/dev/null 2>&1 &  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.128] update config file /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_agent/cm_agent.conf: set unix_socket_directory to '/opt/mogdb/tmp'  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.177] add user omm to cron.allow                    host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.181] waitting for generate CA files...             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.181] upload CA files                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.230] set corntab: */1 * * * * [ -f ~/.profile ] && source ~/.profile; [ -f ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc; source ~/.ptk_mogdb_env; nohup /opt/mogdb/app/bin/om_monitor -L /opt/mogdb/log/cm/om_monitor >/dev/null 2>&1 &  host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.324] waitting for generate CA files...             host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.324] upload CA files                               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.637] move CA files to server                       host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.686] [stage=initial]: successful                   host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.773] move CA files to server                       host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.820] [stage=initial]: successful                   host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:34.820] start make ssh mutual trust for omm
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] make ssh mutual trust successfully
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] [stage=launch]: start                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] start om_monitor                              host=
⣾ executing...INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] [stage=launch]: start                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] start om_monitor                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] [stage=launch]: start                         host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.148] start om_monitor                              host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.186] start database by cm_ctl        host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.236] waitting for primary startup...               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:38:35.237] waitting for primary startup...               host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:39:18.144] [stage=launch]: successful                    host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:39:18.144] [stage=launch]: successful                    host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:39:18.145] [stage=launch]: successful                    host=
INFO[2022-08-20T14:39:18.145] Time elapsed: 1m31s
  cluste_name |     host      | user | port  | stage  |    status     | message
  mogdb       | | omm  | 26000 | launch | start_success | success
              | | omm  | 26000 | launch | start_success | success
              | | omm  | 26000 | launch | start_success | success


[root@node1 ~]# ptk cluster status -f config.yaml
[   Cluster State   ]
database_version                        : MogDB-3.0.1
cluster_name                            : mogdb
cluster_state                           : Normal
current_az                              : AZ_ALL

[  Datanode State   ]
   id  |      ip       | port  | user | instance | db_role | state
  6001 | | 26000 | omm  | dn_6001  | primary | Normal
  6002 | | 26000 | omm  | dn_6002  | standby | Normal
  6003 | | 26000 | omm  | dn_6003  | standby | Normal


su - omm
[omm@node1 ~]$ gs_om -t status --detail
[  CMServer State   ]

node     node_ip         instance                     state
1  node1   1    /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server Primary
2  node2   2    /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server Standby
3  node3   3    /opt/mogdb/cm/cm_server Standby

此处CM server显示已与datanode格式一致,比openGauss显示在一行美观。
[   Cluster State   ]

cluster_state   : Normal
redistributing  : No
balanced        : Yes
current_az      : AZ_ALL

[  Datanode State   ]

node     node_ip         instance             state
1  node1   6001 /opt/mogdb/data P Primary Normal
2  node2   6002 /opt/mogdb/data S Standby Normal
3  node3   6003 /opt/mogdb/data S Standby Normal


[  Datanode State   ]

node     instance state            | node     instance state            | node     instance state
1  node1 6001     P Primary Normal | 2  node2 6002     S Standby Normal | 3  node3 6003     S Standby Normal
还是mogdb 好看


[omm@node1 ~]$ gsql
gsql ((MogDB 3.0.1 build 1a363ea9) compiled at 2022-08-05 17:31:04 commit 0 last mr  )
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.
MogDB-# \l
                         List of databases
   Name    | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
 postgres  | omm   | UTF8     | C       | C     |
 template0 | omm   | UTF8     | C       | C     | =c/omm           +
           |       |          |         |       | omm=CTc/omm
 template1 | omm   | UTF8     | C       | C     | =c/omm           +
           |       |          |         |       | omm=CTc/omm
(3 rows)

最后修改时间:2022-12-21 06:08:15
