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今天这篇文章介绍的工具是一款可以替代top的工具,展示的也比较多,之前也介绍过一款用python开发的,超强大| linux中系统性能监控工具-glances,今天这款是用rust语言开发的,叫做bottom。
centos 系统安装参考如下:
yum install dnf
dnf install 'dnf-command(copr)'
dnf copr enable atim/bottom -y
dnf install botto
btm --color 具体配色
btm -b
可以通过btm --help 查看
btm [FLAG]
Automatically hides the time scale in graphs after being
shown for a brief moment when zoomed in/out. If time is
disabled via --hide_time then this will have no effect.
-b, --basic
Hides graphs and uses a more basic look. Design is largely
inspired by htop's.
Shows the battery widget in default or basic mode. No effect on
custom layouts.
-S, --case_sensitive
When searching for a process, enables case sensitivity by default.
-c, --celsius
Sets the temperature type to Celsius. This is the default
--color <COLOR SCHEME>
Use a pre-defined color scheme. Currently supported values are:
| default |
| default-light (default but for use with light backgrounds) |
| gruvbox (a bright theme with 'retro groove' colors) |
| gruvbox-light (gruvbox but for use with light backgrounds) |
| nord (an arctic, north-bluish color palette) |
| nord-light (nord but for use with light backgrounds) |
Defaults to "default".
-C, --config <CONFIG PATH>
Sets the location of the config file. Expects a config
file in the TOML format. If it doesn't exist, one is created.
-u, --current_usage
Sets process CPU% usage to be based on the current system CPU% usage
rather than total CPU usage.
-t, --default_time_value <MS>
Default time value for graphs in milliseconds. The minimum
time is 30s (30000), and the default is 60s (60000).
--default_widget_count <INT>
Sets the n'th selected widget type to use as the default widget.
Requires 'default_widget_type' to also be set, and defaults to 1.
This reads from left to right, top to bottom. For example, suppose
we have a layout that looks like:
| CPU (1) | CPU (2) |
| Process | CPU (3) | Temperature | CPU (4) |
And we set our default widget type to 'CPU'. If we set
'--default_widget_count 1', then it would use the CPU (1) as
the default widget. If we set '--default_widget_count 3', it would
use CPU (3) as the default instead.
--default_widget_type <WIDGET TYPE>
Sets which widget type to use as the default widget.
For the default layout, this defaults to the 'process' widget.
For a custom layout, it defaults to the first widget it sees.
For example, suppose we have a layout that looks like:
| CPU (1) | CPU (2) |
| Process | CPU (3) | Temperature | CPU (4) |
Setting '--default_widget_type Temp' will make the Temperature
widget selected by default.
Supported widget names:
| cpu |
| mem, memory |
| net, network |
| proc, process, processes |
| temp, temperature |
| disk |
| batt, battery |
Hides advanced options to stop a process on Unix-like systems. The only option shown is -15.
Disables mouse clicks from interacting with the program.
-m, --dot_marker
Uses a dot marker for graphs as opposed to the default braille
-f, --fahrenheit
Sets the temperature type to Fahrenheit.
-g, --group
Groups processes with the same name by default.
-h, --help
Prints help information. Use --help for more info.
-a, --hide_avg_cpu
Hides the average CPU usage from being shown.
Hides the spacing between table headers and entries.
Completely hides the time scale from being shown.
-k, --kelvin
Sets the temperature type to Kelvin.
-l, --left_legend
Puts the CPU chart legend to the left side rather than the right side.
Defaults to showing process memory usage by value. Otherwise,
it defaults to showing it by percentage.
Displays the network widget with binary prefixes (i.e. kibibits, mebibits) rather than a decimal prefix
(i.e. kilobits, megabits). Defaults to decimal prefixes.