通过pg_filenode.map 找核心数据字典 pg_database,pg_class,pg_attribute
1、抽取pg_database,找到database oid
==============pg_filenode.map 未损坏时=============
select relname,oid,relfilenode from pg_class where relfilenode=0 and relkind='r' and pg_relation_filepath(oid) not like 'base_%' order by oid;
relname | oid | relfilenode
pg_pltemplate | 1136 | 0
pg_tablespace | 1213 | 0
pg_shdepend | 1214 | 0
pg_authid | 1260 | 0
pg_auth_members | 1261 | 0
pg_database | 1262 | 0 <<<<数据字典OID固定
pg_shdescription | 2396 | 0
pg_db_role_setting | 2964 | 0
pg_resource_pool | 3450 | 0
pg_workload_group | 3451 | 0
pg_auth_history | 3457 | 0
pg_user_status | 3460 | 0
pg_app_workloadgroup_mapping | 3464 | 0
pg_shseclabel | 3592 | 0
pg_extension_data_source | 4211 | 0
gs_obsscaninfo | 5680 | 0
pgxc_group | 9014 | 0
pgxc_node | 9015 | 0
pg_job | 9022 | 0
pg_job_proc | 9023 | 0
gs_global_config | 9080 | 0
(21 rows)
./dump -decoder pg_filenode_map -bs 512 -file /opt/ogdata/pdata/global/pg_filenode.map
======read and dump block 0=======
@0 RELMAPPER_FILEMAGIC size:4 hex:0x592717 val:5842711
@4 num_mappings size:4 hex:0x3e val:62
@8 map1 size:8 hex:[0x4ee 0x3b14 ] val:[1262 15124]
找到pg_database filenode=15124
mog_filedump -o -i -D name,oid,~ \
Item 2 -- Length: 328 Offset: 6784 (0x1a80) Flags: NORMAL
XMIN: 9959 XMAX: 0 CID|XVAC: 0 OID: 16385 <<<<
Block Id: 0 linp Index: 2 Attributes: 14 Size: 32
t_bits: [0]: 0xff [1]: 0x2f
COPY: omm 10
omm=# select relname,oid,relfilenode from pg_class where relfilenode=0 and relkind='r' and pg_relation_filepath(oid) like 'base_%' order by oid;
relname | oid | relfilenode
pg_type | 1247 | 0
pg_attribute | 1249 | 0 <<<数据字典OID固定
pg_proc | 1255 | 0
pg_class | 1259 | 0 <<<
(4 rows)
./dump -decoder pg_filenode_map -bs 512 -file /opt/ogdata/pdata/base/16385/pg_filenode.map
@0 RELMAPPER_FILEMAGIC size:4 hex:0x592717 val:5842711
@4 num_mappings size:4 hex:0xf val:15
@8 map1 size:8 hex:[0x4eb 0x3988 ] val:[1259 14728] <<<<pg_class filenode 14728
@16 map2 size:8 hex:[0x4e1 0x397d ] val:[1249 14717] <<<<pg_attribute filenode 14717
@24 map3 size:8 hex:[0x4e7 0x3981 ] val:[1255 14721]
@32 map4 size:8 hex:[0x4df 0x3932 ] val:[1247 14642]
@40 map5 size:8 hex:[0xb14 0x3983 ] val:[2836 14723]
@48 map6 size:8 hex:[0xb15 0x3985 ] val:[2837 14725]
@56 map7 size:8 hex:[0xa62 0x397f ] val:[2658 14719]
@64 map8 size:8 hex:[0xa63 0x3980 ] val:[2659 14720]
@72 map9 size:8 hex:[0xa66 0x398a ] val:[2662 14730]
@80 map10 size:8 hex:[0xa67 0x398b ] val:[2663 14731]
@88 map11 size:8 hex:[0x26fd 0x398c ] val:[9981 14732]
@96 map12 size:8 hex:[0xa82 0x3986 ] val:[2690 14726]
@104 map13 size:8 hex:[0xa83 0x3987 ] val:[2691 14727]
@112 map14 size:8 hex:[0xa8f 0x3934 ] val:[2703 14644]
@120 map15 size:8 hex:[0xa90 0x3935 ] val:[2704 14645]
$ mog_filedump -o -D name,oid,oid,oid,oid,oid,oid,~ \
/opt/ogdata/pdata/base/16385/14728 | \
grep COPY |grep tab
COPY: tab 2200 16388 0 10 0 16386
TODO: mog_filedump不支持抽取tuple的oid,也就读取不到pg_calss.oid,只能祈祷表没做过导致filenode改变的操作!!!
$ mog_filedump -o -D oid,name,oid,int,smallint,smallint,~ \
/opt/ogdata/pdata/base/16385/14717 | \
grep COPY |grep 16386
COPY: 16386 id 20 -1 8 1
COPY: 16386 c 1043 -1 -1 2
COPY: 16386 ctid 27 0 6 -1
COPY: 16386 xmin 28 0 8 -3
COPY: 16386 cmin 29 0 4 -4
COPY: 16386 xmax 28 0 8 -5
COPY: 16386 cmax 29 0 4 -6
COPY: 16386 tableoid 26 0 4 -7
COPY: 16386 xc_node_id 23 0 4 -8
omm=# select distinct oid,typname from pg_type where oid in (20,1043);
oid | typname
20 | int8
1043 | varchar
(2 rows)
omm=# select distinct oid,typname from pg_type order by oid;
oid | typname
16 | bool
17 | bytea
18 | char
19 | name
20 | int8
21 | int2
22 | int2vector
23 | int4
24 | regproc
25 | text
26 | oid
27 | tid
28 | xid
29 | cid
30 | oidvector
31 | xid32
32 | oidvector_extend
71 | pg_type
75 | pg_attribute
81 | pg_proc
83 | pg_class
86 | raw
87 | _raw
88 | blob
90 | clob
$ mog_filedump -o -D int,varchar /opt/ogdata/pdata/base/16385/16386 | grep COPY|perl -lne 's/^COPY: //g; print;'|tee -a tab.dat
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create table tab (id int,c varchar(100));
\copy tab from '/home/omm/tab.dat'
select * from tab ;