概述statement_history用于记录当前节点的SQL执行信息,用于替代日志方式记录Slow SQL。用于性能问题定位、SQL性能问题分析。会根据配置,记录两类SQL。
- 全量SQL记录
- 慢SQL
- 必须在postgres库内查询,其它库中不存数据。
- 此系统表受track_stmt_stat_level控制,默认为"OFF,L0",第一部分控制Full SQL,第二部分控制Slow SQL,具体字段记录级别见下表。
- 对于Slow SQL,当track_stmt_stat_level的值为非OFF时,且SQL执行时间超过log_min_duration_statement,会记录为慢SQL。
- 查询系统表必须具有sysadmin权限。
- log_min_duration_statement
-1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements and their durations, > 0 logs only statements running at least this number of milliseconds
- track_stmt_details_size
取值范围:整型,0 ~ 576460752303423487
- track_stmt_retention_time
该参数分为两部分,形式为’full sql retention time, slow sql retention time’:
full sql retention time为全量SQL保留时间,取值范围为0 ~ 86400。
slow sql retention time为慢SQL的保留时间,取值范围为0 ~ 604800。
- track_stmt_stat_level
该参数属于USERSET类型参数,请参考重设参数中对应设置方法进行设置,不区分英文字母大小写,如果打开full sql功能会影响性能,并可能会占用大量的磁盘空间。
该参数分为两部分,形式为’full sql stat level, slow sql stat level’:
若全量SQL跟踪级别值为非OFF时,当前SQL跟踪级别值为全量SQL和慢SQL的较高级别(L2 > L1 >L0),级别说明请参见表1。
- track_stmt_parameter
Enable to track the parameter of statements,默认值OFF
- statement_detail_decode(detail text, format text, pretty boolean)
detail: SQL语句产生的事件的集合(不可读)。
format: 解析输出格式,取值为plaintext。
pretty: 当format为plaintext时,是否以优雅的格式展示:
select unique_query_id,statement_detail_decode(details,'plaintext',true) from statement_history where details is not null;
unique_query_id | statement_detail_decode
3809144128 | '1' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309549+08' '3e44:a37:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '2' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309557+08' +
| '3' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309565+08' '3e44:a7c:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '4' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309566+08' +
| '5' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309581+08' '3e44:a7c:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '6' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309581+08' '3e44:a37:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '7' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309588+08' '3e44:30c8:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '8' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309589+08' +
| '9' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309625+08' '3e44:21c3:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '10' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309625+08' +
| '11' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309629+08' '3e44:21cc:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '12' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309629+08' +
| '13' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309637+08' '3e44:21cc:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '14' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309638+08' '3e44:21c3:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '15' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309676+08' '0:2337:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '16' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309676+08' +
| '17' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.30968+08' '0:2340:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '18' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.30968+08' +
| '19' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309691+08' '0:2340:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '20' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309691+08' '0:2337:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '21' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309707+08' '3e44:30c8:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '22' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309708+08' +
| '23' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309708+08' '3e44:30c8:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '24' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.309708+08' +
| '25' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:03.311669+08' '3e44:30c8:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock'
2893388431 | '1' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:13.312375+08' '0:4ec:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock' +
| '2' 'LOCK_END' '2022-05-18 10:16:13.31239+08' +
| '3' 'LOCK_RELEASE' '2022-05-18 10:16:13.312412+08' '0:4ec:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock'
2490934982 | '1' 'LOCK_START' '2022-05-18 10:16:26.869224+08' '0:4ec:0:0:0:0' 'AccessShareLock'
track_stmt_stat_level | L0,L2
MogDB=# select is_slow_sql,count(*),min(start_time),min(finish_time),max(now()) now from statement_history group by is_slow_sql;
is_slow_sql | count | min | min | now
t | 5 | 2022-05-18 09:54:21.865765+08 | 2022-05-18 09:54:22.871032+08 | 2022-05-18 11:24:51.791587+08
f | 363794 | 2022-05-18 10:24:48.128899+08 | 2022-05-18 10:24:48.132055+08 | 2022-05-18 11:24:51.791587+08
(2 rows)
Time: 13947.234 ms
MogDB=# select * from global_shared_memory_detail where contextname like '%statement_history%';
node_name | contextname | level | parent | totalsize | freesize | usedsize
test | statement_history_time_idx | 4 | GlobalSysDBCacheEntryMemCxt_15940 | 4096 | 272 | 3824
test | statement_history | 4 | GlobalSysDBCacheEntryMemCxt_15940 | 8432 | 112 | 8320
test | statement_history | 4 | GlobalSysDBCacheEntryMemCxt_16385 | 8432 | 112 | 8320
test | statement_history_time_idx | 4 | GlobalSysDBCacheEntryMemCxt_16385 | 4096 | 272 | 3824
(4 rows)
Time: 23.284 ms
记录的SQL 36万,相应的SQL内存区大小并没有变化,占用的内存很小,数据会记录到postgres.statement_history表中
MogDB=# \dS+ statement_history
Unlogged table "pg_catalog.statement_history"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
db_name | name | | plain | |
schema_name | name | | plain | |
origin_node | integer | | plain | |
user_name | name | | plain | |
application_name | text | | extended | |
client_addr | text | | extended | |
client_port | integer | | plain | |
unique_query_id | bigint | | plain | |
debug_query_id | bigint | | plain | |
query | text | | extended | |
start_time | timestamp with time zone | | plain | |
finish_time | timestamp with time zone | | plain | |
slow_sql_threshold | bigint | | plain | |
transaction_id | bigint | | plain | |
thread_id | bigint | | plain | |
session_id | bigint | | plain | |
n_soft_parse | bigint | | plain | |
n_hard_parse | bigint | | plain | |
query_plan | text | | extended | |
n_returned_rows | bigint | | plain | |
n_tuples_fetched | bigint | | plain | |
n_tuples_returned | bigint | | plain | |
n_tuples_inserted | bigint | | plain | |
n_tuples_updated | bigint | | plain | |
n_tuples_deleted | bigint | | plain | |
n_blocks_fetched | bigint | | plain | |
n_blocks_hit | bigint | | plain | |
db_time | bigint | | plain | |
cpu_time | bigint | | plain | |
execution_time | bigint | | plain | |
parse_time | bigint | | plain | |
plan_time | bigint | | plain | |
rewrite_time | bigint | | plain | |
pl_execution_time | bigint | | plain | |
pl_compilation_time | bigint | | plain | |
data_io_time | bigint | | plain | |
net_send_info | text | | extended | |
net_recv_info | text | | extended | |
net_stream_send_info | text | | extended | |
net_stream_recv_info | text | | extended | |
lock_count | bigint | | plain | |
lock_time | bigint | | plain | |
lock_wait_count | bigint | | plain | |
lock_wait_time | bigint | | plain | |
lock_max_count | bigint | | plain | |
lwlock_count | bigint | | plain | |
lwlock_wait_count | bigint | | plain | |
lwlock_time | bigint | | plain | |
lwlock_wait_time | bigint | | plain | |
details | bytea | | extended | |
is_slow_sql | boolean | | plain | |
trace_id | text | | extended | |
"statement_history_time_idx" btree (start_time, is_slow_sql) TABLESPACE pg_default
Replica Identity: NOTHING
Has OIDs: no
Options: orientation=row, compression=no
track_stmt_stat_level | L0,L2
五月 18, 2022 4:03:1Term-00, Running Average tpmTOTAL: 4663.81 Current tpmTOTAL: 153804 Memory Usage: 20MB / 35MB 16:08:14,743 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, 16:08:14,744 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00,
16:08:14,744 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmC (NewOrders) = 2105.31
16:08:14,744 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmTOTAL = 4663.47
16:08:14,744 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Session Start = 2022-05-18 16:03:14
16:08:14,745 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Session End = 2022-05-18 16:08:14
16:08:14,745 [Thread-3] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Transaction Count = 23324
track_stmt_stat_level | off,l2
五月 18, 2022 5:37:0Term-00, Running Average tpmTOTAL: 5475.29 Current tpmTOTAL: 180480 Memory Usage: 17MB / 35MB 17:42:05,837 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, 17:42:05,837 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00,
17:42:05,838 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmC (NewOrders) = 2476.3
17:42:05,838 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmTOTAL = 5474.86
17:42:05,838 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Session Start = 2022-05-18 17:37:05
17:42:05,838 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Session End = 2022-05-18 17:42:05
17:42:05,838 [Thread-5] INFO jTPCC : Term-00, Transaction Count = 27381
关掉全量SQL记录后,Running Average tpmTOTAL从4663.81提高到5475.29,tpmTOTAL提升811,性能提升17%。通过测试看到当记录的SQL量很大时,对性能影响较大。建议不要开启FULL SQL,合适设置Slow SQL阀值。
omm2=# show track_stmt_stat_level;
(1 row)
omm2=# show track_stmt_retention_time;
(1 row)
select is_slow_sql,count(*),min(start_time),min(finish_time),max(now()) now from statement_history group by is_slow_sql;
is_slow_sql | count | min | min | now
t | 1 | 2022-05-18 09:54:21.865765+08 | 2022-05-18 09:54:22.871032+08 | 2022-05-18 11:19:23.002656+08
f | 99 | 2022-05-18 10:18:40.599727+08 | 2022-05-18 10:18:40.600507+08 | 2022-05-18 11:19:23.002656+08
(2 rows)
名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 记录级别 |
db_name | name | 数据库名称。 | L0 |
schema_name | name | schema名称。 | L0 |
origin_node | integer | 节点名称。 | L0 |
user_name | name | 用户名。 | L0 |
application_name | text | 用户发起的请求的应用程序名称。 | L0 |
client_addr | text | 用户发起的请求的客户端地址。 | L0 |
client_port | integer | 用户发起的请求的客户端端口。 | L0 |
unique_query_id | bigint | 归一化SQL ID。 | L0 |
debug_query_id | bigint | 唯一SQL ID。 | L0 |
query | text | 归一化SQL。 | L0 |
start_time | timestamp with time zone | 语句启动的时间。 | L0 |
finish_time | timestamp with time zone | 语句结束的时间。 | L0 |
slow_sql_threshold | bigint | 语句执行时慢SQL的标准。 | L0 |
transaction_id | bigint | 事务ID。 | L0 |
thread_id | bigint | 执行线程ID。 | L0 |
session_id | bigint | 用户session id。 | L0 |
n_soft_parse | bigint | 软解析次数,n_soft_parse + n_hard_parse可能大于n_calls,因为子查询未计入n_calls。 | L0 |
n_hard_parse | bigint | 硬解析次数,n_soft_parse + n_hard_parse可能大于n_calls,因为子查询未计入n_calls。 | L0 |
query_plan | text | 语句执行计划。 | L1 |
n_returned_rows | bigint | SELECT返回的结果集行数。 | L0 |
n_tuples_fetched | bigint | 随机扫描行。 | L0 |
n_tuples_returned | bigint | 顺序扫描行。 | L0 |
n_tuples_inserted | bigint | 插入行。 | L0 |
n_tuples_updated | bigint | 更新行。 | L0 |
n_tuples_deleted | bigint | 删除行。 | L0 |
n_blocks_fetched | bigint | buffer的块访问次数。 | L0 |
n_blocks_hit | bigint | buffer的块命中次数。 | L0 |
db_time | bigint | 有效的DB时间花费,多线程将累加(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
cpu_time | bigint | CPU时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
execution_time | bigint | 执行器内执行时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
parse_time | bigint | SQL解析时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
plan_time | bigint | SQL生成计划时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
rewrite_time | bigint | SQL重写时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
pl_execution_time | bigint | plpgsql上的执行时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
pl_compilation_time | bigint | plpgsql上的编译时间(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
data_io_time | bigint | IO上的时间花费(单位:微秒)。 | L0 |
net_send_info | text | 通过物理连接发送消息的网络状态,包含时间(微秒)、调用次数、吞吐量(字节)。通过该字段可以分析SQL在分布式系统下的网络开销,单机模式下不支持该字段。例如:{“time”:xxx, “n_calls”:xxx, “size”:xxx}。 | L0 |
net_recv_info | text | 通过物理连接接收消息的网络状态,包含时间(微秒)、调用次数、吞吐量(字节)。通过该字段可以分析SQL在分布式系统下的网络开销,单机模式下不支持该字段。例如:{“time”:xxx, “n_calls”:xxx, “size”:xxx}。 | L0 |
net_stream_send_info | text | 通过逻辑连接发送消息的网络状态,包含时间(微秒)、调用次数、吞吐量(字节)。通过该字段可以分析SQL在分布式系统下的网络开销,单机模式下不支持该字段。例如:{“time”:xxx, “n_calls”:xxx, “size”:xxx}。 | L0 |
net_stream_recv_info | text | 通过逻辑连接接收消息的网络状态,包含时间(微秒)、调用次数、吞吐量(字节)。通过该字段可以分析SQL在分布式系统下的网络开销,单机模式下不支持该字段。例如:{“time”:xxx, “n_calls”:xxx, “size”:xxx}。 | L0 |
lock_count | bigint | 加锁次数。 | L0 |
lock_time | bigint | 加锁耗时。 | L1 |
lock_wait_count | bigint | 加锁等待次数。 | L0 |
lock_wait_time | bigint | 加锁等待耗时。 | L1 |
lock_max_count | bigint | 最大持锁数量。 | L0 |
lwlock_count | bigint | 轻量级加锁次数(预留)。 | L0 |
lwlock_wait_count | bigint | 轻量级等锁次数。 | L0 |
lwlock_time | bigint | 轻量级加锁时间(预留)。 | L1 |
lwlock_wait_time | bigint | 轻量级等锁时间。 | L1 |
details | bytea | 语句锁事件的列表,该列表按时间书序记录事件,记录的数量受参数track_stmt_details_size的影响。 | L2 |
事件包括: | |||
- 加锁开始 | |||
- 加锁结束 | |||
- 等锁开始 | |||
- 等锁结束 | |||
- 放锁开始 | |||
- 放锁结束 | |||
- 轻量级等锁开始 | |||
- 轻量级等锁结束 | |||
is_slow_sql | boolean | 该SQL是否为slow SQL。 | L0 |