
Oracle undo健康检查脚本丨附下载

原创 XiaoHe 2021-03-25

Oracle的进程,如果在os层面kill -9了,那么在v$transaction中是看不到的,需要在v$fast_start_transactions中去看。可以用下面2种方法预估回滚时间:


set pages 1000 set line 1000 set feedback off set serveroutput on declare l_start number; l_end number; mydate varchar2(200); est_time varchar2(200); v_pause_secs number; begin --Set the pause time for get 2 times change,default is 300 seconds v_pause_secs:=600; select sum(undoblockstotal-undoblocksdone) into l_start from v$fast_start_transactions where state='RECOVERING'; dbms_lock.sleep(v_pause_secs); select sum(undoblockstotal-undoblocksdone) into l_end from v$fast_start_transactions where state='RECOVERING'; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') into mydate from dual; select substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),9,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),' ')-9)||'Days '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),12,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),':')-12)||'Hours '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),15,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),':',1,2)-15)||'Mins '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),18,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),'.',1,1)-18)||'Secs' into est_time from dual; dbms_output.put_line(mydate||'==> Base on '||v_pause_secs||'Secs calculated, Estimate remaining trx rollback time is ......:'|| est_time); end; /


set pages 1000 set line 1000 set feedback off set serveroutput on declare l_start number; l_end number; mydate varchar2(200); est_time varchar2(200); v_pause_secs number; begin --Set the pause time for get 2 times change,default is 30 seconds v_pause_secs:=600; select sum(ktuxesiz) into l_start from x$ktuxe where KTUXECFL ='DEAD'; dbms_lock.sleep(v_pause_secs); select sum(ktuxesiz) into l_end from x$ktuxe where KTUXECFL ='DEAD'; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') into mydate from dual; select substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),9,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),' ')-9)||'Days '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),12,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),':')-12)||'Hours '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),15,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),':',1,2)-15)||'Mins '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),18,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),'.',1,1)-18)||'Secs' into est_time from dual; dbms_output.put_line(mydate||'==> Base on '||v_pause_secs||'Secs calculated, Estimate remaining trx rollback time is ......:'|| est_time); end; /

Oralce undo健康检查脚本(这个脚本是基于进程没在os层面kill -9的情况下):

set pages 1000 set line 1000 set feedback off set serveroutput on -- UNDO Check script start exec dbms_output.put_line('== >>>>>>>>>> UNDO CHECK SCRIPT START <<<<<<<<<< =='); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check database version PROMPT Checking database version...... PROMPT ============ select * from v$version; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check if flashback on PROMPT Checking if flashback on...... PROMPT ============ select flashback_on from v$database; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check the undo parameter PROMPT Checking the undo parameter...... PROMPT ============ show parameter undo; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check undo tablespace usage PROMPT Checking undo tablespace usage...... PROMPT ============ SELECT d.status , d.tablespace_name , d.contents, d.extent_management, to_char(nvl(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), '99999999.999') as total_size_mb, to_char(nvl(a.bytes - nvl(f.bytes, 0), 0) / 1024 / 1024, '99999999.999') used_size_mb, to_char(nvl(nvl(f.bytes, 0), 0) / 1024 / 1024, '99999999.999') free_size_mb, to_char(nvl((a.bytes - nvl(f.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100, 0), '990.00') as used_percent FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name) a, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) f WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+) AND d.contents='UNDO'; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check rollback segment status PROMPT Checking rollback segment status...... PROMPT ============ select tablespace_name,status,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 mb from DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS group by tablespace_name,status; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); --Check all roll segment online or offline status PROMPT Checking Check all roll segment online or offline status...... PROMPT ============ select substr(segment_name,1,7) as rollname,status,count(*) from dba_rollback_segs group by substr(segment_name,1,7),status order by 1; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); --Check online roll segment status PROMPT Checking roll segment online status...... PROMPT ============ SELECT substr(name,1,7) as rollname, status,count(*) as cnt FROM v$rollstat, v$rollname WHERE v$rollstat.usn=v$rollname.usn group by substr(name,1,7),status order by 1; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check TOP 20 roll segment extend status PROMPT Checking TOP 20 roll segment extend status...... PROMPT ============ select * from ( SELECT ds.segment_name "Seq Name", ds.bytes "Bytes", ds.blocks "Blocks", ds.extents "Extents", ds.initial_extent "Init Ext", ds.next_extent "Next Ext", ds.min_extents "Min Ext", ds.max_extents "Max Ext" FROM dba_segments ds WHERE segment_type in ('ROLLBACK','TYPE2 UNDO') order by extents desc) where rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check undo header wait PROMPT Checking Undo Header Waits...... PROMPT (Note:Need to wait 60Secs) PROMPT ============ declare s_num_rbs number; s_header_wait number; s_waits_per_rbs number; e_num_rbs number; e_header_wait number; e_waits_per_rbs number; delta_num_rbs number; delta_header_wait number; delta_waits_per_rbs varchar2(200); s_mydate varchar2(200); e_mydate varchar2(200); v_pause_secs number; begin --Set the pause time for get 2 times change,default is 30 seconds v_pause_secs:=60; select to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') into s_mydate from dual; select COUNT(stat.USN) ,wait.Count,round(wait.Count/COUNT(stat.USN),4) into s_num_rbs,s_header_wait,s_waits_per_rbs from V$WAITSTAT wait, V$ROLLSTAT stat where stat.Status = 'ONLINE' and wait.Class = 'undo header' and stat.USN > 0 group by wait.Count; dbms_lock.sleep(v_pause_secs); select to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') into e_mydate from dual; select COUNT(stat.USN),wait.Count,round(wait.Count/COUNT(stat.USN),4) into e_num_rbs,e_header_wait,e_waits_per_rbs from V$WAITSTAT wait, V$ROLLSTAT stat where stat.Status = 'ONLINE' and wait.Class = 'undo header' and stat.USN > 0 group by wait.Count; select (e_num_rbs-s_num_rbs),(e_header_wait-s_header_wait),to_char(round(nvl(decode((e_waits_per_rbs-s_waits_per_rbs),0,null,(e_waits_per_rbs-s_waits_per_rbs)),0),4),'fm999999990.999999999') into delta_num_rbs,delta_header_wait,delta_waits_per_rbs from dual; dbms_output.put_line(s_mydate||'==> At start time:'); dbms_output.put_line('Number of Rollback segments:'||s_num_rbs||' ,Number of Undo header waits:'||s_header_wait||' ,Number of header wait per Rollback segment:'||s_waits_per_rbs); dbms_output.put_line(e_mydate||'==> At end time:'); dbms_output.put_line('Number of Rollback segments:'||e_num_rbs||' ,Number of Undo header waits:'||e_header_wait||' ,Number of header wait per Rollback segment:'||e_waits_per_rbs); dbms_output.put_line('==== Change during '||v_pause_secs||' Seconds:===='); dbms_output.put_line('Delta of Rollback segments:'||delta_num_rbs||' ,Delta of Undo header waits:'||delta_header_wait||' ,Delta of header wait per Rollback segment:'||delta_waits_per_rbs); end; / exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check latch: undo global data PROMPT Checking TOP 20 "latch: undo global data"...... PROMPT ============ select * from ( select to_char(end_interval_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') as end_interval_time, nvl(round((c.time_waited_micro - lag(time_waited_micro) over(order by c.snap_id)) / decode((c.total_waits - lag(total_waits) over(order by c.snap_id)),0,null,(c.total_waits - lag(total_waits) over(order by c.snap_id)))/1000,2),0) as avg_wait_time_ms from dba_hist_system_event c, dba_hist_snapshot dd where event_name = 'latch: undo global data' and c.instance_number=dd.instance_number and c.snap_id = dd.snap_id and c.instance_number=1 and c.snap_id >= 1 and end_interval_time>=trunc(sysdate-7) order by 1 desc) where avg_wait_time_ms<>0 and rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check location of undo latch undo global data PROMPT Checking location of undo latch undo global data PROMPT ============ select * from v$latch_misses where SLEEP_COUNT>0 and parent_name like 'undo global data%' order by sleep_count desc; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check undo buffer busy wait in ASH PROMPT Checking most 20 recently undo buffer busy wait in ASH...... PROMPT ============ select * from ( select to_char(sample_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as sample_time, sql_id,event,TOP_LEVEL_SQL_ID,p1 as file_id,p2 as block_id, p3 as reason from v$active_session_history where event='buffer busy waits' and p1 in (select file_id from DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS where segment_name<>'SYSTEM') and sample_time>=trunc(sysdate-7) order by sample_time desc) where rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check most recent ORA-1555 count PROMPT Checking most recent ORA-1555 count...... PROMPT ============ select * from ( select to_char(end_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') end_time, x.unexpiredblks,x.unxpblkrelcnt,x.unxpblkreucnt, x.expiredblks,x.expblkrelcnt,x.expblkreucnt, x.ssolderrcnt from DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT x where x.ssolderrcnt>0 order by end_time desc) where rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check the status of TOP 20 session which open transaction PROMPT Checking the status of TOP 20 session which open transaction PROMPT ============ PROMPT Check the status of TOP 20 session which open transaction...... select * from ( select b.sid, b.SERIAL#, b.USERNAME, b.status as session_status, a.STATUS as trx_status, b.MACHINE, b.sql_id, a.START_TIME as trx_start_time, a.USED_UBLK as used_undo_blks, a.USED_UREC as used_undo_records, a.START_UBAFIL as used_undo_file_id, a.START_UBABLK as used_undo_block_id from v$transaction a, v$session b where a.ses_addr = b.saddr order by USED_UBLK desc) where rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check TOP session current wait event PROMPT Checking TOP session current wait event PROMPT ============ select * from ( select b.sid, b.SERIAL#, event,p1text,p1,p2text, p2 from v$transaction a, v$session b where a.ses_addr = b.saddr order by USED_UBLK desc) where rownum<=1; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check TOP session wait event history PROMPT Checking TOP session wait event history PROMPT ============ select * from ( select to_char(sample_time,'hh24:mi:ss') as sample_time,sid,serial#,sql_id,event,p1text,p1,p2text,p2 from v$active_session_history c, (select * from (select b.sid,b.serial# from v$transaction a, v$session b where a.ses_addr = b.saddr order by USED_UBLK desc) where rownum<=1) x where c.SESSION_ID=x.sid and c.SESSION_SERIAL#=x.serial# order by sample_time desc) where rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check TOP session "db file sequential read" average wait time PROMPT Checking TOP session "db file sequential read" average wait time...... PROMPT (Note:Need to wait 60Secs) PROMPT ============ declare v_top_used_ublk_sid number; v_top_used_ublk_serial# number; s_chktm varchar2(200); s_tm_waited_micro number; s_total_waits number; s_avg_wait number; e_chktm varchar2(200); e_tm_waited_micro number; e_total_waits number; e_avg_wait number; v_delta_avg_wait varchar2(200); v_pause_secs number; v_cycle_cnt number; begin --Set the pause time for get 2 times change,default is 3 seconds v_pause_secs:=3; v_cycle_cnt:=20; dbms_output.put_line('TOP rolling back session "db file sequential read" avg_wait_time_ms is: '); select sid,serial# into v_top_used_ublk_sid,v_top_used_ublk_serial# from (select b.sid,b.serial# from v$transaction a, v$session b where a.ses_addr = b.saddr order by USED_UBLK desc) where rownum<=1; for i in 1 .. v_cycle_cnt loop select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),time_waited_micro,total_waits,a.AVERAGE_WAIT into s_chktm,s_tm_waited_micro,s_total_waits,s_avg_wait from v$session_event a where a.sid=v_top_used_ublk_sid and event='db file sequential read'; dbms_lock.sleep(v_pause_secs); select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),time_waited_micro,total_waits,a.AVERAGE_WAIT into e_chktm,e_tm_waited_micro,e_total_waits,s_avg_wait from v$session_event a where a.sid=v_top_used_ublk_sid and event='db file sequential read'; select to_char(round((e_tm_waited_micro-s_tm_waited_micro)/(e_total_waits-s_total_waits)/1000,2),'fm999999990.999999999') into v_delta_avg_wait from dual; dbms_output.put_line(e_chktm||': '|| v_delta_avg_wait); end loop; end; / exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check system level "db file sequential read" average wait time PROMPT Checking Check system level "db file sequential read" average wait time...... PROMPT ============ select * from ( select 'SystemLevel_AllDatafile:'||event_name as event_name,to_char(end_interval_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') end_interval_time, round((c.time_waited_micro - lag(time_waited_micro) over(order by c.snap_id)) / decode((c.total_waits - lag(total_waits) over(order by c.snap_id)),0,null,(c.total_waits - lag(total_waits) over(order by c.snap_id)))/1000,2) as avg_wait_time_ms from dba_hist_system_event c, dba_hist_snapshot dd where event_name = 'db file sequential read' and c.instance_number=dd.instance_number and c.snap_id = dd.snap_id and c.instance_number=1 and c.snap_id >= 1 and end_interval_time>=trunc(sysdate-7) order by 2 desc) where rownum<=20; exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); -- Check the transaction rollback estimate time PROMPT Checking the transaction rollback estimate time...... PROMPT (Note:Need to wait 60Secs) PROMPT ============ declare l_start number; l_end number; mydate varchar2(200); est_time varchar2(200); v_pause_secs number; begin --Set the pause time for get 2 times change,default is 30 seconds v_pause_secs:=60; select sum(ktuxesiz) into l_start from x$ktuxe x ,v$transaction b, v$session a where a.taddr=b.addr and x.ktuxeusn=b.XIDUSN and x.ktuxeslt=b.XIDSLOT and ktuxesqn=b.XIDSQN and a.status='KILLED' and b.STATUS='ACTIVE'; dbms_lock.sleep(v_pause_secs); select sum(ktuxesiz) into l_end from x$ktuxe x ,v$transaction b, v$session a where a.taddr=b.addr and x.ktuxeusn=b.XIDUSN and x.ktuxeslt=b.XIDSLOT and ktuxesqn=b.XIDSQN and a.status='KILLED' and b.STATUS='ACTIVE'; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') into mydate from dual; select substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),9,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),' ')-9)||'Days '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),12,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),':')-12)||'Hours '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),15,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),':',1,2)-15)||'Mins '|| substr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),18,instr(to_char(numtodsinterval((l_end/((l_start -l_end)/v_pause_secs)),'second')),'.',1,1)-18)||'Secs' into est_time from dual; dbms_output.put_line(mydate||'==> Base on '||v_pause_secs||'Secs calculated, Estimate remaining trx rollback time is ......:'|| est_time); end; / exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line(' '); exec dbms_output.put_line('== >>>>>>>>>> UNDO CHECK SCRIPT END <<<<<<<<<< ==');


== >>>>>>>>>> UNDO CHECK SCRIPT START <<<<<<<<<< == Checking database version...... ============ BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production Checking if flashback on...... ============ FLASHBACK_ON ------------------ NO Checking the undo parameter...... ============ NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ _optimizer_undo_cost_change string undo_management string AUTO undo_retention integer 10800 undo_tablespace string MYUR_UNDOTS1 Checking undo tablespace usage...... ============ STATUS TABLESPACE_NAME CONTENTS EXTENT_MANAGEMENT TOTAL_SIZE_MB USED_SIZE_MB FREE_SIZE_MB USED_PERCENT --------- ------------------------------ --------- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ONLINE MYUR_UNDOTS1 UNDO LOCAL 377855.922 289643.172 88212.750 76.65 Checking rollback segment status...... ============ TABLESPACE_NAME STATUS MB ------------------------------ --------- ---------- MYUR_UNDOTS1 ACTIVE 141022.687 MYUR_UNDOTS1 UNEXPIRED 141347.375 MYUR_UNDOTS1 EXPIRED 7261.9375 Checking Check all roll segment online or offline status...... ============ ROLLNAME STATUS COUNT(*) ---------------------------- ---------------- ---------- SYSTEM ONLINE 1 _SYSSMU OFFLINE 111 _SYSSMU ONLINE 193 Checking roll segment online status...... ============ ROLLNAME STATUS CNT ---------------------------- --------------- ---------- SYSTEM ONLINE 1 _SYSSMU ONLINE 193 Checking TOP 20 roll segment extend status...... ============ Seq Name Bytes Blocks Extents Init Ext Next Ext Min Ext Max Ext -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- _SYSSMU97_1452782954$ 1461008465 17834576 13002 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU122_2745965143$ 4810997760 587280 225 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU148_3535832903$ 3428974592 418576 209 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU111_2840967137$ 2153906176 262928 203 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU151_2337694042$ 2728525824 333072 202 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU34_1398498963$ 3234988032 394896 194 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU130_2801025066$ 3738959872 456416 191 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU27_1232623801$ 1709309952 208656 188 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU86_2060358707$ 1989279744 242832 183 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU132_3132320204$ 2629959680 321040 181 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU229_966176448$ 1388445696 169488 177 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU95_2146542047$ 2875326464 350992 170 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU182_2198377807$ 1901199360 232080 170 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU168_3933786344$ 2468478976 301328 169 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU36_1398498981$ 2364669952 288656 165 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU71_1398526988$ 2231500800 272400 164 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU68_1398526988$ 1105330176 134928 160 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU128_2100380268$ 2093088768 255504 158 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU77_1398526988$ 1848770560 225680 156 131072 65536 2 32765 _SYSSMU5_1398481724$ 1836187648 224144 153 131072 65536 2 32765 Checking Undo Header Waits...... (Note:Need to wait 60Secs) ============ 15:49:48==> At start time: Number of Rollback segments:193 ,Number of Undo header waits:3002541 ,Number of header wait per Rollback segment:15557.2073 15:50:48==> At end time: Number of Rollback segments:193 ,Number of Undo header waits:3002552 ,Number of header wait per Rollback segment:15557.2642 ==== Change during 60 Seconds:==== Delta of Rollback segments:0 ,Delta of Undo header waits:11 ,Delta of header wait per Rollback segment:0.0569 Checking TOP 20 "latch: undo global data"...... ============ END_INTERVAL_TIME AVG_WAIT_TIME_MS ------------------------------ ---------------- 2021-01-05 15:45 0.07 2021-01-05 15:15 0.07 2021-01-05 15:00 0.09 2021-01-05 14:30 0.09 2021-01-05 14:15 0.12 2021-01-05 14:01 0.09 2021-01-05 13:45 0.14 2021-01-05 13:30 0.14 2021-01-05 12:15 0.16 2021-01-05 12:00 0.01 2021-01-05 11:45 0.01 2021-01-05 11:16 0.1 2021-01-05 10:45 0.12 2021-01-05 10:15 0.08 2021-01-05 09:15 0.1 2021-01-05 09:00 0.09 2021-01-05 08:45 0.07 2021-01-05 08:30 0.1 2021-01-05 08:15 0.09 2021-01-05 07:15 0.09 Checking location of undo latch undo global data ============ PARENT_NAME WHERE NWFAIL_COUNT SLEEP_COUNT WTR_SLP_COUNT LONGHOLD_COUNT LOCATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- undo global data ktusm_stealext_2 0 135018 15624 0 ktusm_stealext_2 undo global data kturax 0 30779 161 0 kturax undo global data ktudba: KSLBEGIN 0 3517 105824 0 ktudba: KSLBEGIN undo global data ktusmupst: KSLBEGIN 0 3363 42119 0 ktusmupst: KSLBEGIN undo global data ktusm_stealext: KSLBEGIN 0 1260 52 0 ktusm_stealext: KSLBEGIN undo global data ktucof: at start 0 888 0 0 ktucof: at start undo global data ktudnx:child 0 181 4375 0 ktudnx:child undo global data ktuGetRetentionDuration 0 50 184 0 ktuGetRetentionDuration undo global data kturdc: KSLBEGIN 0 46 2 0 kturdc: KSLBEGIN undo global data ktufrbs_2 0 35 3613 0 ktufrbs_2 undo global data ktucmt: ktugd_cuux 0 17 20 0 ktucmt: ktugd_cuux undo global data ktusmasp: ktugd_tuux 0 16 188 0 ktusmasp: ktugd_tuux undo global data ktusmasp1r_2 0 16 1 0 ktusmasp1r_2 undo global data ktubnd:child 0 7 1193 0 ktubnd:child undo global data ktusmofxu_1: kslgetl 0 5 0 0 ktusmofxu_1: kslgetl undo global data ktusmasp: ktugd_suux 0 4 222 0 ktusmasp: ktugd_suux undo global data kturimugur: child 0 3 159 0 kturimugur: child undo global data ktur set recov bit 0 1 1401 0 ktur set recov bit undo global data ktusmstf: KSLBEGIN 0 1 0 0 ktusmstf: KSLBEGIN undo global data ktugfb 0 1 4 0 ktugfb Checking most 20 recently undo buffer busy wait in ASH...... ============ SAMPLE_TIME SQL_ID EVENT TOP_LEVEL_SQL_ID FILE_ID BLOCK_ID REASON ------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2021-01-05 13:45:31 b5tq6435p6j2h buffer busy waits 5t28uchjqpyfm 379 56945 311 Checking most recent ORA-1555 count...... ============ END_TIME UNEXPIREDBLKS UNXPBLKRELCNT UNXPBLKREUCNT EXPIREDBLKS EXPBLKRELCNT EXPBLKREUCNT SSOLDERRCNT ------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 2021-01-05 14:05:41 12264016 0 0 4562368 0 0 1 2021-01-05 04:35:41 23274256 0 0 3026176 0 0 1 2021-01-04 23:35:41 10506808 0 0 6716640 0 0 2 2021-01-04 19:25:41 7081704 0 0 10747248 0 0 2 2021-01-04 16:45:41 10124984 0 0 8884456 0 0 2 2021-01-04 14:45:41 13386056 0 0 5830840 0 0 1 2021-01-01 05:25:41 30404640 0 0 5128 24064 0 1 2020-12-31 16:25:41 7833920 0 0 0 286248 0 1 2020-12-31 16:15:41 7601424 2176 0 1024 1407272 0 1 2020-12-31 16:05:41 7869856 3712 0 0 1624664 0 1 2020-12-31 14:05:41 8484032 0 0 3840 390376 0 1 2020-12-31 13:25:41 8726240 128 7 384 909016 0 1 2020-12-31 10:15:41 2637488 0 0 1024 4240 0 1 2020-12-31 10:05:41 2376080 0 0 2304 8192 0 1 2020-12-31 09:55:41 1727392 62512 217548 1920 282904 0 6 2020-12-31 09:45:41 1799848 75680 237159 384 729008 0 2 2020-12-31 09:35:41 1768536 138864 635921 0 1038272 0 3 2020-12-31 09:25:41 1900664 8488 7888 1024 1167528 0 1 2020-12-31 09:15:41 1965392 336840 138558 4360 187072 0 3 2020-12-31 09:05:41 2009656 596888 239303 128 393464 0 5 Checking the status of TOP 20 session which open transaction ============ Check the status of TOP 20 session which open transaction...... SID SERIAL# USERNAME SESSION_STATUS TRX_STATUS MACHINE SQL_ID TRX_START_TIME USED_UNDO_BLKS USED_UNDO_RECORDS USED_UNDO_FILE_ID USED_UNDO_BLOCK_ID ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- -------------------- -------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ 3610 25245 XXSOP_DS KILLED ACTIVE INT-DATBS-APP-MYH02.cor.com 5bs1vzzr3m9kb 12/31/20 00:33:36 8120807 553978103 194 1281245 160 36767 APPS ACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 9hdxps2qs833a 01/04/21 22:15:42 12457 1033332 265 2144972 3774 15169 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 0at8gkgbkkcgq 01/05/21 10:25:14 400 4883 266 1351119 3749 39593 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 10:26:02 196 2394 101 174811 3741 40557 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 10:24:20 196 2394 263 3577957 326 60877 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 d6hshqtpbq8hd 01/05/21 14:42:52 184 6490 263 1396378 3906 21291 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 12:15:59 125 4608 263 682791 5829 20083 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 d6hshqtpbq8hd 01/05/21 15:03:57 112 6552 266 199044 3918 43601 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 12:15:42 95 3302 265 2095 3364 12905 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 10:01:12 67 2511 100 2741973 4949 1317 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 15:04:07 53 3409 103 230247 4028 52161 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 14:10:40 44 1608 379 2902566 4738 8485 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 15:19:07 31 385 265 397579 1721 55907 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 14:57:36 31 1900 264 147309 282 31081 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/04/21 13:34:00 30 336 266 2072663 5680 33197 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/04/21 14:23:30 23 1447 266 912864 3687 54157 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 15:42:48 23 1483 194 225767 40 15329 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 14:21:37 17 993 263 1239880 3996 34287 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 15:41:36 16 791 33 3143889 7 22381 APPS INACTIVE ACTIVE erpweb01 01/05/21 14:14:01 12 655 100 2656172 Checking TOP session current wait event ============ SID SERIAL# EVENT P1TEXT P1 P2TEXT P2 ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 3610 25245 db file sequential read file# 248 block# 3558020 Checking TOP session wait event history ============ SAMPLE_TIME SID SERIAL# SQL_ID EVENT P1TEXT P1 P2TEXT P2 ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 15:50:52 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557828 15:50:51 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558340 15:50:50 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557765 15:50:49 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558213 15:50:48 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557638 15:50:47 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558150 15:50:46 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 100 block# 2022778 15:50:45 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558023 15:50:44 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558343 15:50:43 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557832 15:50:42 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 249 block# 3551428 15:50:41 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557705 15:50:40 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558153 15:50:39 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 100 block# 2022819 15:50:38 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557962 15:50:37 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 100 block# 2022834 15:50:36 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557643 15:50:35 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 100 block# 2022843 15:50:34 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3558475 15:50:33 3610 25245 5bs1vzzr3m9kb file# 248 block# 3557836 Checking TOP session "db file sequential read" average wait time...... (Note:Need to wait 60Secs) ============ TOP rolling back session "db file sequential read" avg_wait_time_ms is: 2021-01-05 15:50:57: 0.68 2021-01-05 15:51:00: 0.44 2021-01-05 15:51:03: 0.41 2021-01-05 15:51:06: 0.76 2021-01-05 15:51:09: 0.67 2021-01-05 15:51:12: 0.71 2021-01-05 15:51:15: 0.77 2021-01-05 15:51:18: 0.47 2021-01-05 15:51:21: 0.38 2021-01-05 15:51:24: 0.49 2021-01-05 15:51:27: 0.44 2021-01-05 15:51:30: 0.29 2021-01-05 15:51:33: 0.51 2021-01-05 15:51:36: 0.44 2021-01-05 15:51:39: 0.5 2021-01-05 15:51:42: 0.34 2021-01-05 15:51:45: 0.35 2021-01-05 15:51:48: 0.43 2021-01-05 15:51:51: 0.38 2021-01-05 15:51:54: 0.41 Checking Check system level "db file sequential read" average wait time...... ============ EVENT_NAME END_INTERVAL_TIME AVG_WAIT_TIME_MS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------- SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 15:45 0.34 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 15:30 0.42 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 15:15 0.16 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 15:00 0.26 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 14:45 0.27 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 14:30 0.21 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 14:15 0.47 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 14:01 0.48 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 13:45 0.46 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 13:30 0.42 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 13:15 0.4 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 13:00 0.35 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 12:45 0.25 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 12:30 0.29 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 12:15 0.37 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 12:00 0.22 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 11:45 0.32 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 11:30 0.22 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 11:16 0.26 SystemLevel_AllDatafile:db file sequential read 2021-01-05 11:00 0.08 Checking the transaction rollback estimate time...... (Note:Need to wait 60Secs) ============ 2021-01-05 15:52:55==> Base on 60Secs calculated, Estimate remaining trx rollback time is ......:22Days 04Hours 49Mins 37Secs == >>>>>>>>>> UNDO CHECK SCRIPT END <<<<<<<<<< == SQL>


最后修改时间:2021-03-25 15:35:30
