一. 实验环境
本次实验环境是通过mac电脑上的vmware软件部署的两套centos 8(arm)操作系统,具体信息如下:
角色 | IP | 主机名 | 操作系统信息 | PTK版本 |
主 | | mogdbA | Linux mogdbA 5.11.12-300.el8.aarch64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 30 12:03:15 CST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux | v0.3.8 |
备 | | mogdbB | Linux mogdbA1 5.11.12-300.el8.aarch64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 30 12:03:15 CST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux | v0.3.8 |
- PTK工具下载链接:https://docs.mogdb.io/zh/ptk/v0.2/release
- PTK工具支持在线安装,安装指令如下
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/install.sh | sh
二. 操作系统安装前准备
2.1 关闭操作系统防火墙
- 修改/etc/selinux/config文件中的“SELINUX”值为“disabled”。
vim /etc/selinux/config
- 使用systemctl命令停止防火墙并禁止开机自启
[root@mogdbA ~]# systemctl status firewalld
[root@mogdbA ~]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@mogdbA ~]# systemctl disable firewalld
若防火墙状态显示为active (running),则表示防火墙未关闭.
若防火墙状态显示为inactive (dead), 则表示防火墙已关闭
2.2 各个节点设置为相同字符集
[root@mogdbA ~]# echo $LANG
[root@mogdbA1 ~]# echo $LANG
2.3 设置时区和时间
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
2.4 关闭swap交换内存
swapoff -a
2.5 设置各节点网卡MTU值相同
- 使用
命令查看网卡信息。 - 修改网卡MTU
ifconfig 网卡编号 mtu value
三. PTK工具
3.1 PTK工具介绍
PTK (Provisioning Toolkit)是一款针对 MogDB 数据库开发的软件安装和运维工具,旨在帮助用户更便捷地安装部署MogDB数据库。
3.2 在线安装PTK
[root@mogdbA hugepages]# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/install.sh | sh
Downloading ptk package...
Detected shell: bash
Shell profile: /root/.bash_profile
ptk has been added to PATH in /root/.bash_profile
open a new terminal or source /root/.bash_profile to active it
Installed path: /root/.ptk/bin/ptk
source /root/.bash_profile
3.3 查看当前版本
[root@mogdbA hugepages]# ptk -v
PTK Version: v0.3.8
Go Version: go1.17.1
Build Date: 2022-08-31T14:12:21Z
Git Hash: b3fa51b
- ptk candidate db - 列出支持安装的 MogDB 数据库版本列表
[root@mogdbA hugepages]# ptk candidate db
software | version
MogDB | 3.0.1
| 3.0.0
| 2.1.1
| 2.0.3
| 2.0.1
| 2.0.0
- ptk candidate os - 列出支持安装 MogDB 的操作系统
[root@mogdbA hugepages]# ptk candidate os
id | os | tested version(s)
1 | CentOS 7 (x86_64) | 7.6.1810 (Core)
2 | openEuler 20 (x86_64) | 20.03 LTS
3 | openEuler 20 (arm64) | 20.03 LTS
4 | openEuler 22 (x86_64) | 22.03 LTS
5 | openEuler 22 (arm64) | 22.03 LTS
6 | Kylin V10 (x86_64) | V10 (Tercel)
7 | Kylin V10 (arm64) | V10 (Tercel)
8 | UOS 20 A (x86_64) | 1002a/1020a/1050a
9 | UOS 20 A (arm64) | 1050a (kongzi)
10 | Ubuntu 20 (x86_64) | 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)
11 | CentOS 8 (arm64) | 8.0.1905 (Core)
12 | CentOS 8 (x86_64) | 8.0.1905 (Core)
13 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x86_64) | 7.5 (Maipo)
14 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x86_64) | 8.5 (Ootpa)
15 | EulerOS 2 (x86_64) | 2.0 (SP3)
16 | EulerOS 2 (arm64) | 2.0 (SP3)
18 | SLES 12SP5 (x86_64) | 12SP5
19 | Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64) | 7.9 (Maipo)
20 | Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) | 8.6 (Ootpa)
21 | Rocky Linux 8 (x86_64) | 8.5 (Green Obsidian)
22 | NeoKylin V7 (x86_64) | V7Update6
23 | UOS 20 D/E (x86_64) | 1040d (fou)
24 | UOS 20 D/E (arm64) | 1040d (fou)
25 | Ubuntu 22 (x86_64) | 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)
第11行CentOS 8 (arm64)是支持安装的。
四. 安装数据库
4.1 准备拓补配置文件
[root@mogdbA ~]# vi config.yaml
# config.yaml
cluster_name: mogdb_cluster1
user: omm
group: omm
base_dir: /opt/mogdb
- host:
db_port: 26000
role: primary
port: 22
user: root
- host:
db_port: 26000
role: standby
port: 22
user: root
4.2 检查本机系统
ptk checkos -f config.yaml
确保输出的检查结果均为 OK 或者 Warning ,如果有 Abnormal 或 ExecuteError出现,需用户根据日志提示先修正系统参数.
- 出现报错
[root@mogdbA ~]# ptk checkos -f config.yaml
[PTK-4036] password field [] must be encrypted with ptk, raw password in config is not allowed
Please type "ptk encrypt -h" for more help
解决方法:使用ptk encrypt Enmo@123
[root@mogdbA ~]# ptk encrypt Enmo@123
- 再次执行checkos,输出列表:
# Check Results
Item | Level
A1.Check_OS_Version | OK
A2.Check_Kernel_Version | OK
A3.Check_Unicode | OK
A4.Check_TimeZone | OK
A5.Check_Swap_Memory_Configure | OK
A6.Check_SysCtl_Parameter | Warning
A7.Check_FileSystem_Configure | OK
A8.Check_Disk_Configure | OK
A9.Check_BlockDev_Configure | Warning
A9.Check_Logical_Block | OK
A10.Check_IO_Configure | Warning
A10.Check_IO_Request | Warning
A10.Check_Asynchronous_IO_Request | OK
A11.Check_Network_Configure | OK
A12.Check_Time_Consistency | OK
A13.Check_Firewall_Service | OK
A14.Check_THP_Service | ExecuteError
A15.Check_Dependent_Package | Abnormal
A16.Check_CPU_Instruction_Set | Abnormal
A17.Check_Port | OK
Total count 20, abnormal count 3, warning count 4
A15的问题是依赖包问题,使用yum install可以下载缺少的依赖包即可
4.2 执行安装
[root@mogdbA ~]# ptk install -f config.yaml --skip-check-os
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:01.756] 未指定安装包路径,默认使用在线包: https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/mogdb-media/3.0.1/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:01.756] skip check operating system
cluster_name: mogdb_cluster1
user: omm
group: omm
app_dir: /opt/mogdb/app
data_dir: /opt/mogdb/data
log_dir: /opt/mogdb/log
tool_dir: /opt/mogdb/tool
tmp_dir: /opt/mogdb/tmp
- host:
db_port: 26000
role: primary
az_name: AZ1
az_priority: 1
- host:
db_port: 26000
role: standby
az_name: AZ1
az_priority: 1
请确认集群拓扑配置是否正确?[Y|Yes](default=N) y
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:18.625] 正在下载安装包...
> download MogDB-3.0.1-openEu...: 71.60 MiB / 128.22 MiB [----------------------------------------->________________________________] 55.84% 7.15 MiB p/s ETA 7s
4.3 安装回显
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:37.762] 安装包下载成功
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:38.733] validation: installation package is safe
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:38.733] parse version.cfg from MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.507] detected db version: MogDB-3.0.1, number: 92.605, commit_id: 1a363ea9
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.510] [stage=precheck]: start host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.510] check user 'omm' host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.510] [stage=precheck]: start host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.510] check user 'omm' host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.516] [stage=precheck]: successful host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:58:40.533] [stage=precheck]: successful host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:59:55.847] scp file from /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz to host=
INFO[2022-09-07T22:59:55.848] scp file from /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz to host=
> upload MogDB-3.0.1-openEule...: 128.22 MiB / 128.22 MiB [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 13.55 MiB p/s 9.7s
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:05.571] [stage=initial]: start host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:05.571] [stage=initial]: start host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:05.577] total memory(3GB) is less then 4GB, use default guc config host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:05.577] create os user omm, group omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:05.603] total memory(3GB) is less then 4GB, use default guc config host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:05.603] create os user omm, group omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.047] set ulimits host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.049] set user omm profiles host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.085] add c library /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.088] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.104] set ulimits host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.129] set user omm profiles host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.131] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.204] add c library /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.226] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:06.319] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.016] remove files /tmp/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.024] decompress *-om.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.171] remove files /tmp/MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.198] decompress *-om.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.326] fix psutil lib host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.336] change /opt/mogdb/tool owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.340] mkdir /opt/mogdb/app host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.396] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.519] fix psutil lib host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.594] change /opt/mogdb/tool owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.617] mkdir /opt/mogdb/app host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:07.724] decompress MogDB-3.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:09.473] fix dynamic library for gs_initdb host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:09.511] fix dynamic library for mogdb host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:09.547] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:09.553] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/gs_profile,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit,/opt/mogdb/log/bin,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6002 host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:09.887] fix dynamic library for gs_initdb host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:09.961] fix dynamic library for mogdb host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.034] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.056] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/gs_profile,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit,/opt/mogdb/log/bin,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6002,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6002 host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.311] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tmp host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.366] save version to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/upgrade_version host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.396] create cluster_manual_start file host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.424] generate static config to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.429] change /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.431] mkdir /opt/mogdb/data host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.488] change /opt/mogdb/data owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:10.490] initial database host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:11.496] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tmp host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:11.611] save version to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/upgrade_version host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:11.720] create cluster_manual_start file host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:11.765] generate static config to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:11.865] change /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:11.885] mkdir /opt/mogdb/data host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:12.047] change /opt/mogdb/data owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:12.066] initial database host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:15.719] set postgresql.conf host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:15.754] set hba config host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:15.785] create CA files host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:15.975] move CA files to server host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:15.980] download ca files from host host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:16.012] [stage=initial]: successful host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.149] set postgresql.conf host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.203] set hba config host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.251] waitting for generate CA files... host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.251] upload CA files host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.573] move CA files to server host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.594] [stage=initial]: successful host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.594] start make ssh mutual trust for omm
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.791] make ssh mutual trust successfully
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.791] [stage=launch]: start host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.791] start database by gs_ctl host=
⣾ executing...INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.791] [stage=launch]: start host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:17.791] start database by gs_ctl host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:18.858] alter initial user password host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:18.874] waitting for primary startup... host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:18.957] [stage=launch]: successful host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:18.957] primary startuped, start build current db host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:18.957] build database by gs_ctl host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:26.595] [stage=launch]: successful host=
INFO[2022-09-07T23:00:26.595] Time elapsed: 2m25s
cluste_name | host | user | port | stage | status | message
mogdb_cluster1 | | omm | 26000 | launch | start_success | success
| | omm | 26000 | launch | start_success | success
[root@mogdbA ~]#
4.4 集群/实例状态管理
- ptk ls
[root@mogdbA ~]# ptk ls
cluster_name | instances | user | data_dir | db_version | create_time | comment
mogdb_cluster1 | | omm | /opt/mogdb/data | MogDB 3.0.1 (build 1a363ea9) | 2022-09-07 23:00:05 |
| | | | | |
- ptk cluster
ptk cluster status: 查询集群或实例状态
ptk cluster start: 启动数据库集群或实例
ptk cluster stop: 停止数据库集群或实例
ptk cluster restart: 重启数据库集群或实例
- 查看数据库实例状态
[root@mogdbA ~]# ptk cluster status -n mogdb_cluster1
[ Cluster State ]
database_version : MogDB-3.0.1
cluster_name : mogdb_cluster1
cluster_state : Normal
current_az : AZ_ALL
[ Datanode State ]
id | ip | port | user | instance | db_role | state
6001 | | 26000 | omm | dn_6001 | primary | Normal
6002 | | 26000 | omm | dn_6002 | standby | Normal