
GBase 8s 学习笔记 010 —— GBase 8s 数据迁移

心有阳光 2023-02-15

GBase 8s 学习笔记 010 —— GBase 8s 数据迁移


  • 数据格式
  • 数据范围
  • 数据用途


  • 文本格式
  • 二进制格式


  • 整库迁移
  • 单表迁移


  • 产品自己使用
  • 提供给第三方数据


  • 行分隔符
  • 列分隔符
  • 日期时间格式
  • 汉字乱码


  • 默认的行分隔符为\n(Linux)或\r\n(Windows)。对于从Windows系统生成的数据需要在Linux系统导入数据时,可以使用dos2unix工具删除\r。
  • 对于需要导入数据的系统,如果导入程序只支持逐行解析数据并导入,则需要在生成数据时,对数据中的换行符进行转义或删除。对字符进行转义会使数据产生膨胀,在导入数据时,可根据实际情况对目标字段进行加长处理。
  • 对于一些数据库系统,通过定义一些规则来解决数据中包含换行符问题,如GBase 8s使用在换行符前增加一个\表示这行数据未完成,下一行仍然是本行数据的延续,来解决数据中包含换行符的问题。基于特定规则的换行符处理方式,只能在本系统内使用,无法提供数据给第三方系统。
  • 部分厂商采用自定义换行符方法,解决数据中包含\n问题。用户可以指定不可见的二进制字符作为数据的换行符。


  • 用户常指定一个字符,做为列数据的分隔符,如逗号或管道符。对于数据中全部为数值字段的数据,这种方式非常有效和高效。
  • 对于迁移的数据包含文本数据时,数据中可能包含任意的单个可见字符,指定单个字符作为列分隔符时,容易出现部分数据无法导入现象。通常迁移工具需要支持转义,将数据中的列分隔符进行转义,以区别数据中的列分隔符和实际的列分隔符。
  • 一些工具支持不可见字符或多个字符一起作为列分隔符。这种方案通常不需要对数据中的字符进行转义处理,适用于不同数据库系统间的数据迁移。


格式化符 说明
%a 星期的短格式表示
%A 星期的完整格式表示
%b 月份的短格式表示
%B 月份的完整格式表示
%C 世纪的表示,通常是年值除以100后的整数部分
%d 天(01-31)
%D 相当于格式:%m/%d/%y
%e 天(1-31)
%h 和%b相同
%H 小时(00-24)
%iy 两位年(00-99)
%iY 四位年(0000-9999)
%m 月(01-12)
%M 分钟(00-59)
%n 换行符
%S 秒(00-59)
%t 制表符
%w 星期的数字表示(0-6)
%y 两位年(00-99)
%Y 四位年(0000-9999)


  • 不同的汉字编码格式,是产生乱码的主要原因。
  • 数据截断可能导致部分数据产生乱码。


> create database mydb in datadbs1 with log; Database created. > create table t_dept_00(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(50)); Table created. > create table t_dept_01(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(50)); Table created. > create table t_employee_00(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_01(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_02(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_03(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_04(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_05(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_06(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_07(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_08(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > create table t_employee_09(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created.


[gbasedbt@localhost ~]$ export GL_DATE="%iY-%m-%d" [gbasedbt@localhost ~]$ dbaccess - - Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 > database mydb; Database selected. > create table t_dept(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(50)); Table created. > insert into t_dept values(1,'Dev'); 1 row(s) inserted. > insert into t_dept values(2,'Test'); 1 row(s) inserted. > insert into t_dept values(3,'Market'); 1 row(s) inserted. > create table t_employee(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date); Table created. > insert into t_employee values(1,1,'Bill','1983-06-01'); 1 row(s) inserted. > insert into t_employee values(2,1,'John','1985-12-25'); 1 row(s) inserted. > insert into t_employee values(3,2,'Mary','1987-10-10'); 1 row(s) inserted. > insert into t_employee values(4,3,'Kate','1989-11-11'); 1 row(s) inserted. > insert into t_employee values(5,1,'Will Smith','1981-02-28');> 1 row(s) inserted.




  • unload/load
  • dbload
  • dbexport/dbimport
  • onunload/onload
  • external table


数据迁移方法 运行方式 数据格式 数据范围 数据用途
unload/load SQL 文本数据 单表 自用/第三方
dbexport/dbimport 命令行 文本数据 自用
dbload 命令行 文本数据 多表 自用
onunload/onload 命令行 二进制数据 库/表 自用
external table SQL 文本数据 单表 自用/第三方



unload to 'file_name' [delimiter 'delimiter_string'] select <* | columns> from <table_name | synonym_name | view_name>; file_name:保存数据的文件名,可以为全路径或者相对路径; delimiter:定义数据列分隔符,为一个或多个字符,默认为'|'; columns:查询的字段列表;


[gbasedbt@localhost ~]$ ls gdca profile.gbaseserver tmp train [gbasedbt@localhost ~]$ cd train/ [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ ls data dbload export external import load onload onunload unload [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ cd unload/ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 4 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_01.sql unload to '../data/unload_01.unl' delimiter ',' select * from t_dept;[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_01.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 3 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost ~]$ ls gdca profile.gbaseserver tmp train [gbasedbt@localhost ~]$ cd train/ [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ ls data dbload export external import load onload onunload unload [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ cd data/ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 0 [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 4 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_01.unl 1,Dev, 2,Test, 3,Market, [gbasedbt@localhost data]$



[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 8 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_02.sql unload to '../data/unload_02.unl' select a.f_employeeid, a.f_employeename, a.f_deptid, b.f_deptname, a.f_birthdate from t_employee a, t_dept b where a.f_deptid = b.f_deptid; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_02.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 4 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_02.unl 1|Bill|1|Dev|1983 06月 01日| 2|John|1|Dev|1985 12月 25日| 3|Mary|2|Test|1987 10月 10日| 4|Kate|3|Market|1989 11月 11日| 5|Will\ Smith|1|Dev|1981 02月 28日| [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 8 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 166 2月 15 13:37 unload_02.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$


[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.utf8 [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_02.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_02.unl 1|Bill|1|Dev|06/01/1983| 2|John|1|Dev|12/25/1985| 3|Mary|2|Test|10/10/1987| 4|Kate|3|Market|11/11/1989| 5|Will\ Smith|1|Dev|02/28/1981| [gbasedbt@localhost data]$



[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 12 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_03.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 8 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 12 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_03.unl 1.1.Bill.01\.06\.1983. 2.1.John.25\.12\.1985. 3.2.Mary.10\.10\.1987. 4.3.Kate.11\.11\.1989. 5.1.Will\ Smith.28\.02\.1981. [gbasedbt@localhost data]$



[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 16 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:51 unload_04.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_04.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" unload to '../data/unload_04.unl' delimiter '....' select * from t_employee; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_04.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 12 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 16 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_04.unl 1....1....Bill....01\.06\.1983.... 2....1....John....25\.12\.1985.... 3....2....Mary....10\.10\.1987.... 4....3....Kate....11\.11\.1989.... 5....1....Will\ Smith....28\.02\.1981.... [gbasedbt@localhost data]$



[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 20 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:51 unload_04.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:56 unload_05.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_05.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" unload to '../data/unload_05.unl' delimiter '#...' select * from t_employee; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_05.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 16 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 20 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_05.unl 1#...1#...Bill#...01.06.1983#... 2#...1#...John#...25.12.1985#... 3#...2#...Mary#...10.10.1987#... 4#...3#...Kate#...11.11.1989#... 5#...1#...Will\ Smith#...28.02.1981#... [gbasedbt@localhost data]$



[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 24 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:51 unload_04.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:56 unload_05.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 14:00 unload_06.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_06.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" unload to '../data/unload_06.unl' delimiter '...#' select * from t_employee; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_06.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 20 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 24 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 14:03 unload_06.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_06.unl 1...#1...#Bill...#01\.06\.1983...# 2...#1...#John...#25\.12\.1985...# 3...#2...#Mary...#10\.10\.1987...# 4...#3...#Kate...#11\.11\.1989...# 5...#1...#Will\ Smith...#28\.02\.1981...# [gbasedbt@localhost data]$


导出单表数据,日期类型数据使用类似 Wed Dec 25 1985 的格式,列分隔符使用【.*.】

[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 28 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:51 unload_04.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:56 unload_05.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 14:00 unload_06.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150 2月 15 14:06 unload_07.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_07.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%a %b %e %iY" unload to '../data/unload_07.unl' delimiter '.*.' select * from t_employee; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export GL_DATE="%a %b %e %iY" [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_07.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 24 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 14:03 unload_06.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 28 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 14:03 unload_06.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 177 2月 15 14:08 unload_07.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_07.unl 1.*.1.*.Bill.*.Wed Jun 1 1983.*. 2.*.1.*.John.*.Wed Dec 25 1985.*. 3.*.2.*.Mary.*.Sat Oct 10 1987.*. 4.*.3.*.Kate.*.Sat Nov 11 1989.*. 5.*.1.*.Will\ Smith.*.Sat Feb 28 1981.*. [gbasedbt@localhost data]$


导出单表数据,日期类型数据使用类似 星期三 十二月 25 1985 的格式,列分隔符使用【…】

[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 36 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:51 unload_04.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:56 unload_05.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 14:00 unload_06.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150 2月 15 14:06 unload_07.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150 2月 15 14:11 unload_08.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 80 2月 15 14:11 unload_09.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_08.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=zh_CN.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%A %B %e %iY" unload to '../data/unload_08.unl' delimiter '...' select * from t_employee; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=zh_CN.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ export GL_DATE="%A %B %e %iY" [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_08.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) unloaded. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 28 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 14:03 unload_06.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 177 2月 15 14:08 unload_07.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ ll 总用量 32 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 11:57 unload_01.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 136 2月 15 13:47 unload_02.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 122 2月 15 13:48 unload_03.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 13:53 unload_04.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 172 2月 15 13:58 unload_05.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 182 2月 15 14:03 unload_06.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 177 2月 15 14:08 unload_07.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 228 2月 15 14:12 unload_08.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_08.unl 1...1...Bill...星期三 六月 1 1983... 2...1...John...星期三 十二月 25 1985... 3...2...Mary...星期六 十月 10 1987... 4...3...Kate...星期六 十一月 11 1989... 5...1...Will\ Smith...星期六 二月 28 1981... [gbasedbt@localhost data]$


GBase 8s最多支持4个字符做为列分隔符,超过4个时分报错

[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ ll 总用量 36 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 70 2月 15 11:43 unload_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 179 2月 15 13:34 unload_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 145 2月 15 13:45 unload_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:51 unload_04.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 13:56 unload_05.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 2月 15 14:00 unload_06.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150 2月 15 14:06 unload_07.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 150 2月 15 14:11 unload_08.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 80 2月 15 14:11 unload_09.sql [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cat unload_09.sql unload to '../data/unload_09.unl' delimiter '#...#' select * from t_employee; [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ dbaccess mydb unload_09.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 32404: Invalid delimiter. Do not use '\\', hex digits or more than 4 characters. Error in line 2 Near character position 0 Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost unload]$



load from 'file_name' [delimiter 'delimiter_string'] insert into table_name | synonym_name| view_name [(columns)]; file_name:导入的数据文件,可以为全路径或者相对路径文件名; delimiter:定义数据列分隔符,为一个或多个字符,默认为'|'; columns:导入表的字段列表,默认为数据库表的字段的顺序;


[gbasedbt@localhost unload]$ cd .. [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ ls data dbload export external import load onload onunload unload [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ cd load/ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ ll 总用量 32 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 257 2月 15 14:23 load_01.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 405 2月 15 14:23 load_02.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 334 2月 15 14:23 load_03.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 337 2月 15 14:23 load_04.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 337 2月 15 14:23 load_05.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 337 2月 15 14:23 load_06.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 339 2月 15 14:23 load_07.sql -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 339 2月 15 14:23 load_08.sql [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_01.sql load from '../data/unload_01.unl' delimiter ',' insert into t_dept_01; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_dept_01; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_01.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 3 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_deptid f_deptname 1 Dev 2 Test 3 Market 3 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$




[gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_03.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" load from '../data/unload_03.unl' delimiter '.' insert into t_employee_03; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_employee_03; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_03.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$



[gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_04.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" load from '../data/unload_04.unl' delimiter '....' insert into t_employee_04; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_employee_04; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_04.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$



[gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_05.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" load from '../data/unload_05.unl' delimiter '#...' insert into t_employee_05; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_employee_05; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_05.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$



[gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_06.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" load from '../data/unload_06.unl' delimiter '...#' insert into t_employee_06; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_employee_06; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_06.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$



[gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_07.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%a %b %e %iY" load from '../data/unload_07.unl' delimiter '.*.' insert into t_employee_07; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_employee_07; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export GL_DATE="%a %b %e %iY" [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_07.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate Wed Jun 1 1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate Wed Dec 25 1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate Sat Oct 10 1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate Sat Nov 11 1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate Sat Feb 28 1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$



[gbasedbt@localhost load]$ cat load_08.sql -- export CLIENT_LOCALE=zh_CN.UTF8 -- export GL_DATE="%A %B %e %iY" load from '../data/unload_08.unl' delimiter '...' insert into t_employee_08; !echo "******************************************" !echo "# Query the table to validate load result." !echo "******************************************" select * from t_employee_08; [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=zh_CN.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ export GL_DATE="%A %B %e %iY" [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ [gbasedbt@localhost load]$ dbaccess mydb load_08.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 5 row(s) loaded. ****************************************** # Query the table to validate load result. ****************************************** f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 星期三 六月 1 1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 星期三 十二月 25 1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 星期六 十月 10 1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 星期六 十一月 11 1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 星期六 二月 28 1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost load]$




dbload [-d db_name] [-c cmd_file] [-l log_file] [-e errors] [-n num_rows] [-i i_skip] [-s] [-p] [-r | -k] [-X] db_name:指定要加载数据的数据库名称 cmd_file:指定包含加载命令的文件路径 log_file:指定日志文件,其中记录不能正确加载的数据 errors:指定最多可以有多少行数据错误,超过指定的行数后,加载任务失败 num_rows:指定多少条记录执行一次提交 s:指定只做语法检查,不进行实际的数据加载 i_skip:指定跳过多少行数据,再进行加载,可用于跳过数据中的标题部分 r:加载数据时,不对表加锁 k:加载数据时,对表加排它锁

command file语法

file 'file_name' delimiter 'delimiter_string' nfields insert into table_name [(col1,col2,...) values (f01,f02,…)] file_name:指定要导入的文件名称,可以为绝对路径和相对路径。 delimiter_string:数据文件使用的列分隔符。 nfields:数据文件中,每行的列数。 table_name:要导入的表的名称。 col1,col2...:表的列名称,多个列用逗号分隔。 f01,f02...:数据文件中的列数据编号,从01开始编号,多个编号用逗号分隔。


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ cat unload_02.unl 1|Bill|1|Dev|01.06.1983| 2|John|1|Dev|25.12.1985| 3|Mary|2|Test|10.10.1987| 4|Kate|3|Market|11.11.1989| 5|Will\ Smith|1|Dev|28.02.1981| [gbasedbt@localhost data]$


[gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ ll 总用量 8 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 182 2月 15 15:42 dept_employee.ctl -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 171 2月 15 15:38 employee.ctl [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ cat employee.ctl file '/home/gbasedbt/train/data/unload_02.unl' delimiter '|' 5; insert into t_employee_02(f_employeeid, f_employeename, f_deptid, f_birthdate) values(f01, f02, f03, f05); [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ dbload -d mydb -c employee.ctl -l dbload.log -e 10 -n 100 Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 DBLOAD Load Utility GBASE-SQL Version 12.10.FC4G1TL Table t_employee_02 had 5 row(s) loaded into it. [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost data]$ dbaccess - - Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 > database mydb; Database selected. > select * from t_employee_02; f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. >



[gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ ll 总用量 8 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 0 2月 15 15:45 dbload.log -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 182 2月 15 15:42 dept_employee.ctl -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 171 2月 15 15:38 employee.ctl [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ cat dept_employee.ctl file '/home/gbasedbt/train/data/unload_01.unl' delimiter ',' 2; insert into t_dept_00; file '/home/gbasedbt/train/data/unload_03.unl' delimiter '.' 4; insert into t_employee_00;[gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.UTF8 [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ dbload -d mydb -c dept_employee.ctl -l dbload.log -e 10 -n 100 Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 DBLOAD Load Utility GBASE-SQL Version 12.10.FC4G1TL Table t_dept_00 had 3 row(s) loaded into it. Table t_employee_00 had 5 row(s) loaded into it. [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ echo "select * from t_dept_00" | dbaccess mydb Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. f_deptid f_deptname 1 Dev 2 Test 3 Market 3 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$ echo "select * from t_employee_00" | dbaccess mydb Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost dbload]$





dbexport <database> [-X] [-c] [-q] [-d] [-ss [-si]] [-ext] [{ -o <dir> | -t <tapedev> -b <blksz> -s <tapesz> [-f <sql-command-file>] }] [-nw] [-no-data-tables[=table name{,table name}]] [-no-data-tables-accessmethods[=access method name{,access method name}]] database:指定要导出全部表数据的数据库名称 no-data-tables:指定哪些表不导出数据 o:指定导出的数据保存在哪个操作系统的目录中 ss:测试是否对分片表有特殊作用


[gbasedbt@localhost export]$ pwd /home/gbasedbt/train/export [gbasedbt@localhost export]$ ll 总用量 0 [gbasedbt@localhost export]$ dbexport mydb Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 { DATABASE mydb delimiter | } grant dba to "gbasedbt"; drop cast (varchar2 as lvarchar(2048)); create implicit cast (varchar2 as lvarchar(2048)); drop cast (lvarchar(2048) as varchar2); create implicit cast (lvarchar(2048) as varchar2); drop cast (xmltype as lvarchar(2048)); create implicit cast (xmltype as lvarchar(2048)); drop cast (lvarchar(2048) as xmltype); create implicit cast (lvarchar(2048) as xmltype); drop cast (dbmsoutput_linesarray as lvarchar(2048)); create implicit cast (dbmsoutput_linesarray as lvarchar(2048)); drop cast (lvarchar(2048) as dbmsoutput_linesarray); create implicit cast (lvarchar(2048) as dbmsoutput_linesarray); { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 row size = 56 number of columns = 2 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_deptid,f_deptname } { unload file name = t_dep00100.unl number of rows = 3 } create table "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 ( f_deptid integer, f_deptname varchar(50) ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 row size = 56 number of columns = 2 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_deptid,f_deptname } { unload file name = t_dep00101.unl number of rows = 3 } create table "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 ( f_deptid integer, f_deptname varchar(50) ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00102.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00103.unl number of rows = 0 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00105.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00106.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00107.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00108.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00109.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00110.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00111.unl number of rows = 0 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_dept row size = 56 number of columns = 2 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_deptid,f_deptname } { unload file name = t_dep00115.unl number of rows = 3 } create table "gbasedbt".t_dept ( f_deptid integer, f_deptname varchar(50) ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_dept from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00116.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00117.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; set environment sqlmode 'oracle'; set environment sqlmode 'gbase'; revoke usage on language SPL from public ; grant usage on language SPL to public ; dbexport completed






[gbasedbt@localhost export]$ ll 总用量 16 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 11355 2月 15 16:04 dbexport.out drwxr-xr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 4096 2月 15 16:04 mydb.exp [gbasedbt@localhost export]$ cd mydb.exp/ [gbasedbt@localhost mydb.exp]$ ll 总用量 64 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 67 2月 15 16:04 mydb_ora.sql -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 11268 2月 15 16:04 mydb.sql -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 16:04 t_dep00100.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 16:04 t_dep00101.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 25 2月 15 16:04 t_dep00115.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00102.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 0 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00103.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00105.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00106.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00107.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00108.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00109.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00110.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 0 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00111.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00116.unl -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 112 2月 15 16:04 t_emp00117.unl [gbasedbt@localhost mydb.exp]$



dbimport <database> [-X] [-c] [-q] [-ext] [-d <dbspace>] [-l [{ buffered }] [-ansi]] [-ci] [-nv] [-D] [{ -i <dir> | -t <tapedev> [ -b <blksz> -s <tapesz> ] [-f <script-file>] }] database:指定要导入全部表数据的数据库名称 d:指定数据库导入到哪个数据库空间中 nv:不对引用约束进行校验 i:指定要导入数据所在的目录


[gbasedbt@localhost export]$ dbaccess - - Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 > rename database mydb to mydb2; Database renamed. >
[gbasedbt@localhost export]$ ll 总用量 16 -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 11355 2月 15 16:04 dbexport.out drwxr-xr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 4096 2月 15 16:14 mydb.exp [gbasedbt@localhost export]$ dbimport mydb -d datadbs2 Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 { DATABASE mydb delimiter | } grant dba to "gbasedbt"; drop cast (varchar2 as lvarchar(2048)); create implicit cast (varchar2 as lvarchar(2048)); drop cast (lvarchar(2048) as varchar2); create implicit cast (lvarchar(2048) as varchar2); drop cast (xmltype as lvarchar(2048)); create implicit cast (xmltype as lvarchar(2048)); drop cast (lvarchar(2048) as xmltype); create implicit cast (lvarchar(2048) as xmltype); drop cast (dbmsoutput_linesarray as lvarchar(2048)); create implicit cast (dbmsoutput_linesarray as lvarchar(2048)); drop cast (lvarchar(2048) as dbmsoutput_linesarray); create implicit cast (lvarchar(2048) as dbmsoutput_linesarray); { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 row size = 56 number of columns = 2 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_deptid,f_deptname } { unload file name = t_dep00100.unl number of rows = 3 } create table "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 ( f_deptid integer, f_deptname varchar(50) ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 row size = 56 number of columns = 2 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_deptid,f_deptname } { unload file name = t_dep00101.unl number of rows = 3 } create table "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 ( f_deptid integer, f_deptname varchar(50) ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00102.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00103.unl number of rows = 0 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00105.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00106.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00107.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00108.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00109.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00110.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00111.unl number of rows = 0 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_dept row size = 56 number of columns = 2 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_deptid,f_deptname } { unload file name = t_dep00115.unl number of rows = 3 } create table "gbasedbt".t_dept ( f_deptid integer, f_deptname varchar(50) ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_dept from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00116.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee from "public" as "gbasedbt"; { TABLE "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 row size = 64 number of columns = 4 index size = 0 ccolnum = 0 commcol = f_employeeid,f_deptid,f_employeename,f_birthdate } { unload file name = t_emp00117.unl number of rows = 5 } create table "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 ( f_employeeid integer, f_deptid integer, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date ); revoke all on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 from "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_dept_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_dept_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_00 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_01 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_03 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_04 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_05 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_06 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_07 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_08 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_09 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_dept to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant select on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant update on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant insert on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant delete on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; grant index on "gbasedbt".t_employee_02 to "public" as "gbasedbt"; revoke usage on language SPL from public ; grant usage on language SPL to public ; dbimport completed set environment sqlmode 'oracle'; set environment sqlmode 'gbase'; [gbasedbt@localhost export]$







> database mydb; Database selected. > info tables; Table name t_dept t_dept_00 t_dept_01 t_employee t_employee_00 t_employee_01 t_employee_02 t_employee_03 t_employee_04 t_employee_05 t_employee_06 t_employee_07 t_employee_08 t_employee_09 >




onunload [-l] [-t <tape_device>] [-b <block size>] [-s <tape size>] <db_name>[:[<owner>.]<table_name>] tape_device:保存数据的磁带设备。当使用磁盘时,需创建一个空文件并指定。 db_name:要导出数据的数据库名称。如果不指定表名称,则导出全库数据。 table_name:当需要导出表数据时,指定表名称。 说明: 参数b,参数s和参数l主要用于使用磁带设备,当使用磁盘设备时,可以忽略。 导出数据为二进制格式,只能用于兼容硬件上的兼容数据库版本的数据导入。 该方式使用限制较严格,真实场景中使用较少。
[gbasedbt@localhost train]$ ll 总用量 0 drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 174 2月 15 14:12 data drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 69 2月 15 15:45 dbload drwxrwxr-x. 3 gbasedbt gbasedbt 62 2月 15 16:17 export drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 6 2月 15 11:37 external drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 6 2月 15 11:37 import drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 158 2月 15 14:24 load drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 6 215 11:37 onload drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 6 215 11:37 onunload drwxrwxr-x. 2 gbasedbt gbasedbt 195 215 14:11 unload [gbasedbt@localhost train]$ cd onunload/ [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ ll 总用量 0 [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ touch mydb.bak [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ onunload -t mydb.bak mydb Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Please mount tape and press Return to continue ... Please label this as tape number 1 in the tape sequence. [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ ll -h 总用量 7.2M -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 7.2M 2月 15 16:28 mydb.bak [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$


[gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ touch mytable.bak [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ onunload -t mytable.bak mydb:t_dept Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Please mount tape and press Return to continue ... Please label this as tape number 1 in the tape sequence. [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ ll -h 总用量 7.2M -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 7.2M 2月 15 16:28 mydb.bak -rw-rw-r--. 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 64K 2月 15 16:30 mytable.bak [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$



onload [-l] [-t <tape_device>] [-b <block size>] [-s <tape size>] [-d <data_dbs>] <db_name>[:[<owner>.]<table_name>] [{-i <old index name> <new index name>}] [{-fd old-DBspace-name new-DBspace-name}] [{-fi index-name old-DBspace-name new-DBspace-name}] [{-c <old constraint name> <new constraint name>}] tape_device:保存数据的磁带设备或操作系统文件目录。 data_dbs:指定数据导入时,使用的数据库空间。 db_name:指定导入的数据库名称。 table_name:指定导入的表名称。
[gbasedbt@localhost export]$ dbaccess - - Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 > drop database mydb; Database dropped. >


[gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$ onload -t mydb.bak mydb -d datadbs3 Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Please mount tape and press Return to continue ... The load has successfully completed. [gbasedbt@localhost onunload]$


> database mydb; Database selected. > info tables; Table name t_dept t_dept_00 t_dept_01 t_employee t_employee_00 t_employee_01 t_employee_02 t_employee_03 t_employee_04 t_employee_05 t_employee_06 t_employee_07 t_employee_08 t_employee_09 >


external table

external table语法

create external table table_name([column definition | sameas table_template]) using ( datafiles ('disk:/textfile'), format 'delimited', delimiter 'delimiter_string' ); table_name:要创建的外部表名称。 table_template:可以指定一个模板,以该表的列定义创建一个外部表。 datafiles:指定外部表使用的数据文件。 format: delimiter:
[gbasedbt@localhost external]$ pwd /home/gbasedbt/train/external [gbasedbt@localhost external]$ cat create.sql -- export GL_DATE="%d.%m.%iY" create external table t_ext_data_01(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(50), f_birthdate date) using( datafiles ('disk:/home/gbasedbt/train/data/ext_data.unl'), format 'delimited', delimiter '.' ); select * from t_ext_data_01; [gbasedbt@localhost external]$ dbaccess mydb create.sql Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. 310: Table (gbasedbt.t_ext_data_01) already exists in database. Error in line 7 Near character position 14 f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 2 f_deptid 1 f_employeename John f_birthdate 25.12.1985 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 4 f_deptid 3 f_employeename Kate f_birthdate 11.11.1989 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 5 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost external]$


#删除两行后验证 [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ vi ext_data.unl [gbasedbt@localhost data]$ echo "select * from t_ext_data_01" | dbaccess mydb Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-02-14 00:00:00 Database selected. f_employeeid 1 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Bill f_birthdate 01.06.1983 f_employeeid 3 f_deptid 2 f_employeename Mary f_birthdate 10.10.1987 f_employeeid 5 f_deptid 1 f_employeename Will Smith f_birthdate 28.02.1981 3 row(s) retrieved. Database closed. [gbasedbt@localhost data]$



