

原创 jieguo 2023-03-23

原版本:22.3 新版本23.2
Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) - Including TFA and ORAchk/EXAchk (Doc ID 2550798.1)

[root@rac1 soft]# unzip AHF-LINUX_v23.2.0.zip 
Archive:  AHF-LINUX_v23.2.0.zip
  inflating: README.txt              
  inflating: ahf_setup               
 extracting: ahf_setup.dat           
  inflating: oracle-tfa.pub          
[root@rac1 soft]# ll
total 767196
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 382181907 Mar 23 14:15 AHF-LINUX_v23.2.0.zip
-rwx------   1 root root 403405022 Mar  4 02:46 ahf_setup
-rw-------   1 root root       384 Mar  4 02:46 ahf_setup.dat
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root        42 Mar 16 10:14 db
drwxr-xr-x. 65 root root      4096 Mar 15 20:35 grid
-rw-r--r--   1 root root       625 Mar  4 02:46 oracle-tfa.pub
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root        16 Mar 16 13:18 patch
-rw-r--r--   1 root root      1525 Mar  4 02:46 README.txt
[root@rac1 soft]# chmod +x ahf_setup
[root@rac1 soft]# ./ahf_setup 

AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64

AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_232000_15026_2023_03_23-14_19_29.log

Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation

AHF Version: 23.2.0 Build Date: 202303021115

AHF is already installed at /opt/oracle.ahf

Installed AHF Version: 22.3.0 Build Date: 202211210342

Do you want to upgrade AHF [Y]|N : Y

AHF will also be installed/upgraded on these Cluster Nodes :

1. rac2

The AHF Location and AHF Data Directory must exist on the above nodes
AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf
AHF Data Directory : /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data

Do you want to install/upgrade AHF on Cluster Nodes ? [Y]|N : Y

Upgrading /opt/oracle.ahf

Shutting down AHF Services

Upgrading AHF Services

Starting AHF Services
No new directories were added to TFA
Directory /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/rac1/trace/chad was already added to TFA Directories.

AHF upgrade completed on rac1

Upgrading AHF on Remote Nodes :

AHF will be installed on rac2, Please wait.

AHF will prompt twice to install/upgrade per Remote Node. So total 2 prompts

Do you want to continue Y|[N] : Y

AHF will continue with Upgrading on remote nodes

Upgrading AHF on rac2 :

[rac2] Copying AHF Installer
root@rac2's password: 

[rac2] Running AHF Installer
root@rac2's password: 

Do you want AHF to store your My Oracle Support Credentials for Automatic Upload ? Y|[N] : 

| Host | TFA Version | TFA Build ID         | Upgrade Status |
| rac1 | | 23200020230302111526 | UPGRADED       |
| rac2 | | 23200020230302111526 | UPGRADED       |

Setting up AHF CLI and SDK

AHF is successfully upgraded to latest version

Moving /tmp/ahf_install_232000_15026_2023_03_23-14_19_29.log to /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/diag/ahf/

[root@rac1 soft]# orachk -v
ORACHK  VERSION: 23.2.0_20230302

[root@rac1 soft]# orachk -autostatus

Master node = rac1

orachk daemon version = 232000

Install location = /opt/oracle.ahf/orachk

Scheduled orachk collection location = /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/user_root/output on Master node rac1

Started at = Thu Mar 23 14:21:59 CST 2023

Scheduler type = TFA Scheduler

Scheduler PID:  8553

Scheduled runs:
ID: orachk.insight_client
AUTORUN_FLAGS  =  -usediscovery -readenvconfig
AUTORUN_SCHEDULE  =  6 23 16 3 *

Previous runs:
Started = March 23, 23 13:20:42
Ended = March 23, 23 13:29:20
Result location = /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/user_root/output
Arguments =  -silentforce 
Status = Success
Started = March 23, 23 12:20:43
Ended = March 23, 23 12:29:20
Result location = /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/user_root/output
Arguments =  -silentforce 
Status = Success
Next auto run starts on Mar 16, 2024 23:06:00



ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_14914.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
ORA-01017:  2023-03-23T13:21:13.858875+08:00
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_15038.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_15038.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
ORA-01017:  2023-03-23T13:21:14.219992+08:00
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_15090.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_15090.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
ORA-01017:  2023-03-23T13:21:14.699104+08:00
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_15128.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cis/cis2/trace/cis2_ora_15128.trc:
ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 δDATA/CIS/PASSWORD/pwdcis.263.1131705075
ORA-27300: ϵͳϵͳ: open ʧ״̬Ϊ: 13
ORA-27301: ϵͳ: Permission denied
ORA-27302: sskgmsmr_7

orachk -autostop
先在oracle用户下手动执行收集,测试查看oracle alert日志是否会报错。

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ orachk
Clusterware stack is running from /oracle/app/19c/grid. Is this the correct Clusterware Home?[y/n][y] 

Searching for running databases . . . . .

.  .  
List of running databases registered in OCR

1. cis
2. None of above

Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 1 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-2][1]. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  

Some audit checks might require root privileged data collection on . Is sudo configured for oracle user to execute root_orachk.sh script?[y/n][n] y

Either Cluster Verification Utility pack (cvupack) does not exist at /opt/oracle.ahf/common/cvu or it is an old or invalid cvupack

Checking Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) version at CRS Home - /oracle/app/19c/grid

Starting to run orachk in background on rac2 using socket
.  .  .  .
.  .  

Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS on rac1

.  .  . . . .  
.  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  
                                                 Oracle Stack Status                          
  Host Name       CRS Installed  RDBMS Installed    CRS UP    ASM UP  RDBMS UP    DB Instance Name
       rac1                       Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes                cis1
.  .  .  .  .  .  


*** Checking Best Practice Recommendations ( Pass / Warning / Fail ) ***

                   Node name - rac1
. . . . . . 

 Collecting - ASM Disk Groups
 Collecting - ASM Disk I/O stats
 Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes
 Collecting - ASM disk partnership imbalance
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup attributes
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup usable free space
 Collecting - ASM initialization parameters
 Collecting - Active sessions load balance for cis database
 Collecting - Archived Destination Status for cis database
 Collecting - Cluster Interconnect Config for cis database
 Collecting - Database Archive Destinations for cis database
 Collecting - Database Files for cis database
 Collecting - Database Instance Settings for cis database
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cis database


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ orachk -autostart
Commands -autostart and -autostop can not be run as non root user. Switch to root user and try again.

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ exit
[root@rac1 ~]# orachk -autostart
Successfully copied Daemon Store to Remote Nodes

.  .  .  

orachk is using TFA Scheduler. TFA PID: 4171

Daemon log file location is : /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/user_root/output/orachk_daemon.log

[root@rac1 ~]# orachk -autostatus

Master node = rac2

orachk daemon version = 232000

Install location = /opt/oracle.ahf/orachk

Scheduled orachk collection location = /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac2/orachk/user_root/output on Master node rac2

Started at = Thu Mar 23 15:00:04 CST 2023

Scheduler type = TFA Scheduler

Scheduler PID:  4171

Scheduled runs:
ID: orachk.insight_client
AUTORUN_FLAGS  =  -usediscovery -readenvconfig
AUTORUN_SCHEDULE  =  6 23 16 3 *

Previous runs:
Started = March 23, 23 14:49:12
Ended = March 23, 23 14:58:14
Result location = /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/user_oracle/output
Arguments =  -silentforce 
Status = Success
Started = March 23, 23 13:20:42
Ended = March 23, 23 13:29:20
Result location = /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/user_root/output
Arguments =  -silentforce 
Status = Success
Next auto run starts on Mar 16, 2024 23:06:00


[root@rac1 ~]# orachk
Clusterware stack is running from /oracle/app/19c/grid. Is this the correct Clusterware Home?[y/n][y] 

Searching for running databases . . . . .

.  .  
List of running databases registered in OCR

1. cis
2. None of above

Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 1 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-2][1]. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  

Either Cluster Verification Utility pack (cvupack) does not exist at /opt/oracle.ahf/common/cvu or it is an old or invalid cvupack

Checking Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) version at CRS Home - /oracle/app/19c/grid

Starting to run orachk in background on rac2 using socket
.  .  .  .
.  .  

Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS on rac1

.  .  . . . .  
.  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  
                                                 Oracle Stack Status                          
  Host Name       CRS Installed  RDBMS Installed    CRS UP    ASM UP  RDBMS UP    DB Instance Name
       rac1                       Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes                cis1
.  .  .  .  .  .  


*** Checking Best Practice Recommendations ( Pass / Warning / Fail ) ***

                   Node name - rac1
. . . . . . 

 Collecting - ASM Disk Groups
 Collecting - ASM Disk I/O stats
 Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes
 Collecting - ASM disk partnership imbalance
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup attributes
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup usable free space
 Collecting - ASM initialization parameters
 Collecting - Active sessions load balance for cis database
 Collecting - Archived Destination Status for cis database
 Collecting - Cluster Interconnect Config for cis database
 Collecting - Database Archive Destinations for cis database
 Collecting - Database Files for cis database
 Collecting - Database Instance Settings for cis database
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cis database
 Collecting - Database Properties for cis database
 Collecting - Database Registry for cis database
 Collecting - Database Sequences for cis database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cis database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cis database
 Collecting - Database Workload Services for cis database
 Collecting - Dataguard Status for cis database
 Collecting - Files not opened by ASM
 Collecting - List of active logon and logoff triggers for cis database
 Collecting - Log Sequence Numbers for cis database
 Collecting - Percentage of asm disk  Imbalance
 Collecting - Process for shipping Redo to standby for cis database
 Collecting - Redo Log information for cis database
 Collecting - Standby redo log creation status before switchover for cis database
 Collecting - /proc/cmdline
 Collecting - /proc/modules
 Collecting - CPU Information
 Collecting - CRS active version
 Collecting - CRS oifcfg
 Collecting - CRS software version
 Collecting - CSS Reboot time
 Collecting - Cluster interconnect (clusterware)
 Collecting - Clusterware OCR healthcheck
 Collecting - Clusterware Resource Status
 Collecting - Disk I/O Scheduler on Linux
 Collecting - DiskFree Information
 Collecting - DiskMount Information
 Collecting - Huge pages configuration
 Collecting - Interconnect network card speed
 Collecting - Kernel parameters
 Collecting - Linux module config.
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores per semaphore set
 Collecting - Memory Information
 Collecting - NUMA Configuration
 Collecting - Network Interface Configuration
 Collecting - Network Performance
 Collecting - Network Service Switch
 Collecting - OS Packages
 Collecting - OS version
 Collecting - Operating system release information and kernel version
 Collecting - Oracle executable attributes
 Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure
 Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home
 Collecting - RDBMS and GRID software owner UID across cluster
 Collecting - RDBMS patch inventory
 Collecting - Shared memory segments
 Collecting - Table of file system defaults
 Collecting - Voting disks (clusterware)
 Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call
 Collecting - CHMAnalyzer to report potential Operating system resources usage

[root@rac1 ~]# tfactl status

| Host | Status of TFA | PID  | Port | Version    | Build ID             | Inventory Status |
| rac1 | RUNNING       | 4141 | 5000 | | 23200020230302111526 | COMPLETE         |
| rac2 | RUNNING       | 4076 | 5000 | | 23200020230302111526 | COMPLETE         |
[root@rac1 ~]# tfactl print config
|                                                                                                  rac1                                                                                                 |
| Configuration Parameter                                                                                                                                                                  | Value      |
| TFA Version ( tfaversion )                                                                                                                                                               | |
| Java Version ( javaVersion )                                                                                                                                                             | 1.8        |
| Public IP Network ( publicIp )                                                                                                                                                           | true       |
| Repository current size (MB) ( currentsizemegabytes )                                                                                                                                    | 903        |
| Repository maximum size (MB) ( maxsizemegabytes )                                                                                                                                        | 10240      |
| Enables the execution of sqls throught SQL Agent process ( sqlAgent )                                                                                                                    | ON         |
| Cluster Event Monitor ( clustereventmonitor )                                                                                                                                            | ON         |
| scanacfslog                                                                                                                                                                              | OFF        |
| Automatic Purging ( autoPurge )                                                                                                                                                          | ON         |
| Internal Search String ( internalSearchString )                                                                                                                                          | ON         |
| Trim Files ( trimfiles )                                                                                                                                                                 | ON         |
| collectTrm                                                                                                                                                                               | OFF        |
| chmdataapi                                                                                                                                                                               | ON         |
| chanotification ( chanotification )                                                                                                                                                      | ON         |
| reloadCrsDataAfterBlackout                                                                                                                                                               | OFF        |
| Consolidate similar events (COUNT shows number of events occurences) ( consolidate_events )                                                                                              | OFF        |
| Managelogs Auto Purge ( manageLogsAutoPurge )                                                                                                                                            | OFF        |
| Applin Incidents automatic Collections ( applin_incidents )                                                                                                                              | OFF        |
| Alert Log Scan ( rtscan )                                                                                                                                                                | ON         |
| generateZipMetadataJson                                                                                                                                                                  | ON         |
| singlefileupload                                                                                                                                                                         | OFF        |
| Auto Sync Certificates ( autosynccertificates )                                                                                                                                          | ON         |
| Auto Diagcollection ( autodiagcollect )                                                                                                                                                  | ON         |
| smartprobclassifier                                                                                                                                                                      | ON         |
| Send CEF metrics to OCI Monitoring ( defaultOciMonitoring )                                                                                                                              | OFF        |
| Generation of Mini Collections ( minicollection )                                                                                                                                        | ON         |
| Disk Usage Monitor ( diskUsageMon )                                                                                                                                                      | ON         |
| Send user events ( send_user_initiated_events )                                                                                                                                          | ON         |
| Generation of Auto Collections from alarm definitions ( alarmAutocollect )                                                                                                               | ON         |
| Send audit event for collections ( cloudOpsLogCollection )                                                                                                                               | OFF        |
| analyze                                                                                                                                                                                  | OFF        |
| Generation of Telemetry Data ( telemetry )                                                                                                                                               | OFF        |
| chaautocollect                                                                                                                                                                           | OFF        |
| queryAPI                                                                                                                                                                                 | ON         |
| scandiskmon                                                                                                                                                                              | OFF        |
| File Data Collection ( inventory )                                                                                                                                                       | ON         |
| ISA Data Gathering ( collection.isa )                                                                                                                                                    | ON         |
| Skip event if it was flood controlled ( floodcontrol_events )                                                                                                                            | OFF        |
| Automatic AHF Insights Report Generation ( autoInsight )                                                                                                                                 | OFF        |
| collectonsystemstate                                                                                                                                                                     | ON         |
| chmretention                                                                                                                                                                             | OFF        |
| scanacfseventlog                                                                                                                                                                         | OFF        |
| debugips                                                                                                                                                                                 | OFF        |
| collectAllDirsByFile                                                                                                                                                                     | ON         |
| scanvarlog                                                                                                                                                                               | OFF        |
| restart_telemetry_adapter                                                                                                                                                                | OFF        |
| Telemetry Adapter ( telemetry_adapter )                                                                                                                                                  | OFF        |
| Public IP Network ( publicIp )                                                                                                                                                           | ON         |
| Flood Control ( floodcontrol )                                                                                                                                                           | ON         |
| odscan                                                                                                                                                                                   | ON         |
| Start consuming data provided by SQLTicker ( sqlticker )                                                                                                                                 | OFF        |
| Discovery ( discovery )                                                                                                                                                                  | ON         |
| indexInventory                                                                                                                                                                           | ON         |
| Send CEF notifications ( customerDiagnosticsNotifications )                                                                                                                              | OFF        |
| Granular Tracing ( granulartracing )                                                                                                                                                     | OFF        |
| Send CEF metrics ( cloudOpsHealthMonitoring )                                                                                                                                            | OFF        |
| minPossibleSpaceForPurge                                                                                                                                                                 | 1024       |
| disk.threshold                                                                                                                                                                           | 90         |
| Minimum space in MB required to run TFA. TFA will be stopped until at least this amount of space is  available in the DATA Directory (Takes effect at next startup) ( minSpaceToRunTFA ) | 20         |
| mem.swapfree                                                                                                                                                                             | 5120       |
| mem.util.samples                                                                                                                                                                         | 4          |
| Max Number Cells for Diag Collection ( maxcollectedcells )                                                                                                                               | 14         |
| inventoryThreadPoolSize                                                                                                                                                                  | 1          |
| mem.swaptotal.samples                                                                                                                                                                    | 2          |
| maxFileAgeToPurge                                                                                                                                                                        | 1440       |
| mem.free                                                                                                                                                                                 | 20480      |
| actionrestartlimit                                                                                                                                                                       | 30         |
| Minimum Free Space to enable Alert Log Scan (MB) ( minSpaceForRTScan )                                                                                                                   | 500        |
| cpu.io.samples                                                                                                                                                                           | 30         |
| mem.util                                                                                                                                                                                 | 80         |
| Waiting period before retry loading OTTO endpoint details (minutes) ( ottoEndpointRetryPolicy )                                                                                          | 60         |
| Maximum single Zip File Size (MB) ( maxZipSize )                                                                                                                                         | 2048       |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot(minutes) ( diskUsageMonInterval )                                                                                                  | 60         |
| TFA ISA Purge Thread Delay (minutes) ( tfaDbUtlPurgeThreadDelay )                                                                                                                        | 60         |
| firstDiscovery                                                                                                                                                                           | 1          |
| TFA IPS Pool Size ( tfaIpsPoolSize )                                                                                                                                                     | 5          |
| Maximum File Collection Size (MB) ( maxFileCollectionSize )                                                                                                                              | 1024       |
| Time interval between consecutive Managelogs Auto Purge(minutes) ( manageLogsAutoPurgeInterval )                                                                                         | 60         |
| arc.backupmissing.samples                                                                                                                                                                | 2          |
| cpu.util.samples                                                                                                                                                                         | 2          |
| cpu.usr.samples                                                                                                                                                                          | 2          |
| cpu.sys                                                                                                                                                                                  | 50         |
| Flood Control Limit Count ( fc.limit )                                                                                                                                                   | 3          |
| Flood Control Pause Time (minutes) ( fc.pauseTime )                                                                                                                                      | 120        |
| Maximum Number of TFA Logs ( maxLogCount )                                                                                                                                               | 10         |
| DB Backup Delay Hours ( dbbackupdelayhours )                                                                                                                                             | 27         |
| cdb.backup.samples                                                                                                                                                                       | 1          |
| arc.backupstatus                                                                                                                                                                         | 1          |
| Automatic Purging Frequency ( purgeFrequency )                                                                                                                                           | 4          |
| TFA ISA Purge Age (seconds) ( tfaDbUtlPurgeAge )                                                                                                                                         | 2592000    |
| Maximum Collection Size of Core Files (MB) ( maxCoreCollectionSize )                                                                                                                     | 500        |
| Maximum Compliance Index Size (MB) ( maxcompliancesize )                                                                                                                                 | 150        |
| cpu.util                                                                                                                                                                                 | 80         |
| Maximum Size in MB allowed for alert file inside IPS Zip ( ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB )                                                                                                       | 20         |
| mem.swapfree.samples                                                                                                                                                                     | 2          |
| cdb.backupstatus                                                                                                                                                                         | 1          |
| mem.swaputl.samples                                                                                                                                                                      | 2          |
| arc.backup.samples                                                                                                                                                                       | 3          |
| unreachablenodeTimeOut                                                                                                                                                                   | 3600       |
| Flood Control Limit Time (minutes) ( fc.limitTime )                                                                                                                                      | 60         |
| mem.swaputl                                                                                                                                                                              | 10         |
| mem.free.samples                                                                                                                                                                         | 2          |
| Maximum Size of Core File (MB) ( maxCoreFileSize )                                                                                                                                       | 50         |
| disk.samples                                                                                                                                                                             | 1          |
| cpu.sys.samples                                                                                                                                                                          | 30         |
| cpu.usr                                                                                                                                                                                  | 98         |
| arc.backupmissing                                                                                                                                                                        | 1          |
| cpu.io                                                                                                                                                                                   | 20         |
| Archive Backup Delay Minutes ( archbackupdelaymins )                                                                                                                                     | 40         |
| Allowed Sqlticker Delay in Minutes ( sqltickerdelay )                                                                                                                                    | 3          |
| inventoryPurgeThreadInterval                                                                                                                                                             | 720        |
| Age of Purging Collections (Hours) ( minFileAgeToPurge )                                                                                                                                 | 12         |
| cpu.idle.samples                                                                                                                                                                         | 2          |
| unreachablenodeSleepTime                                                                                                                                                                 | 300        |
| cpu.idle                                                                                                                                                                                 | 20         |
| mem.swaptotal                                                                                                                                                                            | 24         |
| TFA ISA CRS Profile Delay (minutes) ( tfaDbUtlCrsProfileDelay )                                                                                                                          | 2          |
| Frequency at which the fleet configurations will be updated ( cloudRefreshConfigRate )                                                                                                   | 60         |
| Maximum Compliance Runs to be Indexed ( maxcomplianceruns )                                                                                                                              | 100        |
| cdb.backupmissing                                                                                                                                                                        | 1          |
| cdb.backupmissing.samples                                                                                                                                                                | 2          |
| Trim Size ( trimsize )                                                                                                                                                                   | 488.28 KB  |
| Maximum Size of TFA Log (MB) ( maxLogSize )                                                                                                                                              | 52428800   |
| minTimeForAutoDiagCollection                                                                                                                                                             | 300        |
| skipScanThreshold                                                                                                                                                                        | 100        |
| fileCountInventorySwitch                                                                                                                                                                 | 5000       |
| TFA ISA Purge Mode ( tfaDbUtlPurgeMode )                                                                                                                                                 | simple     |
| country                                                                                                                                                                                  | US         |
| Debug Mask (Hex) ( debugmask )                                                                                                                                                           | 0x000000   |
| Object Store Secure Upload ( oss.secure.upload )                                                                                                                                         | true       |
| Rediscovery Interval ( rediscoveryInterval )                                                                                                                                             | 30m        |
| Setting for ACR redaction (none|SANITIZE|MASK) ( redact )                                                                                                                                | none       |
| language                                                                                                                                                                                 | en         |
| AlertLogLevel                                                                                                                                                                            | ALL        |
| BaseLogPath                                                                                                                                                                              | ERROR      |
| encoding                                                                                                                                                                                 | UTF-8      |
| Lucene index recovery mode ( indexRecoveryMode )                                                                                                                                         | recreate   |
| Automatic Purge Strategy ( purgeStrategy )                                                                                                                                               | SIZE       |
| UserLogLevel                                                                                                                                                                             | ALL        |
| Logs older than the time period will be auto purged(days[d]|hours[h]) ( manageLogsAutoPurgePolicyAge )                                                                                   | 30d        |
| isaMode                                                                                                                                                                                  | enabled    |

[root@rac1 ~]# tfactl toolstatus

Running command tfactltoolstatus on rac2 ...

|                    TOOLS STATUS - HOST : rac2                    |
| Tool Type            | Tool         | Version      | Status      |
| AHF Utilities        | alertsummary |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | calog        |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | dbglevel     |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | grep         |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | history      |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ls           |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | managelogs   |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | menu         |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | orachk       |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | param        |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ps           |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | pstack       |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | summary      |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | tail         |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | triage       |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | vi           |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
| Development Tools    | oratop       |       14.1.2 | DEPLOYED    |
| Support Tools Bundle | darda        | 2.10.0.R6036 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | oswbb        | 22.1.0AHF    | RUNNING     |
|                      | prw          | | NOT RUNNING |

Note :-
  DEPLOYED    : Installed and Available - To be configured or run interactively.
  NOT RUNNING : Configured and Available - Currently turned off interactively.
  RUNNING     : Configured and Available.

|                    TOOLS STATUS - HOST : rac1                    |
| Tool Type            | Tool         | Version      | Status      |
| AHF Utilities        | alertsummary |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | calog        |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | dbglevel     |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | grep         |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | history      |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ls           |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | managelogs   |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | menu         |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | orachk       |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | param        |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ps           |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | pstack       |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | summary      |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | tail         |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | triage       |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | vi           |       23.2.0 | DEPLOYED    |
| Development Tools    | oratop       |       14.1.2 | DEPLOYED    |
| Support Tools Bundle | darda        | 2.10.0.R6036 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | oswbb        | 22.1.0AHF    | RUNNING     |
|                      | prw          | | NOT RUNNING |

Note :-
  DEPLOYED    : Installed and Available - To be configured or run interactively.
  NOT RUNNING : Configured and Available - Currently turned off interactively.
  RUNNING     : Configured and Available.


最后修改时间:2023-03-24 14:36:28
