
GBase 8c 学习笔记 008 —— GBase 8c 高级语法

心有阳光 2023-03-28

GBase 8c 学习笔记 008 —— GBase 8c 高级语法


# linux 命令:在安装节点(即执行gha_ctl start/stop 所在的节点) 执行 gs_guc 命令 修改数据库参数 gs_guc reload -Z coordinator -N all -I all -c "enable_incremental_checkpoint=off" gs_guc reload -Z datanode -N all -I all -c "enable_incremental_checkpoint=off" gs_guc reload -Z gtm -N all -I all -c "enable_incremental_checkpoint=off" gs_guc reload -Z coordinator -N all -I all -c "enable_gbase_mot=on" gs_guc reload -Z datanode -N all -I all -c "enable_gbase_mot=on" gs_guc reload -Z gtm -N all -I all -c "enable_gbase_mot=on"
[gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gs_guc reload -Z coordinator -N all -I all -c "enable_incremental_checkpoint=off" The gs_guc run with the following arguments: [gs_guc -Z coordinator -N all -I all -c enable_incremental_checkpoint=off reload ]. Begin to perform the total nodes: 3. Popen count is 2, Popen success count is 2, Popen failure count is 0. Begin to perform gs_guc for coordinators. Command count is 2, Command success count is 2, Command failure count is 0. Total instances: 2. ALL: Success to perform gs_guc! [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gs_guc reload -Z datanode -N all -I all -c "enable_incremental_checkpoint=off" The gs_guc run with the following arguments: [gs_guc -Z datanode -N all -I all -c enable_incremental_checkpoint=off reload ]. Begin to perform the total nodes: 3. Popen count is 3, Popen success count is 3, Popen failure count is 0. Begin to perform gs_guc for datanodes. Command count is 3, Command success count is 3, Command failure count is 0. Total instances: 3. ALL: Success to perform gs_guc! [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gs_guc reload -Z gtm -N all -I all -c "enable_incremental_checkpoint=off" The gs_guc run with the following arguments: [gs_guc -Z gtm -N all -I all -c enable_incremental_checkpoint=off reload ]. Begin to perform the total nodes: 3. Popen count is 2, Popen success count is 2, Popen failure count is 0. Begin to perform gs_guc for gtms. Command count is 2, Command success count is 2, Command failure count is 0. Total instances: 2. ALL: Success to perform gs_guc! [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gs_guc reload -Z coordinator -N all -I all -c "enable_gbase_mot=on" The gs_guc run with the following arguments: [gs_guc -Z coordinator -N all -I all -c enable_gbase_mot=on reload ]. Begin to perform the total nodes: 3. Popen count is 2, Popen success count is 2, Popen failure count is 0. Begin to perform gs_guc for coordinators. Command count is 2, Command success count is 2, Command failure count is 0. Total instances: 2. ALL: Success to perform gs_guc! [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gs_guc reload -Z datanode -N all -I all -c "enable_gbase_mot=on" The gs_guc run with the following arguments: [gs_guc -Z datanode -N all -I all -c enable_gbase_mot=on reload ]. Begin to perform the total nodes: 3. Popen count is 3, Popen success count is 3, Popen failure count is 0. Begin to perform gs_guc for datanodes. Command count is 3, Command success count is 3, Command failure count is 0. Total instances: 3. ALL: Success to perform gs_guc! [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gs_guc reload -Z gtm -N all -I all -c "enable_gbase_mot=on" The gs_guc run with the following arguments: [gs_guc -Z gtm -N all -I all -c enable_gbase_mot=on reload ]. Begin to perform the total nodes: 3. Popen count is 2, Popen success count is 2, Popen failure count is 0. Begin to perform gs_guc for gtms. Command count is 2, Command success count is 2, Command failure count is 0. Total instances: 2. ALL: Success to perform gs_guc!



# linux 命令:重启数据库加载数据库参数 [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gha_ctl stop all -l { "ret":0, "msg":"Success" } [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gha_ctl start all -l { "ret":0, "msg":"Success" } [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$ gha_ctl monitor all -H -l +----+-------------+-----------------+-------+---------+--------+ | No | name | host | port | state | leader | +----+-------------+-----------------+-------+---------+--------+ | 0 | gha_server1 | | 20001 | running | True | +----+-------------+-----------------+-------+---------+--------+ +----+------+-----------------+------+---------------------------+---------+---------+ | No | name | host | port | work_dir | state | role | +----+------+-----------------+------+---------------------------+---------+---------+ | 0 | gtm1 | | 6666 | /home/gbase/data/gtm/gtm1 | running | primary | | 1 | gtm2 | | 6666 | /home/gbase/data/gtm/gtm2 | running | standby | +----+------+-----------------+------+---------------------------+---------+---------+ +----+------+-----------------+------+----------------------------+---------+---------+ | No | name | host | port | work_dir | state | role | +----+------+-----------------+------+----------------------------+---------+---------+ | 0 | cn1 | | 5432 | /home/gbase/data/coord/cn1 | running | primary | | 1 | cn2 | | 5432 | /home/gbase/data/coord/cn2 | running | primary | +----+------+-----------------+------+----------------------------+---------+---------+ +----+-------+-------+-----------------+-------+----------------------------+---------+---------+ | No | group | name | host | port | work_dir | state | role | +----+-------+-------+-----------------+-------+----------------------------+---------+---------+ | 0 | dn1 | dn1_1 | | 15432 | /home/gbase/data/dn1/dn1_1 | running | primary | | 1 | dn2 | dn2_1 | | 20010 | /home/gbase/data/dn2/dn2_1 | running | primary | | 2 | dn2 | dn2_2 | | 20010 | /home/gbase/data/dn2/dn2_2 | running | standby | +----+-------+-------+-----------------+-------+----------------------------+---------+---------+ +----+-----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+ | No | url | name | state | isLeader | +----+-----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+ | 0 | | node_2 | healthy | True | | 1 | | node_0 | healthy | False | | 2 | | node_1 | healthy | False | +----+-----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+ [gbase@gbase8c_5_150 script]$


[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -d postgres -r gsql ((multiple_nodes GBase8cV5 3.0.0B76 build 47948f99) compiled at 2023-02-27 16:04:20 commit 0 last mr 1232 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create database test; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# postgres=# \c test Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "test" as user "gbase". test=# test=# show enable_incremental_checkpoint; enable_incremental_checkpoint ------------------------------- off (1 row) test=# show enable_gbase_mot; enable_gbase_mot ------------------ on (1 row) test=#



  • 目前支持

    • USTORE,表示表支持Inplace-Update 存储引擎。
    • ASTORE,表示表支持Append-Only 存储引擎。
  • 支持三种存储方法

    • ROW,表示表的数据将以行式存储。
      • 行存储适合于OLTP业务,适用于点查询或者增删操作比较多的场景。
    • COLUMN,表示表的数据将以列式存储。
      • 列存储适合于数据仓库业务,此类型的表上会做大量的汇聚计算,且涉及的列操作较少。
    • MOT,表示表的数据将以内存的形式存储。
      • MOT内存适用于高吞吐事务处理,性能瓶颈加速,消除中间层缓存,大规模流数据提取;
drop table if exists test_astore_row ; drop table if exists test_astore_column ; drop foreign table if exists test_astore_mot ; -- 创建表时,指定 orientation 参数值为 row,创建行存表。 test=# create table test_astore_row(col text) with (orientation=row) ; CREATE TABLE -- 创建表时,指定 orientation 参数值为 column,创建列存表。 test=# create table test_astore_column(col text) with (orientation=column); CREATE TABLE -- 创建表时,create foreign table ... server 为 mot_server时,创建内存表。 test=# create foreign table test_astore_mot(col int) server mot_server ; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE -- 创建表时,指定 storage_type 参数值为 ustore,创建 ustore 表。 drop table if exists test_ustore ; test=# create table test_ustore(col text)with(storage_type=ustore); CREATE TABLE -- 当sql语句不做指定时,默认使用 astore 存储引擎,row 存储方法。 test=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description --------+--------------------+---------------+-------+---------+------------------------------------------------------+------------- public | dual | view | gbase | 0 bytes | | public | test_astore_column | table | gbase | 48 kB | {orientation=column,compression=low} | public | test_astore_mot | foreign table | gbase | 16 kB | | public | test_astore_row | table | gbase | 16 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | public | test_ustore | table | gbase | 16 kB | {orientation=row,storage_type=ustore,compression=no} | (5 rows) test=# \d+ test_astore_column Table "public.test_astore_column" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- col | text | | extended | | Has OIDs: no Distribute By: HASH(col) Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES Options: orientation=column, compression=low test=# \d+ test_ustore Table "public.test_ustore" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- col | text | | extended | | Has OIDs: no Distribute By: HASH(col) Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES Options: orientation=row, storage_type=ustore, compression=no, toast.storage_type=ustore



GBase 8c 需要将数据按照一定规律分布到各个数据节点,目前支持 hash 分片。
在此基础上,分区表功能,支持二级分区,9种分区组合,interval 分区。即 分片+分区 功能。

-- 表分片 -- GBase 8c的数据分片策略:在创建表时,通过关键字distribute/replication 来设置表分片策略。 -- 通过distribute by hash 创建 hash 分片表,将数据通过hash算法 均匀存储到每个数据节点。 test=# CREATE TABLE t1_dis(c1 int, c2 int) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(c1); CREATE TABLE -- 通过distribute by replication 创建 复制表,每个数据节点都会存储一份数据。 test=# CREATE TABLE t1_rep(c1 int, c2 int) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE -- 备注:在不指定时,默认使用hash分片,分布式键按照顺序为第一个满足hash算法的字段。 test=# \d+ t1_dis Table "public.t1_dis" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- c1 | integer | | plain | | c2 | integer | | plain | | Has OIDs: no Distribute By: HASH(c1) Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES Options: orientation=row, compression=no test=# \d+ t1_rep Table "public.t1_rep" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- c1 | integer | | plain | | c2 | integer | | plain | | Has OIDs: no Distribute By: REPLICATION Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES Options: orientation=row, compression=no

GBase 8c

interval 分区:根据间隔自动创建分区,例如:1 day、1 month。(主备式)

CREATE TABLE sales(prod_id NUMBER(6),cust_id NUMBER,time_id DATE,channel_id CHAR(1),promo_id NUMBER(6),quantity_sold NUMBER(3),amount_sold NUMBER(10,2)) PARTITION BY RANGE (time_id) INTERVAL('1 day') ( PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN ('2019-02-01 00:00:00'), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN ('2019-02-02 00:00:00') );

分区自动管理:根据间隔自动创建分区,例如:1 day、1 month。(分布式)

语法:建表时增加 WITH, 或者通过 ALTER TABLE xxx SET (PERIOD=‘1 day’)来实现。(其中 PERIOD范围是 1 hour ~ 1 year)。通过ALTER TABLE xxx RESET (PERIOD)来关闭。
限制:仅支持RANGE分区的一级分区表 (其他分区类型,以及带有二级分区的表不支持)效果:从当前命令时间(向下规约到hour)算起,连续增加能覆盖30个period时间范围的分区,每个分区大小为period。如果现有分区在待新增的分区范围内,则跳过此新增分区。且每隔period时间后再次执行此流程。

create table range_auto_1hour_tb01(id int,ip text,time timestamp) with(PERIOD='1 hour') partition by range(time)( partition p1 values less than ('2022-11-23 14:00:00'));
-- 分区表 -- 一级 hash 分区 drop table if exists mea_hash cascade; test=# create table mea_hash ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int ) partition by hash(id) ( partition p1 , partition p2 ); CREATE TABLE --二级分区 hash-list,hash-hash, hash-range drop table if exists mea_hash_list cascade; test=# create table mea_hash_list ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by hash(id) subpartition by list(city_id) ( partition p1 (subpartition p12 values (10),subpartition p13 values (20) )); CREATE TABLE drop table if exists mea_hash_hash cascade; test=# create table mea_hash_hash ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by hash(id) subpartition by hash(city_id) ( partition id_1 (subpartition p12 ,subpartition p13) ); CREATE TABLE drop table if exists mea_hash_range cascade; postgres=# create table mea_hash_range ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by hash(id) subpartition by range(logdate) ( partition meas_y2021 (subpartition p12 values less than ('2021-02-04 12:00:00'),subpartition p13 values less than ('2021-02-04 20:00:00') )); CREATE TABLE -- 一级 range 分区 drop table if exists mea_range cascade; postgres=# create table mea_range ( city_id int,logdate timestamp) partition by range(logdate) ( partition meas_y2021 values less than ('2021-01-01') ); CREATE TABLE --二级 range-range, range-hash,range-list drop table if exists mea_range_range cascade; postgres=# create table mea_range_range ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by range(logdate) subpartition by range(id) ( partition meas_y2021 values less than ('2021-02-04 21:00:00') (subpartition p12 values less than (1),subpartition p13 values less than (10) )); CREATE TABLE drop table if exists mea_range_hash cascade; postgres=# create table mea_range_hash ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by range(logdate) subpartition by hash(city_id) ( partition id_1 values less than ('2021-02-01 01:00:00') (subpartition p12,subpartition p13) ); CREATE TABLE drop table if exists mea_range_list cascade; postgres=# create table mea_range_list ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by range(logdate) subpartition by list(city_id) ( partition p1 values less than ('2021-02-01 01:00:00') (subpartition p12 values (1),subpartition p13 values (20) )); CREATE TABLE -- 一级 list 分区 drop table if exists mea_list cascade; postgres=# create table mea_list ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int ) partition by list(id) ( partition p1 values (1), partition p2 values (2) ); CREATE TABLE --期望支持.成功执行 -- 二级 list-list,list-range,list-hash 分区 drop table if exists mea_list_list cascade; postgres=# create table mea_list_list ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by list(id) subpartition by list(city_id) ( partition p1 values (1) (subpartition p12 values (10),subpartition p13 values (20) )); CREATE TABLE drop table if exists mea_list_range cascade; postgres=# create table mea_list_range ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by list(id) subpartition by range(logdate) ( partition meas_y2021 values ('202102') (subpartition p12 values less than ('2021-02-04 12:00:00'),subpartition p13 values less than ('2021-02-04 20:00:00') )); CREATE TABLE drop table if exists mea_list_hash cascade; postgres=# create table mea_list_hash ( city_id int,logdate timestamp,id int) partition by list(id) subpartition by hash(city_id) ( partition id_1 values (2021) (subpartition p12,subpartition p13) ); CREATE TABLE ------------数据库分区查看 postgres=# with RECURSIVE temp_partition as( postgres(# SELECT t1.oid, t1.relname, partstrategy, boundaries,t1.parttype FROM pg_partition t1, pg_class t2 WHERE t1.parentid = t2.oid AND t2.relname = 'mea_hash_hash' postgres(# union postgres(# SELECT t1.oid, t1.relname, t1.partstrategy, t1.boundaries,t1.parttype FROM pg_partition t1 join temp_partition t2 on t1.parentid = t2.oid where t2.parttype='p') postgres-# select t1.relname, t1.partstrategy, t1.boundaries,t1.parttype from temp_partition t1; relname | partstrategy | boundaries | parttype ---------------+--------------+------------+---------- mea_hash_hash | h | | r id_1 | h | {0} | p p12 | h | {0} | s p13 | h | {1} | s (4 rows) --- 自动分区功能,请注意:创建分表时,子分区必须要有一个 大于当前时间 2小时的 分区。时间需按照实际时间 进行修改。 postgres=# create table range_auto_1hour_tb01(id int,ip text,time timestamp) with(PERIOD='1 hour') partition by range(time)( partition p1 values less than ('2023-02-27 23:00')); CREATE TABLE postgres=# select * from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = 'RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01'; insert into range_auto_1hour_tb01 values(1,'12','2023-2-18 09:00:00'); insert into range_auto_1hour_tb01 values(2,'10','2023-2-18 10:00:00'); insert into range_auto_1hour_tb01 values(2,'10','2023-2-19 18:00:00'); insert into range_auto_1hour_tb01 values(2,'10','2023-2-19 19:00:00'); table_owner | table_name | partition_name | high_value | high_value_length | partition_position | tablespace_name | logging | compression | segment_managed | num_rows | blocks | last_ analyzed -------------+-----------------------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+---------+-------------+-----------------+----------+--------+------ --------- PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | P1 | 2023-02-27 23:00 | 16 | 1 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022800 | 2023-02-28 00:00:00 | 19 | 2 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022801 | 2023-02-28 01:00:00 | 19 | 3 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022802 | 2023-02-28 02:00:00 | 19 | 4 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022803 | 2023-02-28 03:00:00 | 19 | 5 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022804 | 2023-02-28 04:00:00 | 19 | 6 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022805 | 2023-02-28 05:00:00 | 19 | 7 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022806 | 2023-02-28 06:00:00 | 19 | 8 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022807 | 2023-02-28 07:00:00 | 19 | 9 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022808 | 2023-02-28 08:00:00 | 19 | 10 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022809 | 2023-02-28 09:00:00 | 19 | 11 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022810 | 2023-02-28 10:00:00 | 19 | 12 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022811 | 2023-02-28 11:00:00 | 19 | 13 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022812 | 2023-02-28 12:00:00 | 19 | 14 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022813 | 2023-02-28 13:00:00 | 19 | 15 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022814 | 2023-02-28 14:00:00 | 19 | 16 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | PUBLIC | RANGE_AUTO_1HOUR_TB01 | AUTO_P2023022815 | 2023-02-28 15:00:00 | 19 | 17 | DEFAULT | YES | NO | NO | 0 | 0 | ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………







GBase 8c 提供了多种索引类型:hash,B-tree,gist,gin。每一种索引类型使用了一种不同的算法来适应不同类型的查询。

  • B-tree —— 适合所有的数据类型,支持排序,支持大于、小于、等于、大于或等于、小于或等于的搜索。
  • hash —— 索引存储的是被索引字段VALUE的哈希值,只支持等值查询。
  • Gist(Generalized Search Tree) —— 即通用搜索树。可处理地理数据、图像,空间,树形图等场景。
  • gin —— gin索引是“倒排索引”。应用领域是加速全文搜索。

默认情况下,create index 使用B-tree 索引并适合于大部分情况。

hash 索引:只能处理简单等值查询。
通过语法:create index … using hash(column) 。指定使用hash索引

B-tree 索引: btree索引常常用来进行例如大于、小于、等于这些操作。
通过语法:create index … using btree(column) 。指定使用btree索引。

gist 索引:
对于空间数据,GiST索引可以使用 R树,以支持相对位置运算符(位于左侧,右侧,包含等)。
通过语法:create index … using gist(column) 。指定使用gist索引。

gin 索引:当需要搜索多值类型内的VALUE时,适合多值类型,例如数组、全文检索、TOKEN。(根据不同的类型,支持相交、包含、大于、在左边、在右边等搜索)。
通过语法:create index … using gin(column) 。指定使用 gin 索引。

--多种索引 --hash 索引 postgres=# create table rw_split(col int,name text); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into rw_split select generate_series(1,50000), md5(random()::text)::text; INSERT 0 50000 postgres=# create index rw_split_col_hash on rw_split using hash(col); CREATE INDEX postgres=# explain select * from rw_split where col =2; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000 width=36) Node/s: dn1 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on rw_split (cost=5.22..197.48 rows=125 width=36) Recheck Cond: (col = 2) -> Bitmap Index Scan on rw_split_col_hash (cost=0.00..5.19 rows=125 width=0) Index Cond: (col = 2) (6 rows) postgres=# -----------------btree 索引 drop index rw_split_col_hash; postgres=# create index rw_split_col_btree on rw_split using btree(col); CREATE INDEX postgres=# explain select * from rw_split where col =2; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000 width=36) Node/s: dn1 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on rw_split (cost=5.22..197.48 rows=125 width=36) Recheck Cond: (col = 2) -> Bitmap Index Scan on rw_split_col_btree (cost=0.00..5.19 rows=125 width=0) Index Cond: (col = 2) (6 rows) postgres=# ---------------gist 索引 drop table if exists t_gist; postgres=# create table t_gist(id int,p point); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into t_gist select generate_series(1,10000),point(round((random()*1000)::numeric,2),round((random()*1000)::numeric,2)); INSERT 0 10000 postgres=# select * from t_gist limit 2; id | p ----+----------------- 1 | (947.99,748.17) 2 | (410.15,357.92) (2 rows) postgres=# create index on t_gist using gist(p); CREATE INDEX postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers) select * from t_gist where circle '((100,100) 1)' @> p order by p <-> '(100,100)' limit 10; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=8.29..8.29 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=2.769..2.769 rows=0 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=8.29..8.29 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=2.767..2.767 rows=0 loops=1) Sort Key: ((p <-> '(100,100)'::point)) Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 33kB (Buffers: shared hit=3) -> Streaming(type: GATHER) (cost=0.00..8.28 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=2.723..2.723 rows=0 loops=1) Spawn on: All datanodes -> Limit (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=2 width=20) (Actual time: never executed) -> Index Scan using t_gist_p_idx on t_gist (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=20) (Actual time: never executed) Index Cond: ('<(100,100),1>'::circle @> p) Order By: (p <-> '(100,100)'::point) Total runtime: 4.654 ms (12 rows) ---在 100,100 点,半径10 以内的点。 ---------------gin索引 drop table if exists t_gin; create table t_gin(doc text, doc_tsv tsvector); insert into t_gin(doc) values ('Can a sheet slitter slit sheets?'), ('How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit?'), ('I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit.'), ('Upon a slitted sheet I sit.'), ('Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter.'), ('I am a sheet slitter.'), ('I slit sheets.'), ('I am the sleekest sheet slitter that ever slit sheets.'), ('She slits the sheet she sits on.'); update t_gin set doc_tsv = to_tsvector(doc); create index on t_gin using gin(doc_tsv); postgres=# create table t_gin(doc text, doc_tsv tsvector); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into t_gin(doc) values postgres-# ('Can a sheet slitter slit sheets?'), postgres-# ('How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit?'), postgres-# ('I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit.'), postgres-# ('Upon a slitted sheet I sit.'), postgres-# ('Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter.'), postgres-# ('I am a sheet slitter.'), postgres-# ('I slit sheets.'), postgres-# ('I am the sleekest sheet slitter that ever slit sheets.'), postgres-# ('She slits the sheet she sits on.'); INSERT 0 9 postgres=# select * from t_gin; doc | doc_tsv --------------------------------------------------------+--------- Can a sheet slitter slit sheets? | I slit sheets. | How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit? | I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. | Upon a slitted sheet I sit. | Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter. | I am a sheet slitter. | I am the sleekest sheet slitter that ever slit sheets. | She slits the sheet she sits on. | (9 rows) postgres=# update t_gin set doc_tsv = to_tsvector(doc); UPDATE 9 postgres=# select * from t_gin; doc | doc_tsv --------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------- How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit? | 'could':4 'mani':2 'sheet':3,6 'slit':8 'slitter':7 I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. | 'sheet':4,6 'slit':2,8 Upon a slitted sheet I sit. | 'sheet':4 'sit':6 'slit':3 'upon':1 Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter. | 'good':7 'sheet':4,8 'slit':2 'slitter':9 'whoever':1 I am a sheet slitter. | 'sheet':4 'slitter':5 I am the sleekest sheet slitter that ever slit sheets. | 'ever':8 'sheet':5,10 'sleekest':4 'slit':9 'slitter':6 She slits the sheet she sits on. | 'sheet':4 'sit':6 'slit':2 Can a sheet slitter slit sheets? | 'sheet':3,6 'slit':5 'slitter':4 I slit sheets. | 'sheet':3 'slit':2 (9 rows) postgres=# create index on t_gin using gin(doc_tsv); CREATE INDEX --- 为了效果,手动关闭顺序扫描。 postgres=# set enable_seqscan=off; SET postgres=# postgres=# explain(costs off) select doc from t_gin where doc_tsv @@ to_tsquery('many & slitter'); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan Node/s: All datanodes -> Bitmap Heap Scan on t_gin Recheck Cond: (doc_tsv @@ '''mani'' & ''slitter'''::tsquery) -> Bitmap Index Scan on t_gin_doc_tsv_idx Index Cond: (doc_tsv @@ '''mani'' & ''slitter'''::tsquery) (6 rows) --------------表达式索引 postgres=# create table test_expression(col int, name varchar(64)); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# insert into test_expression select 1,'ASDD'; insert into test_expression select 2,'ASDD'; insert into test_expression select 3,'AS'; insert into test_expression select 4,'ASsda'; insert into test_expression select 5,'ASdssa'; insert into test_expression select 6,'Asds'; insert into test_expression select 7,'Assa'; insert into test_expression select 8,'as';INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 2,'ASDD'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 3,'AS'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 4,'ASsda'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 5,'ASdssa'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 6,'Asds'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 7,'Assa'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_expression select 8,'as'; INSERT 0 1 postgres=# explain select * from test_expression where lower(name) ='as'; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000 width=150) Node/s: All datanodes -> Seq Scan on test_expression (cost=10000000000.00..1000000001681.00 rows=2 width=150) Filter: (lower((name)::text) = 'as'::text) (4 rows) postgres=# create index on test_expression (name); CREATE INDEX postgres=# create index test_expression_lower on test_expression (lower(name)); CREATE INDEX postgres=# explain select * from test_expression where lower(name) ='as'; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000 width=150) Node/s: All datanodes -> [Bypass] Index Scan using test_expression_lower on test_expression (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=150) Index Cond: (lower((name)::text) = 'as'::text) (5 rows)







行存表 创建表时通过关键字 compresstype,可实现数据压缩,减少磁盘的占用。

create table test_row_compress(col text) with ( compresstype = 2, COMPRESS_LEVEL= 3);





列存表 创建表时通过关键字 compression,可实现数据压缩,减少磁盘的占用。

-- 示例 create table test_compress(col text) with (orientation=column,compression=high);



---- 行存压缩 drop table if exists test_row_compress; postgres=# create table test_row_compress(col text); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into test_row_compress select md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,1000000); INSERT 0 1000000 postgres=# select * from pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_table_size('test_row_compress')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 66 MB (1 row) postgres=# drop table if exists test_row_compress; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=# create table test_row_compress(col text) with (compresstype = 2,compress_level= 3); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# insert into test_row_compress select md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,1000000); INSERT 0 1000000 postgres=# postgres=# select * from pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_table_size('test_row_compress')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 29 MB (1 row) postgres=# ---- 列存压缩 postgres=# drop table test_column_compress; ERROR: table "test_column_compress" does not exist postgres=# postgres=# create table test_column_compress(col text) with (orientation=column,compression=no); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# insert into test_column_compress select md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,1000000); INSERT 0 1000000 postgres=# postgres=# select * from pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_table_size('test_column_compress')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 34 MB (1 row) postgres=# drop table test_column_compress; DROP TABLE postgres=# postgres=# create table test_column_compress(col text) with (orientation=column,compression=high); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# insert into test_column_compress select md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,1000000); INSERT 0 1000000 postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# select * from pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_table_size('test_column_compress')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 19 MB (1 row)






子事务允许你回滚部分已经事务中完成的工作。可通过关键字 SAVEPOINT,EXCEPTION,Autonomous Transaction 启动子事务。


自治事务(Autonomous Transaction),在主事务执行过程中新启的独立的事务。自治事务的提交和回滚不会影响已提交的数据,同时自治事务也不受主事务的影响。

自治事务在存储过程,函数和匿名块中定义,用 PARAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION 关键字来声明。

----------------------子事务 -----自治事务 postgres=# create table t2(a int,b int); insert into t2 values(1,2); select * from t2; CREATE TABLE INSERT 0 1 a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 (1 row) postgres=# create or replace procedure autonomus_4(a int ,b int) as postgres$# declare postgres$# num3 int =a; num4 int =b; postgres$# pragma autonomous_transaction; postgres$# begin insert into t2 values (num3,num4); end; postgres$# / CREATE PROCEDURE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# create or replace procedure autonomus_5(a int ,b int) as postgres$# declare postgres$# begin insert into t2 values (444,55);autonomus_4(a,b);rollback; end; postgres$# / CREATE PROCEDURE postgres=# postgres=# select autonomus_5(11,22); autonomus_5 ------------- (1 row) postgres=# select * from t2; a | b ----+---- 1 | 2 11 | 22 (2 rows) -----------savepoint --设置保存点 --创建表 postgres=# drop table if exists savepoint_test; NOTICE: table "savepoint_test" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE postgres=# create table savepoint_test(a int primary key,b int) ; NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "savepoint_test_pkey" for table "savepoint_test" CREATE TABLE --开始事务 postgres=# start transaction; START TRANSACTION --插入数据 postgres=# insert into savepoint_test values(1,2); INSERT 0 1 --创建保存点 postgres=# savepoint test_savepoint; SAVEPOINT --插入数据 postgres=# insert into savepoint_test values(2,2); INSERT 0 1 --查看表中数据 postgres=# select * from savepoint_test; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 2 | 2 (2 rows) --回滚保存点 postgres=# rollback to savepoint test_savepoint; ROLLBACK --查看表中数据(只能查到(1,1),(2,2)被回滚) postgres=# select * from savepoint_test; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 (1 row) --插入数据 postgres=# insert into savepoint_test values(3,3); INSERT 0 1 --提交事务 postgres=# commit; COMMIT --查看表中数据(=能查到(1,1)、(3,3),(2,2)被回滚) postgres=# select * from savepoint_test; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 3 | 3 (2 rows) --删除测试表savepoint_test postgres=# drop table savepoint_test; DROP TABLE --------exception create type type_test as (a int,b int); create or replace procedure p1 as c int; begin select a into c from type_test; exception when others then raise 'NULL' ; end; / call p1(); postgres=# create type type_test as (a int,b int); CREATE TYPE postgres=# postgres=# create or replace procedure p1 postgres-# as postgres$# c int; postgres$# begin postgres$# select a into c from type_test; postgres$# exception postgres$# when others then postgres$# raise 'NULL' ; postgres$# end; postgres$# / CREATE PROCEDURE postgres=# postgres=# call p1(); ERROR: NULL





