
GBase 8c 学习笔记 012 —— GBase 8c 备份恢复

心有阳光 2023-04-01

GBase 8c 学习笔记 012 —— GBase 8c 备份恢复



--创建用户(会自动创建schema) postgres=# create user test_use1 identified by 'Gbase_123'; CREATE ROLE --授DBA权限 postgres=# grant all privileges to test_use1; ALTER ROLE --切换模式schema postgres=# set search_path=test_use1; SET --建表及插入数据 create table ora_alter_table ( pid number, did number , lsn varchar2(24), name varchar2(200), pno number, cnt number, amount number, sale_time date default sysdate ); postgres=# create table ora_alter_table postgres-# ( pid number, postgres(# did number , postgres(# lsn varchar2(24), postgres(# name varchar2(200), postgres(# pno number, postgres(# cnt number, postgres(# amount number, postgres(# sale_time date default sysdate postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE --加载测试数据 begin for i in 1..10000 loop insert into ora_alter_table(pid,did,lsn,name,pno,cnt,amount,sale_time) values(i,i+100,i+9,'name' ||i,i+1000,i+10,i+10000,sysdate); end loop; commit; end; / postgres=# begin postgres$# for i in 1..10000 loop postgres$# insert into ora_alter_table(pid,did,lsn,name,pno,cnt,amount,sale_time) values(i,i+100,i+9,'name' ||i,i+1000,i+10,i+10000,sysdate); postgres$# end loop; postgres$# commit; postgres$# end; postgres$# / ANONYMOUS BLOCK EXECUTE


gs_dump --导出postgres数据库全量信息


[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/MPPDB_backup.sql -p 15432 postgres -F p gs_dump[port='15432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:09:53]: The total objects number is 416. gs_dump[port='15432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:09:53]: [100.00%] 416 objects have been dumped. gs_dump: [port='15432'] [postgres] [archiver] [2023-04-01 21:09:53] WARNING: archive items not in correct section order gs_dump[port='15432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:09:53]: dump database postgres successfully gs_dump[port='15432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:09:53]: total time: 2106 ms




gs_dump --导出指定schema(模式)


gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres -n test_use1 -F p -- -U:指定数据库用户名 -- -W:指定用户的密码 -- -f:指定的备份文件名 -- -p:指定数据库的端口号 -- postges:数据库名称 -- -n:指定的模式的名称(多个模式可以指定多个n) -- -F:指定备份文件的格式,后面的p代表纯文本格式 -- -N:排除指定模式(指定下的模式不会导出)
[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres -n test_use1 -F p gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:12:40]: The total objects number is 403. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:12:40]: [100.00%] 403 objects have been dumped. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:12:40]: dump database postgres successfully gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:12:40]: total time: 2235 ms [gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ vim backup/test_use1_backup.sql



gs_dump --导出指定的表

gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres -t test_use1.ora_alter_table -F p -- -t:指定表名,多张表可以指定多个-t; -- 注意: -- -T:代表不导出的表名,多张表可以指定多个-T; -- --include-table-file=FILENAME:代表需要备份的表文件 -- --exclude-table-file=FileName:代表不需要备份的表文件 -- FILENAME文件中格式: -- schema1.table -- schema2.table2 -- ……
[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres -t test_use1.ora_alter_table -F p gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:16:04]: The total objects number is 402. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:16:04]: [100.00%] 402 objects have been dumped. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:16:04]: dump database postgres successfully gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:16:04]: total time: 1978 ms



gs_dump --只导出表定义,不导出数据

gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres -t test_use1.ora_alter_table -s -F p -- -t:代表指定表名,多张表可以指定多个-t -- -s:代表只导出表定义,不导出数据
[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres -t test_use1.ora_alter_table -s -F p gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:17:45]: The total objects number is 401. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:17:45]: [100.00%] 401 objects have been dumped. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:17:45]: dump database postgres successfully gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 20:17:45]: total time: 1961 ms




gsql -f 指定备份文件执行(备份文件的格式仅支持p纯文本格式)

[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -r postgres gsql ((multiple_nodes GBase8cV5 3.0.0B76 build 47948f99) compiled at 2023-02-27 16:04:20 commit 0 last mr 1232 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# set search_path=test_use1; SET postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description -----------+-----------------+-------+-----------+--------+----------------------------------+------------- test_use1 | ora_alter_table | table | test_use1 | 888 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | (1 row) postgres=# drop table ora_alter_table; DROP TABLE postgres=# \d+ No relations found.


[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/MPPDB_backup.sql -p 5432 postgres SET SET SET SET SET SET COMMENT CREATE SCHEMA ALTER SCHEMA CREATE SCHEMA ALTER SCHEMA COMMENT CREATE SCHEMA ALTER SCHEMA SET SET SET CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE SET CREATE SYNONYM ALTER SYNONYM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -r postgres gsql ((multiple_nodes GBase8cV5 3.0.0B76 build 47948f99) compiled at 2023-02-27 16:04:20 commit 0 last mr 1232 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description --------+------+------+-------+---------+---------+------------- public | dual | view | gbase | 0 bytes | | (1 row) postgres=# \q [gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -r postgres gsql ((multiple_nodes GBase8cV5 3.0.0B76 build 47948f99) compiled at 2023-02-27 16:04:20 commit 0 last mr 1232 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# set search_path=test_use1; SET postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description -----------+-----------------+-------+-----------+--------+----------------------------------+------------- test_use1 | ora_alter_table | table | test_use1 | 448 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | (1 row)



[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gs_dump -U gbase -W Gbase_123 -f backup/test_use1_backup.dmp -p 5432 postgres -t test_use1.ora_alter_table -F c gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:16:40]: The total objects number is 402. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:16:40]: [100.00%] 402 objects have been dumped. gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:16:40]: dump database postgres successfully gs_dump[port='5432'][postgres][2023-04-01 21:16:40]: total time: 2019 ms



[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -r postgres gsql ((multiple_nodes GBase8cV5 3.0.0B76 build 47948f99) compiled at 2023-02-27 16:04:20 commit 0 last mr 1232 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# set search_path=test_use1; SET postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description -----------+-----------------+-------+-----------+--------+----------------------------------+------------- test_use1 | ora_alter_table | table | test_use1 | 888 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | (1 row) postgres=# drop table ora_alter_table; DROP TABLE postgres=# \d+ No relations found.


[gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gs_restore backup/test_use1_backup.dmp -p 5432 -d postgres start restore operation ... table ora_alter_table complete data imported ! Finish reading 4 SQL statements! end restore operation ... restore operation successful total time: 93 ms [gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ gsql -r postgres gsql ((multiple_nodes GBase8cV5 3.0.0B76 build 47948f99) compiled at 2023-02-27 16:04:20 commit 0 last mr 1232 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# set search_path=test_use1; SET postgres=# postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description -----------+-----------------+-------+-----------+--------+----------------------------------+------------- test_use1 | ora_alter_table | table | test_use1 | 888 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from ora_alter_table; count ------- 10000 (1 row)




GBase 8c 通过copy to 把一个表的数据拷贝到一个文件

--将表test_use1.ora_alter_table的数据导出scv格式 postgres=# COPY test_use1.ora_alter_table TO '/home/gbase/backup/ora_alter_table.csv'; COPY 4948 postgres=# \q [gbase@gbase8c_5_151 ~]$ cat /home/gbase/backup/ora_alter_table.csv 1 101 10 name1 1001 11 10001 2023-04-01 20:03:59 2 102 11 name2 1002 12 10002 2023-04-01 20:03:59 4 104 13 name4 1004 14 10004 2023-04-01 20:03:59 5 105 14 name5 1005 15 10005 2023-04-01 20:03:59 6 106 15 name6 1006 16 10006 2023-04-01 20:03:59 9 109 18 name9 1009 19 10009 2023-04-01 20:03:59 10 110 19 name10 1010 20 10010 2023-04-01 20:03:59 11 111 20 name11 1011 21 10011 2023-04-01 20:03:59 12 112 21 name12 1012 22 10012 2023-04-01 20:03:59 13 113 22 name13 1013 23 10013 2023-04-01 20:03:59 14 114 23 name14 1014 24 10014 2023-04-01 20:03:59 16 116 25 name16 1016 26 10016 2023-04-01 20:03:59 18 118 27 name18 1018 28 10018 2023-04-01 20:03:59 24 124 33 name24 1024 34 10024 2023-04-01 20:03:59 28 128 37 name28 1028 38 10028 2023-04-01 20:03:59 31 131 40 name31 1031 41 10031 2023-04-01 20:03:59 32 132 41 name32 1032 42 10032 2023-04-01 20:03:59 34 134 43 name34 1034 44 10034 2023-04-01 20:03:59 36 136 45 name36 1036 46 10036 2023-04-01 20:03:59 41 141 50 name41 1041 51 10041 2023-04-01 20:03:59 …………………………………………………………………………………………




  • insert 通过insert语句插入一行或多行数据,及从指定表插入数据
postgres=# CREATE TABLE customer_t2 postgres-# ( postgres(# c_customer_sk integer, postgres(# c_customer_id char(5), postgres(# c_first_name char(6), postgres(# c_last_name char(8) postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# insert into customer_t2 values postgres-# (68, 'a1', 'zhou','wang'), postgres-# (43, 'b1', 'wu', 'zhao'), postgres-# (95, 'c1', 'zheng', 'qian'); INSERT 0 3 postgres=# select * from customer_t2; c_customer_sk | c_customer_id | c_first_name | c_last_name ---------------+---------------+--------------+------------- 68 | a1 | zhou | wang 43 | b1 | wu | zhao 95 | c1 | zheng | qian (3 rows)


  • 使用insert批量插入
postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description --------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+----------------------------------+------------- public | customer_t2 | table | gbase | 16 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | public | dual | view | gbase | 0 bytes | | (2 rows) postgres=# CREATE TABLE customer_t3 postgres-# ( postgres(# c_customer_sk integer, postgres(# c_customer_id char(5), postgres(# c_first_name char(6), postgres(# c_last_name char(8) postgres(# ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# INSERT INTO customer_t3 SELECT * FROM customer_t2; INSERT 0 3 postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE customer_t1 AS SELECT * FROM customer_t2; INSERT 0 3 postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Storage | Description --------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+----------------------------------+------------- public | customer_t1 | table | gbase | 16 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | public | customer_t2 | table | gbase | 16 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | public | customer_t3 | table | gbase | 16 kB | {orientation=row,compression=no} | public | dual | view | gbase | 0 bytes | | (4 rows)


  • 使用copy 表名 [(列名[,…])] from {‘文件名’}
postgres=# select count(*) from table1; count ------- 0 (1 row) postgres=# COPY table1 FROM '/home/gbase/backup/ora_alter_table.csv'; COPY 4948 postgres=# postgres=# select count(*) from table1; count ------- 4948 (1 row)



