在 openGauss 中,以下简称 og5 ,提供了一个名为 Dolphin 的插件,并以此来提供 MySQL 的兼容性。
本文将以 openGauss v5.0.0 版本为基础,对照 PostgreSQL v15.2 和 MariaDB 10.7.3 来演示 Dolphin 插件的基础功能。
openGauss提供dolphin Extension(版本为dolphin-1.0.0)。dolphin Extension是openGauss的MySQL兼容性数据库(dbcompatibility=‘B’)扩展,从关键字、数据类型、常量与宏、函数和操作符、表达式、类型转换、DDL/DML/DCL语法、存储过程/自定义函数、系统视图等方面兼容MySQL数据库。
为验证本文中所使用的 SQL 语句,特意准备了一套实验环境,并为了做对照实验,还准备了 PostgreSQL 和 MariaDB 。
分别连接到 DB 后,屏幕信息展示如下。
启用 Dolphin 插件
在 og5 中,新创建一个数据库,安装 Dophin 插件,并将参数开关打开:
-- 新建数据库 dophindb
-- 安装 Dophin 插件
-- 打开 dolphin.b_compatibility_mode 开关
SET dolphin.b_compatibility_mode = on;
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 14:24:43> \dx
List of installed extensions
| Name | Version | Schema | Description |
| dolphin | 1.0 | public | sql engine |
(8 rows)
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 14:30:23> show dolphin.b_compatibility_mode;
| dolphin.b_compatibility_mode |
| on |
(1 row)
这里也出现了第一个兼容说明,可以像在mysql中查看插件一样,在og中使用 show plugins 语法
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 15:24:07> show plugins;
| Name | Status | Type | Library | License | Comment |
| dblink | DISABLED | | NULL | | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database |
| dist_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for distfs access |
| dolphin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | sql engine |
| file_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access |
| hstore | ACTIVE | | NULL | | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs |
| log_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | Foreign Data Wrapper for accessing logging data |
| mot_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for MOT access |
| plpgsql | ACTIVE | | NULL | | PL/pgSQL procedural language |
| postgres_fdw | DISABLED | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers |
| security_plugin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | provides security functionality |
(10 rows)
启用兼容模式后,意味着兼容 MySQL 语法,但并不代表完全兼容,可能是完全兼容、部分兼容,或者不兼容。
在 mysql 中,创建 schema 之后,可以使用 use 切换,而在 pg 中需要 set search_path.
在 og 中,同样可以使用 use,并且功能同 search_path 切换。
- mariadb
MariaDB [(none)]> use sbtest;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
MariaDB [sbtest]> show tables;
| Tables_in_sbtest |
| t1 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
- pg
dophindb=# create table sbtest.t1(id int);
dophindb=# set search_path=sbtest;
dophindb=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
sbtest | t1 | table | postgres
(1 row)
- og
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 14:51:57> use sbtest
dolphindb-> ;
Time: 0.655 ms
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 14:52:00> \d
List of relations
| Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Storage |
| sbtest | t1 | table | shawnyan | {orientation=row,compression=no} |
(1 row)
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 14:52:02> show search_path;
| search_path |
| sbtest |
(1 row)
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 15:18:34> show current_schema;
| current_schema |
| sbtest |
(1 row)
og/pg 不支持 create or replcace,
MariaDB [sbtest]> create or replace table t1 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.005 sec)
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 15:18:54> create or replace table t1 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean);
ERROR: syntax error at or near "table"
LINE 1: create or replace table t1 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean);
但是都支持 create table if not exists,
MariaDB [sbtest]> create table if not exists t2 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.008 sec)
dophindb=# create table if not exists t2 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean);
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 15:18:55> create table if not exists t2 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean);
在 pg 中查询建表语句不是很方便,只能自己写方法或者借助第三方工具,在 MariaDB 中只需 show create table 即可,
来看下 og 的表现:
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 15:26:04> show create table t2;
| Table | Create Table |
| t2 | SET search_path = sbtest; +|
| | CREATE TABLE t2 ( +|
| | id integer, +|
| | c1 bit(1), +|
| | c2 boolean +|
| | ) +|
| | WITH (orientation=row, compression=no); |
(1 row)
更多 DDL 语法可参考文档:DDL语法一览表
在 pg 中,可以通过系统表 pg_stat_activity 查看活跃的进程信息,效果如下:
dophindb=# select * from pg_stat_activity;
datid | datname | pid | leader_pid | usesysid | usename | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port |
backend_start | xact_start | query_start | state_change | wait_e
vent_type | wait_event | state | backend_xid | backend_xmin | query_id | query | backe
| | 11 | | | | | | | | 2023
-07-07 04:50:01.059294+00 | | | | Activi
ty | AutoVacuumMain | | | | | | autovacuum la
| | 12 | | 10 | postgres | | | | | 2023
-07-07 04:50:01.059472+00 | | | | Activi
ty | LogicalLauncherMain | | | | | | logical repli
cation launcher
16390 | dophindb | 159 | | 10 | postgres | psql | | | -1 | 2023
-07-07 05:32:07.47404+00 | 2023-07-07 07:22:57.126396+00 | 2023-07-07 07:22:57.126396+00 | 2023-07-07 07:22:57.126399+00 |
| | active | | 741 | | select * from pg_stat_activity; | client backen
| | 8 | | | | | | | | 2023
-07-07 04:50:01.034653+00 | | | | Activi
ty | BgWriterHibernate | | | | | | background wr
| | 7 | | | | | | | | 2023
-07-07 04:50:01.033115+00 | | | | Activi
而在 mysql 中可以使用 show processlist, 如:
MariaDB [sbtest]> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Progress |
| 4 | root | localhost | sbtest | Query | 0 | starting | show processlist | 0.000 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
那么在 og 中,也兼容了该语法,只是会将内部线程和外部会话都显示出来:
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 16:14:25> show processlist
dolphindb-> ;
| Id | Pid | QueryId | UniqueSqlId | User | Host | db | Comman
d | BackendStart | XactStart | Time | State | Info
| 139817127892736 | 139817127892736 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | TxnSnapCaptur
er | 2023-07-07 02:01:47.418851+00 | [null] | 19113 | idle |
| 139817161455360 | 139817161455360 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | ApplyLauncher
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.42906+00 | [null] | 19113 | idle |
| 139817111111424 | 139817111111424 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | CfsShrinker
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.429884+00 | [null] | 19113 | idle |
| 139817094330112 | 139817094330112 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | PercentileJob
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.438804+00 | [null] | 7 | active |
| 139817077548800 | 139817077548800 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | Asp
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.440282+00 | [null] | 1 | active |
| 139817060767488 | 139817060767488 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | statement flu
sh thread | 2023-07-07 02:01:47.501574+00 | [null] | 19113 | idle |
| 139817211799296 | 139817211799296 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | JobScheduler
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.508451+00 | [null] | 0 | active |
| 139816661403392 | 139816661403392 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | WorkloadMonit
or | 2023-07-07 02:01:47.527399+00 | [null] | 19113 | idle |
| 139816678184704 | 139816678184704 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | workload
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.530114+00 | 2023-07-07 02:01:47.536091+00 | 19113 | active | WLM fetch collect info from data node
s |
| 139816644622080 | 139816644622080 | 0 | 0 | omm | | postgres | WLMArbiter
| 2023-07-07 02:01:47.540853+00 | [null] | 19113 | idle |
| 139816484992768 | 139816484992768 | 0 | 0 | shawnyan | | postgres | HeidiSQL
| 2023-07-07 02:14:30.859179+00 | [null] | 5 | idle |
| 139816407267072 | 139816407267072 | 562949953425604 | 927755207 | shawnyan | | dolphindb | gsql
| 2023-07-07 07:14:15.693419+00 | 2023-07-07 07:20:20.074231+00 | 0 | active | show processlist
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | ;
(12 rows)
这当前这个演示示例中,我们看到了一个命令为 HeidiSQL 的进程,此时我们想杀掉这个会话,
那么在 pg 中需要使用 select pg_terminate_backend(pid);
而在兼容 mysql 的 og 里可以使用 kill <id>
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 16:31:27> kill 139816484992768;
| result |
| t |
(1 row)
再次查询进程信息,发现对应 id 的进程已经消失。
dophin 对个别数据类型,及四则运算都有一定程度的改动,由于篇幅有限,详细内容请参考文档。
这里演示一下 format 函数的使用, pg 中不支持,
MariaDB [sbtest]> select format(1234.567,2);
| format(1234.567,2) |
| 1,234.57 |
1 row in set (0.004 sec)
postgres=# select format(1234.567,2);
ERROR: function format(numeric, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select format(1234.567,2);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
在 og 中的效果如下,与mairadb中的表现一致:
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 16:53:19> select format(1234.567,2);
| format |
| 1,234.57 |
(1 row)
但需要说明的是,og 中默认使用 en_US 格式,还可以指定其他格式,如:
(shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 16:54:38> select format(1234.567,2,'de_DE');
| format |
| 1.234,57 |
(1 row)
关于 Dophin 插件还有很多特性有待探索,比如最基础的数据类型比对,后期有时间可以专门出个长篇与大家分享。
openGauss 作为国产数据库的标杆产品,有着庞大的资源投入与关注度,希望 openGauss 可以持续发力,为国产数据库事业添砖加瓦。