
初窥 openGauss 之索引推荐(Index-advisor)


      TPC-H 是一个面向分析型业务(AP)的基准测试,它由一系列热点查询组成,这些热点查询都是高度复杂的,因此执行时间往往都比较长。
      在本次实验测试中,将手动向数据库加载TPC-H数据,并保存在名为 tpch 的数据库中。默认TPC-H数据库的表缺少索引,数据库的参数并没有做任何优化,因此执行效率会比较差。

OS:             CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810
CPU:           1core
Memory:     4GB


[omm@lab01 ~]$ ls -l ~/tpch-kit-back/ total 1076780 -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp  24196144 Apr 24 15:39 customer.tbl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp      3814 Apr 24 15:39 dss.ddl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp 753862072 Apr 24 15:39 lineitem.tbl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp       287 May 25 10:52 load.sh -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp      2199 Apr 24 15:16 nation.tbl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp 170452161 Apr 24 15:16 orders.tbl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp  10553197 Apr 24 15:11 out0 -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp 118184616 Apr 24 15:10 partsupp.tbl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp  23935125 Apr 24 15:11 part.tbl drwx------ 3 omm dbgrp      4096 Apr 24 15:39 queries -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp       384 Apr 24 15:07 region.tbl -rw------- 1 omm dbgrp   1399184 Apr 24 15:07 supplier.tbl

1. 创建数据库并导入数据

-- 创建数据库tpch [omm@lab01 ~]$ gsql -d postgres -p 26000 -c "create database tpch with encoding='UTF-8';" -- 创建测试表 [omm@lab01 ~]$ gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -f ~/tpch-kit-back/dss.ddl -- 加载测试数据并统计分析 [omm@lab01 ~]$ vi load.sh --------------------------------------- for i in `ls *.tbl`; do  table=${i/.tbl/} echo "Loading $table..." sed 's/|$//' $i > /tmp/$i gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -c "TRUNCATE $table" gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -c "\\copy $table FROM '/home/omm/tpch-kit-back/$i' CSV DELIMITER '|'" gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -c "ANALYZE $table" done --------------------------------------- sh load.sh

2. 执行第一次查询测试(耗时:106s)

[omm@lab01 ~]$ time gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -f /home/omm/tpch-kit-back/queries/queries.sql -o out0 total time: 105949 ms real    1m46.063s user    0m0.707s sys     0m0.026s

3. 索引信息查询(当前没有任何索引)

[omm@lab01 ~]$ gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -r tpch=# \d                         List of relations Schema |   Name   | Type  | Owner |             Storage --------+----------+-------+-------+---------------------------------- public | customer | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | lineitem | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | nation   | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | orders   | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | part     | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | partsupp | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | region   | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} public | supplier | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no} (8 rows) tpch=# \di No relations found. tpch=# select * from pg_indexes where schemaname='public'; schemaname | tablename | indexname | tablespace | indexdef ------------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------- (0 rows)

4. 单条SQL查询索引推荐

-- 未添加索引的查询效率(约4.9s) [omm@lab01 ~]$ time gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -c "select * from lineitem where l_orderkey < 100 and l_suppkey > 50;" real    0m4.916s user    0m0.014s sys     0m0.001s -- 使用索引推荐函数(gs_index_advise)获取优化建议 tpch=# select *from gs_index_advise('select * from lineitem where l_orderkey < 100 and l_suppkey > 50;');  table   |   column ----------+-------------- lineitem | (l_orderkey) -- 创建索引 tpch=# create index idx1 on lineitem(l_orderkey); -- 查看优化结果(约2.3s) [omm@lab01 ~]$ time gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -c "select * from lineitem where l_orderkey < 100 and l_suppkey > 50;" real    0m2.337s user    0m0.009s sys     0m0.007s

5. Workload级别索引推荐(针对一批SQL语句的索引推荐)

-- 获取推荐索引 [omm@lab01 ~]$ cd /gauss/app/bin/dbmind/index_advisor/ [omm@lab01 index_advisor]$ python3 ./index_advisor_workload.py 26000 tpch ~/queries/queries.sql   -- 端口:26000 数据库:tpch ####################################### Generate candidate indexes ####################################### table: lineitem columns: l_returnflag,l_linestatus table: part columns: p_partkey,p_size table: supplier columns: s_suppkey,s_nationkey table: partsupp columns: ps_partkey,ps_suppkey table: nation columns: n_nationkey,n_regionkey table: orders columns: o_orderkey,o_custkey table: customer columns: c_custkey,c_nationkey table: orders columns: o_custkey,o_orderkey table: lineitem columns: l_orderkey,l_suppkey table: customer columns: c_custkey table: part columns: p_partkey,p_type table: supplier columns: s_suppkey table: lineitem columns: l_suppkey,l_partkey,l_orderkey table: part columns: p_partkey table: lineitem columns: l_orderkey,l_partkey,l_suppkey table: orders columns: o_orderkey table: partsupp columns: ps_suppkey table: lineitem columns: l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,l_commitdate,l_orderkey table: lineitem columns: l_partkey ######################################## Determine optimal indexes ######################################## create index ind0 on lineitem(l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,l_commitdate,l_orderkey); create index ind1 on lineitem(l_returnflag,l_linestatus); create index ind2 on lineitem(l_suppkey,l_partkey,l_orderkey); create index ind3 on orders(o_orderkey,o_custkey); create index ind4 on partsupp(ps_partkey,ps_suppkey); create index ind5 on part(p_partkey,p_size); create index ind6 on part(p_partkey,p_type); create index ind7 on customer(c_custkey,c_nationkey); create index ind8 on supplier(s_suppkey,s_nationkey); create index ind9 on nation(n_nationkey,n_regionkey); -- 创建推荐的索引 [omm@lab01 ~]$ gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -r tpch=# create index ind0 on lineitem(l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,l_commitdate,l_orderkey); tpch=# create index ind1 on lineitem(l_returnflag,l_linestatus); tpch=# create index ind2 on lineitem(l_suppkey,l_partkey,l_orderkey); tpch=# create index ind3 on orders(o_orderkey,o_custkey); tpch=# create index ind4 on partsupp(ps_partkey,ps_suppkey); tpch=# create index ind5 on part(p_partkey,p_size); tpch=# create index ind6 on part(p_partkey,p_type); tpch=# create index ind7 on customer(c_custkey,c_nationkey); tpch=# create index ind8 on supplier(s_suppkey,s_nationkey); tpch=# create index ind9 on nation(n_nationkey,n_regionkey); -- 测试查询脚本时间(耗时:77s,SQL查询相比之前快了29s) [omm@lab01 ~]$ time gsql -d tpch -p 26000 -f /home/omm/tpch-kit-back/queries/queries.sql -o out0 total time: 77200 ms real    1m17.233s user    0m0.665s sys     0m0.020s
