The Rarest Element In the Future? Water.
How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona
- Washington Post, July 16, 2023
Only after the state threatened to cancel Fondomonte’s leases last month did the company disclose how much it
pumps annually in the Butler Valley, according to communications released as part of a public-records request.
Its consumption is equivalent to that of a city of more than 50,000 people, experts said.
Great Salt Lake on track to disappear in five years, scientists warn
- Washington Post, January 6, 2023
Over the last three years, the report says, the lake has received less than a third of its normal stream flow
because so much water has been diverted for other purposes. In 2022, its surface sank to a record low, 10
feet below what is considered a minimum healthy level.
Drought worsening in parts of Illinois
- NPR Illinois, June 23, 2023
The latest drought monitor from the National Weather Service shows much of west central Illinois, north
central Illinois and southeast Iowa is in a severe drought. … Under those conditions, major crop and pasture
losses are likely, the danger of fire is extreme, and water shortages and restrictions could be widespread.