Hybrid OLTP and OLAP
Jana Giceva
and Mohammad Sadoghi
Department of Computing, Imperial College
London, London, UK
University of California, Davis, CA, USA
HTAP; Hybrid transactional and analytical pro-
cessing; Operational analytics; Transactional an-
Hybrid transactional and analytical processing
(HTAP) refers to system architectures and tech-
niques that enable modern database management
systems (DBMS) to perform real-time analytics
on data that is ingested and modified in the
transactional database engine. It is a term that was
originally coined by Gartner where Pezzini et al.
(2014) highlight the need of enterprises to close
the gap between analytics and action for better
business agility and trend awareness.
The goal of running transactions and analytics on
the same data has been around for decades, but
has not fully been realized due to technology lim-
itations. Today, businesses can no longer afford
to miss the real-time insights from data that is in
their transactional system as they may lose com-
petitive edge unless business decisions are made
on latest data (Analytics on latest data implies
allowing the query to run on any desired level of
isolations including dirty read, committed read,
snapshot read, repeatable read, or serializable.)
or fresh data (Analytics on fresh data implies
running queries on a recent snapshot of data
that may not necessarily be the latest possible
snapshot when the query execution began or a
consistent snapshot.). As a result, in recent years
in both academia and industry, there has been
an effort to address this problem by designing
techniques that combine the transactional and
analytical capabilities and integrate them in a sin-
gle hybrid transactional and analytical processing
(HTAP) system.
Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems
are optimized for write-intensive workloads.
OLTP systems employ data structures that are
designed for high volume of point access queries
with a goal to maximize throughput and minimize
latency. Transactional DBMSs typically store
data in a row format, relying on indexes and
efficient mechanisms for concurrency control.
Online analytical processing (OLAP) systems
are optimized for heavy read-only queries that
touch large amounts of data. The data structures
used are optimized for storing and accessing large
volumes of data to be transferred between the
storage layer (disk or memory) and the process-
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Sakr, A. Zomaya (eds.), Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies,