墨天轮特邀专家 - 数据库技术专家
Industrial Strength OLTP Using Main Memory and Many Cores
墨天轮特邀专家 2022-06-29
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Paper Link: http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol13/p3099... Author: Hillel Avni (Huawei Technologies, Gauss Database Labs, European Research Institute)*; Alisher Aliev (Huawei); Oren Amor (Huawei); Aharon Avitzur (Huawei); Ilan Bronshtein (Huawei Technologies, Gauss Database Labs, European Research Institute); Eli Ginot (Huawei); Shay Goikhman (Huawei Technologies, Gauss Database Labs, European Research Institute); Eliezer Levy (Huawei Research Center); Idan Levy (Huawei); Fuyang Lu (Huawei); Liran Mishali (Huawei); Yeqin Mo (Huawei); Nir Pachter (Huawei); Dima Sivov (Huawei); Vinoth Veeraraghavan (Huawei Technologies); Vladi Vexler (Huawei); Lei Wang (Huawei); Peng Wang (Huawei) Abstract: GaussDB, and its open source version named openGauss, are Huawei's relational database management systems (RDBMS), featuring a primary disk-based storage engine. This paper presents a new storage engine for GaussDB that is optimized for main memory and many cores. We started from a research prototype which exploits the power of the hardware but is not useful for customers. This paper describes the details of turning this prototype to an industrial storage engine, including integration with GaussDB. Standard benchmarks show that the new engine provides more than 2.5x performance improvement to GaussDB for full TPC-C on Intel's x86 many-cores servers, as well as on Huawei TaiShan servers powered by ARM64-based Kunpeng CPUs.
