67.2. 内建操作符类
核心PostgreSQL发布包括了 表 67.1中所示的 BRIN操作符类。
minmax操作符类存储范围内被索引列中出现的最小和最大值。 inclusion操作符类存储包括了范围内被索引列中值的一个值。
表 67.1. 内建 BRIN 操作符类
名称 | 被索引数据类型 | 可索引操作符 |
int8_minmax_ops | bigint |
bit_minmax_ops | bit |
varbit_minmax_ops | bit varying |
box_inclusion_ops | box |
bytea_minmax_ops | bytea |
bpchar_minmax_ops | character |
char_minmax_ops | "char" |
date_minmax_ops | date |
float8_minmax_ops | double precision |
inet_minmax_ops | inet |
network_inclusion_ops | inet |
int4_minmax_ops | integer |
interval_minmax_ops | interval |
macaddr_minmax_ops | macaddr |
macaddr8_minmax_ops | macaddr8 |
name_minmax_ops | name |
numeric_minmax_ops | numeric |
pg_lsn_minmax_ops | pg_lsn |
oid_minmax_ops | oid |
range_inclusion_ops | any range type |
float4_minmax_ops | real |
int2_minmax_ops | smallint |
text_minmax_ops | text |
tid_minmax_ops | tid |
timestamp_minmax_ops | timestamp without time zone |
timestamptz_minmax_ops | timestamp with time zone |
time_minmax_ops | time without time zone |
timetz_minmax_ops | time with time zone |
uuid_minmax_ops | uuid |